
Chernis Collapsible Pilot Chutes

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Has anyone used Chernis Collapsible Pilot Chutes?


I have trusted him with a lot more than that!

He bought the rights to make the Northern Lite container (a one man shop), which eventually became what is now owned by Kelly Farrington as VSE - the Infinity.

No need to hesitate at all.
People are sick and tired of being told that ordinary and decent people are fed up in this country with being sick and tired. I’m certainly not, and I’m sick and tired of being told that I am

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All 3 of my personal rigs and my brother's 2 rigs all have Chernis Pilot Chutes on them, some pull out (I modded myself, but maybe Larry will make you one if you want it) and some throw out. That's 2 Infinity's, 2 Javelins, and 1 Mirage, ranging from 70 sq ft to 150 sq ft.
...it's not the fact that you don't appreciate what you have until it's gone...it's the fact that you don't appreciate what you have until someone appreciates it for you!

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This just in; the Norwegian civil parachuting authority has grounded all Chernis PCs in Norway for inspection. We've had three incidents during the deployment where the tape coming of the confluence wrap at the point where the PC attaches to the bridle. Two of the incidents led to the PC being separated from the bridle, and barely hanging on by the kill line.

For the affected PCs we've seen that only 3-9 mm of the tape was wrapped around and sewn within the CW.

Chernis has been contacted on this, but no conclusion has been made yet.

The service order is available in Norwegian here:

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When Jim Cazer decided to retire from making pilot chutes he provided me with all the info to build high quality collapsible pilot chutes. With my experience in container manufacturing is was a good fit! Now that Jim has closed his shop I would invite anyone to contact me and take a look at what I make.
Larry Chernis

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Before Larry's main p.c.
I tried two different main pilot chutes
from various serious manufacturers;
and one coming with the rig, I bought in 2014...

I reduced the p.c. size
as suggested by Larry and also the manufacturer of my main
and I had suddenly, the best openings since
many years....
I do not know why !
I can't explained why !
Size of a main p.c. may play an important role
concerning the opening of a main !?!?!?
At the moment, I am extremely happy with my Chernis Collapsible Pilot chutes...

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Smaller PC = less snatch force = less perceived 'first shock' = also less disturbed pack job when it leaves the bag.

Thanks, that makes sense !
I also had the opportunity changing the main bridle width and length on the same canopy and I had some interesting openings, however, some were not so nice, even with line twists !!!

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Since the size of PC issue was brought up, I'll point out the other side of that coin...

Years ago, Jim Cazer PC's were sold locally, but did not indicate their size (or appropriate main canopy size). Not knowing that there was a difference (and being new to ZP PC's), I got what was on the shelf.

PC hesitation lead to a two out at an airshow. (long story but not an AAD scare)

Talked to Jim and he sent me a larger one the next day and ensured that all future PC's indicated the size main they were intended for... I think the break point was around 170ft^2.

Never had a problem after that.

roadwizard looks to be down in the 120 range, so no problem there and a good idea. But to the other (larger/newer) readers, make sure you look at the whole issue, not just the solution that helped one person as a fits-all solution.

Always remember that some clouds are harder than others...

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