PhreeZone 20 #1 August 15, 2001 All right.... just got word that some time after Labor day I get to come to Dallas for 6 or 7 days. What DZ's should I plan on stoping at? And do they have midweek jumping? I might be able to talk my boss into flying me in Saturday morning since the plane tickets are cheaper then... Second question.... During the same meeting that it was decided that I needed to go to Dallas, I was asked if I would be willing to move there for a year or two. Since my exposure to Texas was just 6 days earlier this year, I have no idea on how to answer that question. I kinda dig the idea of getting away from the 5 months of sub 50 degree highs that Ohio has. But just how bad does the weather get down there? What all is there to do in the Dallas/Ft. Worth area???Do I HAVE to do another raft dive??? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jumperpaula 0 #2 August 15, 2001 Texas is full of turbine DZ's (two serving Dallas) and year round, DAILY jumping. When you say 'how bad does it get', what... like how Hot?? Like Texas Hot. Don't worry, we have air conditioned packing.Fly Your Slot ! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Snowflake 0 #3 August 15, 2001 HMMMMM having lived in Ohio and Texas (I live in TX now). I would say come on down. I know go 2 places to jump (there could be more) both are about 45 minutes from Dallas depending on where you are. I think Skydive Dallas has midweek jumping (I'm sure Jess can clarify this). There is also skydive Texas (not sure what their schedule is). If you like pro sports then Dallas ain't a horrible place to be (although I was glad to get the fack outta there and move to Austin where the real party is) you got the Mavs, Stars, rangers, and the Cowboys. Deep ellum is fairly decent kinda like the flats in Cleveland except hipper although the yuppies like to go their now for adventure (it was much cooler there in the 80's early 90's). all in all I would rather be in Dallas then in Ohio anyday plus you get to jump most of the winter ( I did my first jump in February and it was like 70-80 degrees)and thats what really counts. Oh yea the big bummer about Dallas is the TRAFFIC!!!!!!!!!!. Don't live to far from where you work unless you wanna spend 3+ hours a day in itJG Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
PhreeZone 20 #4 August 15, 2001 I guess I want to add, IN addition to jumping.... What else is there to do? I can only jump so much before I'll go broke...again My only trip so far to Dallas consisted of working 5 14-16 hour days in a server room with the temp set at a comfortable (after spending 5 months in it) 55 degrees. I only got to see the city from my 18th story hotel window. What all goes on in the city and the surrounding areas?Do I HAVE to do another raft dive??? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Snowflake 0 #5 August 15, 2001 was I not specific enough on the what else there is to do ya got your pro sports. Lower greenville (clubs...near SMU so there are lots of coeds around). Deep Ellum (about the same as L. Greenville but more live Venues). Denton (UNT quite the party school....I went there for almost 8 years, cause I couldn't fit all that partying into 4 years....could I? if you can't get laid on fry street then you'll probably die a virgin). If you need more be specific when you ask about what there is to do in DFWJG Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
freaksister2 0 #6 August 15, 2001 Skydive Dallas is open everyday except Tuesday and Wednesday. Oh yeah, they (SDD) are also open on a lot of holidays.Sis Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Zennie 0 #7 August 15, 2001 I lived in Dallas for 3 years. Lots to do. Lots of good restraurants & nightclubs (I hung out in Deep Ellum at Club Clearview a lot -- dunno what it's like now).Weather-wise it's not to bad. Not humid like Houston in the summer, but cooler in the winters, though much more tolerable than up north (lowest it got was usually mid-30s and the next day it'd be in the 60s). Definitely year-round skydiving weather.It's about 3 hours from Austin, 4 hours from Houston, 4 hours from San Antonio. Which by Texas standards is fairly close.My big problem with Dallas was that it always struck me as a tad cosmo/snotty. But then that may be because I was in the Highland Park area. Still I'd recommend it if that's your only Texas option. I personally like Texas. Fell in love with the state first time I got here.------------Blue Skies!Zennie Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
freefallfreak 0 #8 August 15, 2001 PhreeZone,(breaking out the flameproof underwear) Don't you know better than to ask a Texan about Texas?? Bwaaa-haaaaaa...just watch out for the ones without horns...I've heard that joke about steers and queers...tee-hee...FFF Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rodeochic 0 #9 August 15, 2001 You CAN'T move to's too far away from me. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mountainman 0 #10 August 15, 2001 Quote You CAN'T move to's too far away from me.Yeah dude!!! Where am I gonna learn how to freefly?? Do raftdives?? and other cool stuff like that, huh??Were you trying to plan this for when I got my license and rig??--------------Our website...updated daily Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mountainman 0 #11 August 15, 2001 I've spent about 2 months in DFW area during a camp. And yeah, it isn't really that hot or long as you STAY INSIDE!!! Man, coming from Ohio, I thought that the humidity was horrible with the heat if you did anything more active than stand.If you go man, you gotta get a contract with your boss to fly Seth, his g/f, my wife, and myself down there on a weekly or biweekly basis.Either way, do you what you gotta do, but remember.......DON'T GO!!!!!!--------------Our website...updated daily Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Slappie 9 #12 August 15, 2001 Texas isn't a "State" it's a State of Mind!! I live in Houston and love it. Plus we have alot of DZ'zGota jump baybay!! Blue Skies! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Zennie 0 #13 August 15, 2001 Quote Man, coming from Ohio, I thought that the humidity was horrible with the heat if you did anything more active than stand.Funny how life is all a matter of perspective. I consider Dallas wonderfully dry & cool in the summer. 'Course I'm in Houston as well. It's amazing how you adapt to 95F/90% humidity. Makes for interesting Otter rides. I'll definitely take it over winters up north.------------Blue Skies!Zennie Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jessica 0 #14 August 15, 2001 Hiya!! Well, as mentioned, we've got SDD and SDT. If you don't have anything nice to say, my mom always said, don't say anything at all, so I won't talk about Skydive Texas. I have lots of nice things to say about Skydive Dallas, though. It is my favorite place in, perhaps, the world. It's got wonderful people, a twin otter on the weekend and a cessna caravan all week, and the most beautiful sunsets I've ever seen.Now, Dallas is a pretty good city. I've lived in North Texas all my life, so I'm pretty familiar with it. The attitude is pretty yuppified, so be aware of that. On the other hand, I'm a Toyota-truck-drivin'-vegetarian-skydivin' girl, and I'm pretty happy even living in Uptown, the yuppiest area in the whole city. It actually gives me perverse pleasure to go to trendy bars wearing jeans and birkenstocks. Snowflake has given you a pretty good rundown of what there is to do here [GO UNT!!! GO EAGLES!!!!!! What the hell -- it's a big city, and big cities are kind of homogenous in a lot of ways. But you could do a lot worse.Oh, andTEXAS LIVES FOREVER WHOOOOO!!! [shooting off guns] Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jessica 0 #15 August 15, 2001 Oh! Almost forgot! We have more restaurants per capita than any other city, and some of them are GREAT. I do restaurant reviews to help support my altitude habit, and I've been to a ton. That's one big mark in favor of my cute l'il city.Also -- the traffic is not so bad. It's a lot better than say, the East Coast, or even Austin. My advice is to live pretty close to where you work -- don't live in a suburb like Plano or Richardson.Okay, maybe now I'm done. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Slappie 9 #16 August 15, 2001 Dangit!! jessica your makin me wanna move now and I'm in Houston!! Got a couch?Gota jump baybay!! Blue Skies! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mouth 0 #17 August 15, 2001 I loved Dallas when I lived there. There was always something to do and someone to do it woth. Traffic was bad, but you just have to plan accordingly. Moving from GA the humidity was not any different from what I was used to so I guess everything is relative. You will love it when you get there and meet some people....everyone is so friendly.Good luck with the decision. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Zennie 0 #18 August 15, 2001 Quote jessica your makin me wanna move now and I'm in Houston!! Hey, there's plenty of great restaurants here. Especially if you like Thai (as I do). I'll bet there's more Thai restraurants in Rice Village alone than anyplace outside of Thailand. Great seafood here as well. Come to think of it, great Vietnamese, Chinese, Japanese, Mexican, Brazilian, Italian, Indian, Cajun, Continental, TexMex, MexMex (mmmm..... Pico's) also.And what the heck's wrong with Montrose for nightlife? Plus we get a brand new football team and a new retractable-roof football stadium (to match the existing retractable roof Enron Field). Great museums. Six Flags Astroworld. Two water parks. Two turbine DZs.I love Houston. ------------Blue Skies!Zennie Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jessica 0 #19 August 15, 2001 Quote Dangit!! jessica your makin me wanna move now and I'm in Houston!! Got a couch?Haha! Nope, but I got a futon!Houston's a classy city. Too damp for me, though. Its closeness to the beach is really appealing, though.Actually, as much as I like Dallas, I'm considering a move to San Antonio. I'd like to go back to school and get my teaching certification, and after living in the Dallas area my whole life, it's time to spread my wings a little (but not TOO wide -- not enuf to take me out of the BEST DAMN STATE IN THE COUNTRY). The Hill Country is just beautiful, and there are tons of caves to explore and rivers to raft and live music to see and dance halls to dance in and etc. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Slappie 9 #20 August 15, 2001 HIGH FIVE!!! Zennie!!!!I wouldn't trade Houston for anything in the world!! I've lived in many different countries {Not for more then 8months to a yr} I always and I mean always pine for Houston!! Zennie where are the turbines in Houston?? I'd love to visit one.Gota jump baybay!! Blue Skies! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
freeflir29 0 #21 August 15, 2001 "rivers to raft "I thought people just waded across rivers in Texas....only in a Northerly direction....LMAO"I used to know a girl...She had two pirced nipples and a black tattoo"-EverclearClay Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Zennie 0 #22 August 15, 2001 Quote Zennie where are the turbines in Houston?You're at one! Spaceland and Skydive Houston both have Super Otters.------------Blue Skies!Zennie Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jessica 0 #23 August 15, 2001 Quote I wouldn't trade Houston for anything in the world!!Not even a night on my futon dammit?? ROTFL!!! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Slappie 9 #24 August 15, 2001 Oh ok, I was mistaken then... My Bad! I was thinking "turbine" might have been like a wind tunnel thingie. Ya know where you go and they blow you up in the air and you can practice your FF moves and stuff.. Am I confusing or is it I'm just confusing myself?Gota jump baybay!! Blue Skies! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Zennie 0 #25 August 15, 2001 Quote My Bad! I was thinking "turbine" might have been like a wind tunnel thingie. Heh, this is like live chat in slow motion. No worries. No wind tunnels here. There's supposed to be one in Beaumont though. 'Bout an hours drive away. I'd like to go there one of these times. Great training aid at any level. Did the tunnel in Vegas and it helped me immensely.------------Blue Skies!Zennie Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites