
Sigh...I'm outa here.

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OK so I've been near on a year away from jumping (arthritic feet and back...long story) and here. I stayed away from here because, at the time, I couldn't jump and it made me miserable to read about others' fun. Even stayed away from DZs as well. Total bummer. Anyway I now reckon that my back and feet are about OK for jumping again so I thought I'd come back here and check it out. BUMMER. This forum seems to me to have degenerated into childish swearing and flaming. Quite frankly I can't be bothered.
Mark F...

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Glad to hear your feet and back are better. Hope you'll be back in the sky soon...

It's gonna take a while to get back up, if ever....:-) However since jumping has given me a lot over the last 2 years or so I reckon It's only fair that I give a bit back. So, given a bit of education and time I can at least get a packers or riggers rating (In Australia we have the Packer B license (pack and inspect only. Not reserves. Packer A is around the same as an FAA riggers rating). At least I'll not feel like a complete imposter at a DZ...:-)
As for getting back into the sky....... Remember I've not yet completed AFF (1 jump (hop 'n pop) short)... Sitting here at least 2 hours drive from the nearest DZ I'm feeling "Door Fever"...:-) Damn...
A word for any arthritus sufferers.... DON'T TOUCH Voltarin. A BASTARD drug if ever there was, it does help with arthritic inflamation and pain but it stuffs you around in other ways so that you have to stop taking it. The old aches and pains then resurface worse than ever. New drug regimes take quite a while with chronic degenerative diseases. Steer well clear of non-steroidal anti-inflammatories(sp?).
If MikeD is still around..... The Rover is now completely in bits and the body is now bare metal. I'll start painting it tomorrow. Should have it finished in, oh, 3 or 4 years if past projects are any indication...:-) It's looking good though. Lovely and straight...:) :) :)
Mark F...

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Hey Mark
I know how you feel about the way the threads were going. I was about to pull the plug myself, but I know there's still a lot of good folks here and couldn't let the few take over. Glad you decided to stick it out.
By the way I suffer from arthritus a spinal type with a large name. My doctor calls it varience arthritus it attacks the spine as well as the large joints. Hips, knee's, elbows and now even the hands and feet. I'm taking two drugs Viox and Ultram between the two it keeps things down to a dull roar and allows me to continue jumping, and working. If you haven't give them a try they sure help me. Good luck I know how painfull it can be.

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Hi Mark,
don't be put off, there's lots of great people in here.
Have you tried anything like acupuncture or herbal/homeopathy for your feet?
Hey, you live just down the road from me (if you still live in Essendon....Go the Bombers!)... where did/will you jump?
cheers, Larissa

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Have you tried anything like acupuncture or herbal/homeopathy for your feet?

Not really an option...:-( My problems are caused by a polio affected right leg. It's a wee bit shorter (1cm) than my left leg but the strength difference is huge. The result is that for the last 40 or so years I've been wearing various joints in an "unnatural" manner. Of course it hasn't been helped by me being an ACTIVE bushwalker for the last 25 or so years....

Hey, you live just down the road from me (if you still live in Essendon....Go the Bombers!)... where did/will you jump?

Yep still in Essendon. No way can I afford to move, not from here anyway. Besides that the Bank (which bank ?) still owns most of the place.....
I never did follow the Bombers. I'm a Fitzroy man. Of course the bloody AFL STOLE the roy boys and sent 'em north. I'm STILL a memner of the Fitzroy Social club though...:-) Now I only go to the footy if it looks like being a good game. Couldn't give a rats who's playing....
I was jumping at Barwon Heads but due to..... well for various reasons (and you probably know who I mean..) I think Nagamby will be the place of the future. Most of the people that I respect (jumping wise anyway) have left BH and gone to Nagambie. Pity Colac didn't work out, it had the makings of a great, small, friendly, C-182 DZ. Oh well.... At least I'm talking about getting back in the air. maybe if I threaten, in aerious way, to go jumping again the 5 year drought will break..... One can but hope. (for those that aren't from around here, we've had well below average rainfall for around 6 or so years. Our water storages can stay topped up if we get 70% of average rainfall. This summer it looks like we get water useage restrictions...;-( 5 VERY dry years.
Mark F...

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Hi, I jump at Nagambie, and it's great (I've never been to another dz, but have heard people at Nagamibe talking...) The people there are really nice (in the craziest way, of course!) and welcoming.
And yes, the "merger" of Fitzroy & Brisbane Lions one of the bad moves of AFL (Australian Rules Football League - and it's not like rugby! (for those of you who don't know aussie rules) Much better, non-stop action, potential for constantly changing lead, no helmets!) I do miss the VFL days sometimes.... although not last year when I went to the Grand Final :- >
Nagambie has a nice Caravan... and I think I'm the one who brings the bad weather up from Melbourne.
blue skies and no rain to you... but rain for farmers of course...

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Wow, some almost locals.
I am going to Nagambie this weekend (Sat looks best weather-wise). It will be my first time as a licensed jumper, I did my training at Airsports in Bridgewater which has become my second home. I am itching to finally get to 14,000ft, but I am also a little bit terrified (is that possible??). Maybe we will see each other there.
Go for it ALL,

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Why quit? Sorry im probably one of those users u want to delete. The forum has helped me find out alot more and got me a little closer to what i want to do. Info excellent, different ideas and views giving me the chance to learn from experiences, but for experiences you need people- so don't quit. But dont get too uptight as to scare away people who might just talk about an experience essential to any of us.

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