
Ok This is a tough one

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OK i have a decision to make and I need your help. The Man Show is shooting an episode at one of our fine adult nightclubs Friday and I was lucky enuf to be given passes. I am having a hard time deciding between going to the show or the DZ
If I leave on Fri for the DZ I can get acouple of jumps in on Friday and jump all day Sat.
If I go to the show I will have a great time, however, I wont get in till late, I wont get up early, and I will miss most of Sat at the DZ..
I never thought anything would compare to skydiving but its the F$#@ING MAN SHOW.
Help Me Please
PS Someone please explain to Teresa That It is Called "The MAN Show" not the "P-Whiped Henpecked Husband Show" and wifes are not invited unless they bring knee pads and fetch beer

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GO TO THE MAN SHOW!! Unless a tornado or earthquake comes through your town, the DZ will be there next weekend, where as the Man Show will not. Just my $0.02. Remember, Girls jumping on trampolines. The Juggies. Beer. Comedy. Midgets. The list goes on and on.

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I tend to agree with the rest GO TO THE SHOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Juggys!!!! BEER AND BABES!!!!! Liek everyone has said the DZ Will be there but "The Man Show" is in town maybe once!!!!!
Gota jump baybay!! Blue Skies!

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OH whatever, fuck the man show! Skydiving is WAY more fun...I am surprised that they are just now getting around to going to a tittie bar, anyway. I don't mind the sexism *too much* but each show is like, the SAME. My ex used to watch it every time it came on, and it was the same always. Why don't you just mistreat your wife, fuck her in the ass, drink a beer and go jump?? geezus. Like this is even DEBATABLE!! Skydive or titties?? Go to the DZ, get someone drunk and have them show their titties!! Easy solution to a stupid problem.
Hell I'll do a strip dance for you if that will help. Don't ever not go to the DZ if you can. Weather, karma and god knows what else will bite you in the ass.
Wait! Here's an idea! Take a porno to the DZ. there ya go. Jump, get drunk and watch the pussy that way. Good grief. You men need some serious coaching. :D
I don't want the meaning of life, I want the experience of being alive!

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Sis, you can only have that attitude because you have titties. They are much more fascinating when you dont have your own to play with, look at, touch, feel.......Oh damn.......I'll be in the shower....BRB
"I used to know a girl...She had two pierced nipples and a black tattoo"-Everclear

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It was Skydiving or Juggies. there is a differance

what difference?? skydive or titties versus skydiving or juggies. sounds about the damn same to me!! :)And as far as me having that attitude because I have titties...you think b/c a woman has breasts she isn't fascinated with them? YA RIGHT! You said something about playing with them, sucking them,etc.: well me and Pammi and Merrick had this discussion on the way to Quincy (yeah I know, Merrick said he wished he could record us!) It is DAMN hard to suck your own tit. Trust me, I know. I'd rather just have someone else do it!! ;)
hehe woohoo!!!!!!!!!!! sis playing her usual game! man i missed this forum while i was at quincy!!!!
I don't want the meaning of life, I want the experience of being alive!

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Why are you on the serious train today?

Ahhh, SIGH...because I have PMS...honestly! I am not nearly as bad as some women,though! I just get really horny and for 2 days I get sensitive about stuff I read or watch....I cry during movies and defend newbies and lash out against the Man Show.... Scary, huh? At least I don't break plates or completely wig out, like I have seen some women do!! yikes! If I jump when I am "here" in this "state" I must only do fun jumps, no heavy RW or skills shit....if I fuck up I get bummed.
OK FUCK! I just gave away my sensitive, and typical female side! grrr! lol :)PS - Oh yeah, combine all this with a little bit of mid-day drinking b/c I am SOOOO bored, and there you have it!
need to jump need to jump need to jump!!!
I don't want the meaning of life, I want the experience of being alive!

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Sis, you can only have that attitude because you have titties. They are much more fascinating when you dont have your own to play with, look at, touch, feel.......Oh damn.......I'll be in the shower....BRB
"This is Bob, Bob has Bitch tits"----Fight Club ROFLMAO
And Sis for the record - Juggys are are not only the show trademark but symbolic of all things holy (LMAO just noticed the pun on review of post), not just tits. I also agree with u that tits are more fun on someone else than on onesself, allthough the occasional clothes pin............
Have Fun, Be Safe

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Damn, am I the only guy who will chime in for the DZ?
Forget the stupid tv show. Of course, I've never seen it, but that doesn't matter. What do you think is going to happen there? Maybe you see some boobs. You go home, whack off. Nothing against that last part, but why do that when you can go to the DZ. There you may see boobs, may have a chance to actually hook up instead of taking care of yourself, and most important you CAN SKYDIVE!
Founder, Whuffo Conversion Team

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"There you may see boobs, may have a chance to actually hook up '
Thw wife might have a problem w/ that.
For the record she does not have a problem w/ me going. I'll just meet her at the DZ on Sat.
PS. You should see the show. actually it should be required viewing in high school

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