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Thanks Michele I did get one jump in on my birthday so that was pretty good es
especially since its been raining here I think today is the 15th or 16th day in a row. But hey it can't last forever! :)Hope you got a few in this weekend yourself.
Bleau Ones

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Hey, Cloud9
Good for you. Nothing like celebrating your life in the manner which brings such utter joy, is there? That's what's so spectacular about this sport for me - it's like everytime I get into the sky, it's my birthday, and I'm not even getting a year older! lol.....:)And no, unfortunately, I was unable to make it into the air this weekend. I hope that changes next weekend, though.
"What of the dreams that never die? Turn to your left at the end of the sky".
~e e cummings~

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For starters kid, listen to the opposite sex who are also mothers.

Well I'm a mom and I feel you are being unfair to Viking. From the e-mails I've shared with him and the posts I've seen him write I think he's a pretty darn nice kid. He seems VERY family oriented to me. Way more than most kids I know. IMO he goes above and beyond what most kids would do in taking care of his grandfather and he seems to do it because he truly cares not because he is being made to.

The individual you currently refer to as"BITCH" is obviously attempting to enstow responsiblities and character in that young and experience mind of yours.

Ok. So it didn't come across good that he used this term but I agree with Zennie that he was just venting. I know I thought of my mother that way many times and I'm sure the thought crosses my kids' minds sometimes and I have thought a few things about my kids sometimes! It's only human nature. I know he had been waiting to jump again and had this day picked out and was waiting for it to arrive only to have his plans dashed. I bet Viking was letting out his frustration here so that he WOULD do as his mom asked with a smile :)

The owner of this site goes to great extents and efforts to supply us skydivers (yes kid this is a skydiving oriented site not a Pubic Wish I May Wish I Might site) with contacts and advice to improve the sport we love...what you were thinking to waste space condemming your mother and highlighting what a child you are only enforces one thing in my mind.

Ummmmmm I was under the impression that this particular forum (skydiving talk back) was for people to talk about ANYTHING they wanted. In the owners own words, "A general hang out for skydivers and whuffos. Whether skydiving related or not - this is the place to make idle chit-chat! Let's hang out!"

When I come to Perris in December to jump and share the hard earned spare time of the people who also contribute or enjoy this site you wont be one of them.

Then I think that would be your loss but you are certainly entitled to it.
Hope you got your driveway done, Viking, and that you also got a jump in! :)Skies,
D :P

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I got the impression Viking was just venting as well... from other posts of his it seems he does a lot for his family and probably does more than most other people his age.
I've never called my mum a bitch (she just drives me crazy most of the time!) but I know my brother (who is an adult living at home with her) does sometimes, so maybe it's a son-mother frustration thing.
I think there's always a reason, or several, behind what someone says or does. Some of the replies in this thread show that there's always something behind a person's response (Viking obviously putting time & effort into his family, and losing people he loves, and feeling frustrated at not getting some time & space for himself; Cloud9's experiences growing up, probably thinking Viking should be more grateful for what he does have).
But it's good to realise this, to realise that you never know what has happened in someone's life, or what they may be going through. Make less assumptions, create more awareness!! Find the happiness in each moment!!
that's enough now....

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Donna thank you for saving me the trouble :)now for the kinda funny part after coming home from the dz we didn't do shit didn't work on the drive or anything else i passed out on my bed and my brother was playing GT3 on playstation 2 :P
I swear you must have footprints on the back of your helmet - chicagoskydiver

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Donna has it so right here....another thing that kind of irked me about clouds response was her blanket statement about this supposed "me" generation as she made a direct reference to her children. It is your fault if you raised your kids in such a way that they are a "me" driven sort. I am just a bit older than your oldest and am not a "me" person. My parents I guess just knew how to raise me right and make me into a giving person as only an idiot would do the job I do for the pitiful money that I make.
Because I fly, I envy no man on earth

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Viking, you are nothing but a 'me' generation wannabe!
Let me tell you, kiddo, when we were your age, we went out and smoked pot, crashed our parents' car, and called them things way worse than BITCH (on the inside). Why I can't think of one of my friends who would have gone through the hassle you are with you grandfather. Too busy screwing off and getting high.
So, while you may think your generation knows how to slack, forget it. We invented it, and it hasn't been the same since. Sheeat, by the time you have kids, they'll probably rebel by doing volunteer work n shit.

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Vicking if you do get around to doing that drive way. Do not use quikcrete. It is too weak to hold up for a driveway, and will fail in only a couple of years especially in an area that has an extreme freeze thaw cycle. convince your mother to go with a 6 bag mix of concrete. It will be well worth it in the long run.

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