
It's good to be a cat

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Give us kitties some respect!!! Here is all we ask -
CLEANLINESS: For some reasons, humans seem to enjoy immersing themselves in running water. Attempts to get humans to lick themselves clean have proven interesting, if unproductive.

COMMUNICATION: Humans are unable to speak a proper language. Therefore, you should communicate a point loudly, repeatedly, and if at all possible, at about three in the morning. Any attempts at human-to-cat communication can be dealt with by simply ignoring it until it stops.
FEEDING: Morning feeding should start promptly when your human is fast asleep, preferably three or four minutes before the alarm is supposed to go off. Recommended methods of waking your human include: sitting on its face, screaming in its ear, and biting its hair.
MATING: Human mating behavior is fascinating. Unfortunately, humans tend to get easily spooked by prolonged study of courtship rituals, and resort to shoe-throwing behavior.
TOILET TRAINING: A human's natural tendency is to not change your litter box. Although experts in human behavior believe it can be attributed to the "laziness reflex," this can be easily corrected through what is called "shoe therapy." Just remember that a human shoe looks a lot like a human toilet, and you should be fine.
You got it?
Please take this to heart. I REQUIRE a regular belly rubbing. Is that too much to ask? And good god, when I am sleeping, why the hell do you think you have to pick me up and talk about how cute I am? I’m trying to fucking sleep here you idiot! Why can’t you dumbass humans just leave me alone?????
"Well I may be crazy, but YOU'RE boring!"

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My cat, Esse, has asked me to add her contribution:
When the human is sitting on the toilet, you must - must - attack it's foot. It is trapped for a moment, and you can maim them without retaliation. This is especially good if you are mad at them for something, since they generally have nothing to throw at you near at hand.
My cat Bitch Kitty asked me to contribute the following, as well (she can't stand to be left out):
In addition to the waking methods described above, unsheath your claws and walk on their back. Poke them with your claws, to make sure they cannot roll over and go back to sleep. Jump up and down on their back if they are insistent in returning to sleep. And then, when they blink, stick your cold nose in their eye. This will guarantee that they will stay awake.
Ciels from Michele's cats Bitch and Esse
"What of the dreams that never die? Turn to your left at the end of the sky".
~e e cummings~

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My cat Kismet just attempted to distract me from reading this vital information by jumping on the keyboard.
She did, however, wish to add that all cats know staring at a door long enough will make it open.
My other cat Orbit is currently trying the "If I stare at her with my eyes all big and my paws together just-so in front she will get me dinner" trick.
and it's worked....

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okay, just a quick question for all you pet owners, cats and dog alike......
why name your pet a wierd name??? i mean would ya name your kid buttons or spot? i know if i was a cat i wouldn't want to be caled fluffy or paws, i would want a name fitting me like bob or tom or dave , if i was a female cat something like mary, carrie, or jenny. and wouldn't you hate it if cats called you by saying "here human, human , human" so call em by thier name not "here kitty, kitty, kitty".....
p.s. i have no pets..... the gov. won't let me keep them in my dorm!

"if dreams are like movies, then memories are like films about ghosts"-counting crows

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sure seems like ya have an awfull lot of names there, what happens to em all. do they die off or do you still have most of em? my family has had out dog and two cats for the last 15 years................ was it me or did i see the name fluffy in there??? most were cool though!!!!! :-) :S

"if dreams are like movies, then memories are like films about ghosts"-counting crows

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Hey, Wingnut...

why name your pet a wierd name???

Bitch Kitty is not a weird name. She is a bitch, and she is a kitty. So, Bitch Kitty it is. She named herself.
Esse is the quintesential cat. Which is her full name, by the way (quintessence= the fifth (quint) essence, or element: fire, water, air, earth, and *spirit* or essence). She named herself, as well.
O.K., so they're odd. So'm I.
"What of the dreams that never die? Turn to your left at the end of the sky".
~e e cummings~

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(quintessence= the fifth (quint) essence, or element: fire, water, air, earth, and *spirit* or essence).

uuhhh, okay........... to much information to absorb at once..... still wierd, even though it does mean something........:)
"if dreams are like movies, then memories are like films about ghosts"-counting crows

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what about dogs? my dogs are weinie dogs and i named one of them "Oscar" (get it?) and the other one "Britches"
i named my mom's 2 dogs as well. she has a yorkie i named "Windsor" and a pug i named "Ming." when i was 13, i named our schnauzer "Sebastian" after the brand of hair products by the same name. (hey - i couldn't think of anything and the hairspray bottle was right there!)
they don't seem to mind their goofy names...
I lust for the ultimate rush...

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OMG, animal lovers unite!
Monster and Target are outside.
Monster - he was big as a kitten
Target- he has a circle on his side
They are my cats.
Levins Cats:
Oscar: Levin once had a GF, she named HER.
along with Oscar there are 5 baby cats. She got out ONCE.
in order, (first time I have seen or had kittens)
Levin named these,
Then there is
Multi Cat. cat is multi colored
As for the kittens: (his names, again)
White Cat
Orange Cat
Ugly Cat ............ ..... . .. . . . ..I am totallay against this name
Gray Cat and
Black Cat
I call Levins cats:
Oscar- Oscar, she looks like an Oscar
Multi Cat: Trail Mix, friend of mine said that and it stuck
Wht Cat- Cracker
Orange cat- Cinanmon Girl
Ugly Cat- Turtle Cat- she is tortorius shell colored
Gray Cat- Grayson
Black Cat- Smoke

My Great Dane! Weighs more than Levin & I
Skeeter: Dont ask, I tried to change it but ....
and Flea Flyer: my tiny toy terrier, who skydives almost, Level 4
the Great Dane, Skeet- he is SO gentle with the kittens.
Flea- Jumping all over the place, hyperactive wont stay still so excited to see someone besides Mine or Skeets ankles.
So, he acidently scares them off. But when he is calm they walk under his legs and it scratches their backs.
So anyone wanting an adorable kitten??
I may keep the Smoke, and Grayson, maybe Turtle too.
I am afraid no one will love him becuz of his his bizzare colors.
Is there any possible way I could write a SHORT message?

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Hey, Ann!
Esse is a "tortoise shell" too, except her coloring is so unique that her tan markings are actually a lite pink/coral/orange, rather than just tan (no, I did not dye her markings). She is brown grey, as well. Bitch Kitty is all black, and knows she's Queen kitty.....
And no, I can't leave short messages either!
"What of the dreams that never die? Turn to your left at the end of the sky".
~e e cummings~

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Ah animals :) Better friends then people most times!
Let's see...one of my dog's names was Einstein (which he definately WASN'T). He was a Saint Bernard who was stolen from me when he was a year old. I still keep a picture of him up :(
Right now we have Teddy (I know, cheesy...Teddy Bear is his name, but I got him 'on sale' from the humane society when I got divorced and he was my main snuggle friend when I needed it :) As for the on sale bit...well, he was on his last call unfortunately, and he actually wasn't the dog I went to go look at - saw an ad - but we just bonded immediately. It was strange...I still say HE picked ME!) Merrick calls him 'licker-bear' because he licks people constantly! I haven't told him I 'taught' him that when I was single ;) LOL! Just kidding!! Really!!
Judge...that's Merrick's 'pup' we also got from a Humane Society about a year ago. He is mostly Rottweiler, but has a good amount of Dane in him too is our best guess. He looks like a Rott with bigger ears and LONG, LONG legs. Pretty goofy, but an incredible sweety pie. He likes to get in between anyone 'arguing', even when it's just horsing around :)
Thomas. Again, original. That's my old tom cat I've had for about 10 years. I actually was going to let my ex keep him when we divorced as I didn't think the cat particularly liked me, but he snuck on the moving truck and stayed there for a day and a half before we found him! I think he was wanting away as badly as me :)
AND NOW! INTRODUCING! The newest member of our family! As of today, I am the proud owner of a 4-year old Himalayan (what a funny name...Him-a-lay-'en ... hehe) fluff-ball named Ceasar! I think he is going to live up to his name. LOL! He's very 'regal' acting. I've always wanted a Himalayan (spelling??) but just couldn't bring myself to pay that much for a cat. His mom needed to find him a good home though, cuz apparently her hubby's allergies are getting much worse and, though she cried too much the first time and couldn't go thru with it, she called me back and asked me to take him. I am doing my best to make him comfortable in his new home, but he's a sweety and I'm sure we'll all do nicely.
Anyway...I'm a huge animal lover. Had to brag about my other 'children' :) Thanks for indulging me :)
(Oh, and it seems no matter where I go, the neighbors always end up knowing I will take in anything! I have had a couple cats and dogs since moving here that I found homes for, and just last week a neighbor boy tried to bring me another dog! I told him if Merrick came home to find yet another pet in the house, I'm sure he'd kill me. hehe After the chihuahua fiasco last month, I think I better give him a 'stray' break :) lol! Guess I'm still living up to my nick of St. Francis that I got as a kid because I saved everything, including bugs :) I'm not Catholic so I guess that's a good thing and not just a long-standing joke I never got (not a first I'm sure!)
Sorry, blabbering.
A new page! Bi-Plane pics!

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My cats' names just popped into my head, like they were telling me telepathically (mmm..).. Kismet is a Siamese and we have great conversations, her name is Turkish (from Persian) for destiny. Orbit is a Burmese who also talks, and he is so-named because he's a tripping space-cadet like me. I had a fluffy gentle Persian called Psycho (because he wasn't) and a black Oriental called Junky (reading William Burroughs at the time).
My brother has a new puppy (Staffordshire Terrier) who he's called Buffy The Cat Slayer.
I think it's funnier when pets have human names. There was an episode of the English tv show The Goodies that featured lots of different animals all called Kenneth (I think).

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I have to buy into this one:
Cats I have had -Benny, Jack (my maiden name was Thompson for anyone who knows australian actors), Shae, Crystal, Snowflake, Trixie.
Dogs - Spot (X2), Terror, Chloe, Fred
Jack was my favourite - jet black Burmese cross, rode on the parcel shelf of my HR holden (I hope an Australian reads this), was with me through my worst times and some of the best (14 years) and my brother was terrified of him. I miss Jack.
Spot 1 was my first dog as a child, always there for me when my world was disintegrating, the most faithful animal ever born. I miss him too.
You can always trust an animal (and I wouldn't betray their trust by jumping with one)
Go for it ALL,

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My pets both got their names from their coloring. Our calico cat, Callie, isn't doing very well and we might have to euthanize her soon. She's lost a lot of weight lately even though we switched to food that she seems to do better with; she's 15 years old so it might just be her age catching up to her. She's very regal; most of the time her demeanor is "You human are allowed to live in my home and play in my yard, but if you are not on your best behavior I shall revoke your privileges."
I also have a mutt who's about the color of a corndog, and since our last name is Korn, my sisters picked.... Korndog. The funniest thing about the name is that the our neighbor's children loved playing with Korndog so much that they got their parents to get them a pet. Mr. and Mrs. Bruck would only let them get a bird, but their kids named it "Kornbird." Whoops. :)I've got some good pictures of them; I'll post them when I get home tonight.
Blues, squares,

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Cats are fundamental. Dogs can be if they are trainable.
Our cats:
Kitty: a neutered male, black, domestic short hair. He is very loyal to me and sleeps at the foot of our bed most of the day and all night. He meows incessantly when I am out of town. Fairly large. Swaps alpha dominance back and forth with:
Mowgli: A gray-mix domestic shorthaired female. All of our pets are fixed. Six toes and big eyes, just like you find at Ernest Hemingway house in Key West. Shares dominance with Kitty. Likes to attack:
Thelma and Louise: Fraternal sisters from the same litter, but completely different. Thelma is a big, fat, black cat. She likes to run around and climb the scratching post and trees. Louise is a slender brown-mix that is quite bashfull. She will rub on you, but is very hesitant to let you rub on her. Definitely likes her own space and normally only comes inside when she is hungry. Normally under attack by Mowgli and Kitty. She will not use the pet door because she is afraid of our dog:
Billy Bob: a black and white Lopsided-Cock, which is to say a Lhaps-Apsa (spelling?) and Cocker Spaniel mix. He looks like a straight haired cocker with an un-docked tail; a very good looking pooch. I used to also have his brother, Jack Ass. Jack Ass and Billy Bob were both names I gave them. It seemed perfectly reasonable to me. Jack Ass was an angry little dog and he did not mix well with others, so he was relocated to another neighborhood. Billy Bob is very well mannered and has never, ever tried to hump anyones leg. His only problem, period, is that he refuses to be completely house broken. This idiot is three years old now and if you give him full run of the house, he is certain to pee on something if you let him out of your sight. We gave him every opportunity to comply, but then my wife couldn't take him ruining our persian rugs and hardwood floors anymore. No amount of corrective training ever worked, so now he is relegated to the laundry room (heated, airconditioned, carpeted) and back yard. We have a pet door there that is just big enough for him to fit through (we weighs about 35 pounds) and is easy for the cats to get through. He would love for the cats to pay him more attention, but they rarely do nowadays unless they need their ears or asshole cleaned. Yummy! LOL! He gets walked every day and we have a huge fenced yard, but he could use some more attention.

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I have a 22lb Tabby cat named "Lucky" aka "Fat Cat" aka "Stupid" he thinks he owns my condo and let's me stay there once in awhile. If I feed him that is. He is very active when the can open makes noise. Also he talks alot, I mean alot! Like never shuts up unless eating or sleeping. He also will rub on anyone or anything. Hence the name "Stupid" he bangs his head into everything trying to get attention. He also likes to lick plastic bags, his favorite toy is the lil tab you pull off the plastic milk cartons, throw one down and he is in kitty heaven for awhile unless you active the can opener. Needless to say I couldn't handle living alone if it wasn't for my best friend Lucky. I saved him from being put down by one day at the SPCA. Got him when he was full grown 5 years ago. I've owned a couple other cats and a few dogs. Lucky is by far the bestest friend I've had. Hurray For Cats!!!
Blue Skies!http://www.geocities.com/scollins77057/index.html

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