
Two questions. They seem simple. I think

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Hey everybody.
First.. What is this RW I always here everybody saying? What does it stand for?
Also... Just like a day or two ago the forum had more than the ten threads you can only usually see on the first page... I think 25 or something. I liked that a lot better! Anyway that will come back? Or is that in my settings somehow?

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that is in your settings...the # of threads thing...
and RW is relative work...or formation flying....VRW would be freefly formation stuff.....
then there is the other RW which is Relative work, meaning your family, friends...yada yada yada.....
Because I fly, I envy no man on earth

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RW is when you exit the plane with more than one skydiver, you try to make a formation but someone goes low and the whole thing funnels (aka self-destructs), and it turns into to one big clusterfuck with bodies and limbs flying everywhere. Eventually you just give up and track away to do some loops or a sitfly. ;)
At least that's how my RW jumps go! :$
-can't you trip like I do-

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