
Plans for the looong weekend?

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Hey all...sitting at my desk....just watching the time tick away...and am getting excited about this weekend. So, I thought I would start a thread so that everyone could post their *plans* for the weekend...then we could come back and say what *actually* happened on Tuesday. Sound fun? Okay, I'll start...
Friday night - get off work...volunteer at the Matchbox 20/Train concert here in Atlanta trying to fight for a cleaner environment...after that ends, drive to the DZ with all my gear and trunk full of beer hoping to hook up with Cyber and finish them all!!!!!!
Saturday - having slept in the hangar (or wherever I end up) get up and pack all day (gotta earn some $$ somehow). Enjoy the frosty ones at BEER-thirty!!
Sunday - wake up whereever I am...pack for half of the day...then flag packing other people's s%&t for the day and go jump!!!! Do as much RW as possible (needs lots of work) and drink more when the BEER LIGHT goes on!!!!!
Monday - jump (if he is open) all day...otherwise...hang out with whomever is there....and probably end up drinking the day away!!!! Go home...dread Tuesday morning!
Kahurangi e Mahearangi,
Pyke :P
NZPF A - 2584
USPA C- ?????

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well considering the only 2 things that have been consistent in the last two months with me are :
1) I'm going to the dz to pack / jump as much as possible
2)Drink until there is no more beer, I pass out (not likely around the dz crowd, nor recommended), or everyone crashes /goes home.
I think there is a pretty good chance that this will happen

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I pass out (not likely around the dz crowd, nor recommended)

I would love to get some photographic proof of you having a wet knuckle!!!! That would be BLACKMAIL material for YEARS!!!!!LOL!!!!:D
Kahurangi e Mahearangi,
Pyke :P
NZPF A - 2584
USPA C- ?????

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Let's see...Friday morning...hop in the car and drive to Dallas...get to the dz and bribe/beg a rigger to put my rig back together and repack my reserve. If there is daylight left at this point (which I doubt) JUMP! (if its not raining!)
Friday night - drink, of course. Sleep on DZ in tent...send mom to motel, get her out of my hair.
Saturday - pray for sun. JUMP! Try to talk mom into tandem. Saturday night - beer, of course! Mom to motel.
Sunday - pray for sun. JUMP! Sunset: Watch 32-35 ways from ground. Sunday night, Hawaiian Luau wearing grass skirt and bikini top! BIG party, get wasted, smoke out on the roof of the hangar, sleep at DZ in tent with whoever else can't make it back to town...of course send mom to motel. She better make a tandem, sometime this weekend, dammit!
Monday - should be sunny by now...mom's probably not going to make a tandem...I JUMP! JUMP! She begs to go home, so we drive home. I'm cruising on a 3-day hangover, my whole body is sore, and its back to school on Tuesday!
Essentially: ITS BOOGIE TIME!!! woohoo!! Pray for sun!!
I lust for the ultimate rush...

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Trying to decide between the 6 hr drive to Raeford or the 1 and a half to Skydive, Atlanta. Weather was too crappy for the 172 to go to Richmond! The weekend will surely include many crazy Free Fly jumps. Enough beer to kill a herd of Brahma bulls. Hangovers so bad it makes me Free Fly like shit. Hopefully sunburn and naked chics! Ahh...the perfect weekend!
"The cab driver said... he recognized my girly by the back of her head" -Beasty Boys

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volunteer at the Matchbox 20/Train concert here in Atlanta

Oh, man Pyke, I know you are going so you can promote for a cleaner environment, but what a great concert that is going to be! Both of those bands rock! I'm SO envious!
The brave may not live forever, but the timid may not live at all.

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If it's not raining in Houston.
Friday - Get off work around 3pm haul butt home change clothes pack the truck with the tent and BEER and head for the DZ. Hopefully get one jump in before they shut it down. Drink till I fall over.
Sat - Wake up help cook breakfast, eat and start doing my AFP jumps until I can't do anymore. DAMMIT I AM GRADUATING THIS WEEKEND!! Drink beer till I fall over again. Watch the night jump too.
Sun - Wake up think about breakfast probably hurl once or twice. Get dressed and help set up the pond for the swoop contest. Try to make jumps to graduate. Drink not so much today..
Mon - Probably sit around and lick my wounds and wish I would've graduated from the AFP Course and drive home in the afternoon.
This is all dependant on the weather.. Wish me luck guys & gals!!!
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Yeah Mama...should be fun. I got into it because my sister works at an environmental engineering firm and she got asked by someone she knows. She didn't want to do it, but passed it off to me. The last concert was Trey Anastasio (lead singer of Phish). It was alright...not my cup of tea, but still a good crowd and *some* good tunes.
We always need more volunteers, so if you're keen...let me know. Don't know what is next on the play bill, but we do the biggest venue in town...so it can't be all bad!
Kahurangi e Mahearangi,
Pyke :P
NZPF A - 2584
USPA C- ?????

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As most of us do, I am sitting here waiting for the long weekend. This one is special, one of the few weekends that I actually get a 2 day weekend(I have got to find a new job). Anyway, my elation has turned to dread, as the weather channel has repeatedly told me that my weekend is sure to suck. So after going over the many contingency plans that are locked away in the in case of rain break glass case. I have decided that whether or not a plane leaves the ground, I probably will drink enough this weekend to feel like I am flying. It's too bad that when the long weekends roll around you have to look at the sky through a window because the damn rain won't quit. For those of you out there who do get the chance to jump, please take a moment right before you leave the airplane, and think of the less fortunate jumpers out there who are grounded this weekend. I will raise a toast and thank you for it, good luck everyone, blue skies!!!!!

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Weather is supposed to be perfect here (and Richmond) high 70s, no humidity Sat Sun and Mon. So my plans?
jump, beer, sex, jump, sex, beer, sex, jump, beer... ad nauseam
Then, I saw these two guys swoopin across the pond, and I was like 'weeeeeee!!!!'

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I like this ideaB|
Friday- Leave work early and drive down to Skydive Chicago to do some freefly coach jumps. After finally learning how not to spin like a top in a sitfly DRINK.
Saturday- Sleep off the hangover and then take my girlfriend out to lunch because after that I'm going to a batchlor party!!!woooohooooo:D:D:D After enjoying a night of a lot of alcohol, boobies err... I mean strippers, and laughs; pass out somewhere.
Sunday-Sleep a lot and JUMP some more. Then drink some beer and have a good time. Maybe go bowling.
Monday-Grill out and chill in and watch a movie or something. I dont know.
I'll let everyone know on Tuesday!!
" Thanks, you're special " - My brother talking to the Wendy's employee

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I am going to sit here on my ass, staring out the window at the fairly gloomy weather for another 20 minutes, then haul ass to the GB rigger loft (and skymonkey bar). I have to completely reassemble my rig after washing the residue from the Pond Swoop Nationals off my Odyssey and reserve freebag. That being done, I am going to pound a few Rolling Rocks and go home. The next few days are sketchy, but here is my best guess:
Friday, most of the day: finish fixing my damn RV! My friend Scott Sheck and I have been working on it the past two days after dark, but are not nearly done. I should have it all sorted out by lunch. Next I will take the RV home (it is at a buddy's shop), and get to work cleaning it up after the Quincy Hell Ride 2001. That being done, my wife and I might get out to the DZ to hook up to 30-amp juice and start partying. This is PK weekend at Raeford, so there ought to be a big crowd. Several out of town ex-Raefordites will be showing up, so it ought to be a good reunion. (Clay: L.B. will be here. Scott is already here).
Saturday: Weather permitting, my wife and I are heading to either Kings Dominion or Carowinds for the day. I promised her an amusement park day earlier in the summer, but have never found the time. If the weather prognosis is bad, we might just stay in town and hang at Raeford all weekend. That, or pile in the car and drive up to New York for a party, and hit the swoop meet in Newton, NJ. I had planned on competing for sure in that event, but have zero practice on my Competition Cobalt 65, so it is unadvisable. My 75 is being modified in Monroe,GA by Joe Bennett and ought to be back by now, but no word yet. Either way, I will be drinking like a viking at night.
Sunday and Monday: Weather permitting, I am going to be skydiving my ass off at Raeford. Drinking like a viking and staying up for several days is not out of the question.

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One inconsistency I would like to bring a HALT to this weekend is the lack of nakedness by the female members of our dropzone (certain ones in particualr-the rest should keep thier clothes on)
Any woman that feel the urge to get naked this weekend should hunt me down (I shouldnt be far)

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Did I mention anything about nudity, Cyber?? I heard the "official" word from Bill - what Lisa says goes!! If you can convince her...you can go. (like trying to convince the pope to have sex - wait...at his age...bad analogy - nevermind!)
Re: other's nudity...I should be within earshot of Cyber most of the weekend...make sure you shout for me too! I like boobies!!;)
Kahurangi e Mahearangi,
Pyke :P
NZPF A - 2584
USPA C- ?????

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Say it with me folks.....WTF!!!!

I knew I should have worn my flame proof underpants. I dont care though bowling is awesome!! I go every week and KICK SOME A$$!!! If you think about it bowling is a lot like skydiving...;)
( pulling a fresh pair of flame proof underpants out of my dresser )
" Thanks, you're special " - My brother talking to the Wendy's employee

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Relax dude...I bowled all through H.S.
Ended up playing a Master's league for a little while. I loved it...but it isn't me anymore. Doesn't mean I don't like to knock 'em down every once in a while. Still got my ball too! One of the first Rhino balls...fingertipped and everything. Curves into the pocket beautifully!!
Was just kidding wit cha dude!:D
Kahurangi e Mahearangi,
Pyke :P
NZPF A - 2584
USPA C- ?????

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Chris, did you get your necklace yet? I mailed it last week!

:DYeah!! I got it on Tuesday. It's awesome!! Those blue swirley beads look cool as hell. You did an awesome job, thank you:D
thanks again,
" Thanks, you're special " - My brother talking to the Wendy's employee

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Lets see.....
Friday night get to the DZ in time to make the Sunset load. Pack the Cobalt 150 demo that is coming tommorrow :)Saturday morning, Wake up at around 7:30, shower then procede to whine that no one else is up yet. Inflate both rafts for the weekend's raft races :)Sunday- repeat Saturday! :)Monday- do some sweet freefly and work more on the head down skills. Around 3:00 or so.... do a high speed deployment on the Cobalt..... Dan I hope this works!!!! If that turns out cool then I'll probally do a tracking dive or two and call it a boogie! :)Do I HAVE to do another raft dive??? :)

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Relax dude

Probably Nobody's heard this much out of me ever, but I'm totally relaxed. Just in a real good mood. Plus I'm kinda sick of just reading all of the time so I'm doing some posting.:D Looks like I caught you by suprise.muahahaha
" Thanks, you're special " - My brother talking to the Wendy's employee

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Friday night - pick daughter up at airport :), drive rv to Hollister, drink beer
Saturday - jump in the beautiful California weather all day, drink beer
Sunday - repeat Saturday with more gusto
Monday - drive rv back to Redwood City, relax for a couple of hours, take daughter to airport :(, return home, drink beer
Tuesday - go to work, come home, drink beer

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