Snowflake 0 #51 August 15, 2001 Quote Heh, so I take it your nick is based on Pvt. Snowflake from Full Metal Jacket?actually no it comes from a conversation had with a whuffo friend when I first started. I told him ".......and then the parachute opens and you float to the ground like a multicolored snowflake" and he said "sure snowflake" he called me that a few more times and I kinda liked it (especially the dichotomy of color).....I almost went with MC Snowflake for Multicolored SnowflakeJG Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jfields 0 #52 August 15, 2001 Quote acutally blames the president for the state of our economyNope. I agree with you there too. Damn, what kind of flame war is it if we keep doing that! Shit! Anyway, the causes of our economic issues predated him by awhile. But the least he could do is read what his aides put on his teleprompter without sticking his foot in house mouth and making us all look like idiots. Kermit was a smarter puppet! (My apololgies to the Henson family for the comparison.)JustinFounder, Whuffo Conversion Team Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Snowflake 0 #53 August 15, 2001 Quote Too damned hot. (My recent Colorado vacation was swamped with Texas weather refugees.)Bad school system.Dubya is vacationing there.Museums aren't as good as here.Not very multi-cultural.Dubya was the governor.Too far to drive to other places.Did I mention Dubya?lemme see where do I startto damned hot(what a wuss) Maryland is too damned cold.Bad school system almost all public school systems suck in the US.....don't think that yours are so much better, because they teach the kids how to take the aptitude tests(like the monkeys they are).I could care less about GW poiticians don't count as real people Museums aren't as good as here ahhhh your a cultural type are ya well what Museums have you been too in Texas? (you don't get to count museums in DC remember that)Not very I know your smoking crack there are lots of Asians, African Americans, Europeans, and Hispanics........Spanish is almost a second language here. Whats your second language up there pig latin?Too far to drive to other places....I drive to other places all the time and there not to far for me........we'll file this under what a wuss (freaksister2 had no problem driving to Quincy)GW again if thats all you can find wrong with this state then cool..... like I said before he's not a person.I would rag on Maryland but why lower myself to your level besides your just jealous hmmmm "Fuck you were from Maryland"....ROTFLMAO......nope it don't work but let me say at this time.....FUCK YOU WERE FROM TEXAS!!......and we ruleJG Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
freaksister 0 #54 August 15, 2001 ROFL!!!!!!!!!!!Poor Jim Henson...I'll be he's sooooo offended!Sis Before you judge me, take a look at you... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
freeflir29 0 #55 August 15, 2001 "it's a good thing for me that ya'll lost.....I for one would not make a good's also a reason I tend to stay away from the South East"-SnowflakeHe said....Y'all...LOL Are you sure you are a Yankee?I guess you havent been to the south lately. I live in Atlanta, I'm white, 29 yrs old, and make about 45K a year. I'm a minority in three quarters of this city. There is just about every nationality creed color....and yes even sexual preference represented here and yes all this often annoys the shit out of me. I just wish people would mind their own damn business and stop trying to tell me how to live and think. Oh yeah.....Only Lincoln thought the war was about slavery. Just a propaganda move. If you notice the North was in retreat when he announced the "Emancipation Proclamation" I'm still a little pissed that Sherman almost burned down my house! No, I'm not a racist redneck bigot...well maybe a little redneck but....and this concludes todays Civil War History"I used to know a girl...She had two pirced nipples and a black tattoo"-EverclearClay Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jfields 0 #56 August 15, 2001 Snowflake,Thanks. It had been way too long since I'd been efficiently and promptly flamed. I got my points debated individually with bonus profanities! Since I've stopped posting on wreck.skydiving, I've missed it. Now that I've had my fix, everyone may go back to their usual business. JustinFounder, Whuffo Conversion Team Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jessica 0 #57 August 15, 2001 Quote FUCK YOU WERE FROM TEXAS!!......and we ruleYeah! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Zennie 0 #58 August 15, 2001 Quote it comes from a conversation had with a whuffo friend when I first started. I told him ".......and then the parachute opens and you float to the ground like a multicolored snowflake" and he said "sure snowflake" he called me that a few more times and I kinda liked it (especially the dichotomy of color).....Right on! I love twisted irony.Kinda reminds me when I was picking up bullet hole stickers. The guy goes "What are you going to them on?" I said "My skydiving helmet."He just gives me this funny look and says "You guys are sick."------------Blue Skies!Zennie Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
freeflir29 0 #59 August 15, 2001 "You guys are sick."Thank you...Thank you very much."I used to know a girl...She had two pirced nipples and a black tattoo"-EverclearClay Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
freaksister 0 #60 August 15, 2001 JESS, R U gonna check your privates?? (your private messages, I mean?) My hotmail is working again so you can send me shit that to get pics of Quincy developed. back laters!See ya'll freaks! Texans suck the best cock!! (oops I didn't mean to say that)Sis Before you judge me, take a look at you... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
freeflir29 0 #61 August 15, 2001 "Texans suck the best cock!! "Alllright! I'm movin to Texas!!!!!!!!!"I used to know a girl...She had two pirced nipples and a black tattoo"-EverclearClay Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
wildblue 7 #62 August 15, 2001 Quote Texans suck the best cock!! This is funny either way you read it. Either Texans only suck premium cock (meaning maybe they have to leave Texas to find the best cock) or all Texans are really good at sucking cock... the males included.Drill Instructor: How tall are you private? Cowboy: Sir! Five foot nine, sir! Drill Instructor: Five foot nine? I didn't know they stacked shit that high! You tryin' to squeeze an inch in on me somewhere, huh? Cowboy: Sir! No Sir! Drill Instructor: Bullshit. It looks to me like the best part of you ran down the crack of your momma's ass and ended up as a brown stain on the mattress! I think you been cheated! Where in the hell are you from anyway, private? Cowboy: Sir! Texas, Sir! Drill Instructor: Holy dog shit! Texas? Only steers and queers come from Texas, Private Cowboy. And you don't look much like a steer to me so that kinda narrows it down. Do you suck dicks? Cowboy: Sir! No Sir! Drill Instructor: Are you a peter puffer? Cowboy: Sir! No Sir! Drill Instructor: I'll bet you're the kinda guy that would fuck a person in the ass and not even have the goddamn common courtesy to give him a reach-around. I'll be watching you.-----------ok.. enough Texas bashing.... there does seem to be an over abundance of fine looking women in Texas. I don't know what they feed them, but damn!To keep the movie quotes going:Phreezone, even you could get laid in a place like this. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
freeflir29 0 #63 August 15, 2001 I do love that movie. I think it's the closest a non-military person will come to knowing what Basic training is like...LOL. The combat scenes are a bit more realistic than most too. Gee....a bunch of grunts that cant read a map....That would never happen...LMAO One of my favorite sayings from my military days.....Scout 6- Air Force, where are we?"I used to know a girl...She had two pirced nipples and a black tattoo"-EverclearClay Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
PhreeZone 20 #64 August 15, 2001 Quote Phreezone, even you could get laid in a place like this.That does it!!!!!................I'm moving this weekend!My numbers for the month so far have been quite low..... 0:20:5 and the month before were also low.... 0:35:1 (the 1 was for going low on a dive.... never happened before)Damn... I'm starting to see a pattern here....Do I HAVE to do another raft dive??? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mouth 0 #65 August 15, 2001 Phreezone, you need to get a life.I'm sure there are several guys who can advise you on how to get a chick to take what is yours. Come on guys give the boys some guidance here. I know you all have been there and some not so long ago. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mountainman 0 #66 August 15, 2001 Quote I'm sure there are several guys who can advise you on how to get a chick to take what is yoursHey Mouth.....can you give me some tips on what "is his"?? Maybe then I can acurately assess the problem and try to find a possible solution. --------------Our website...updated daily Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mouth 0 #67 August 15, 2001 If he hasn't figured out how to get some action then you guys need to help him out and tell him what he needs to do. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mountainman 0 #68 August 15, 2001 OK's the deal. Wildblue and I are going to drag your ass to the DZ (SGC or Richmond) and make you find some hot female to get to know. I KNOW there are going to be some hotties at the Richmond Boogie. So, you need to get over there for at least one day.We are going to find you a nice piece of USPA Grade A, prime-cut, fit-n-juicy slab of skydiving meat (female that is--------------Our website...updated daily Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
PhreeZone 20 #69 August 15, 2001 Problem is that compiared to all the skydiving chicks I've met I'm a little young for them. I tried the wuffo thing a few months ago and am not going to make that mistake again. She cost me 4 whole jump days.... and not to mention the time and effort involved in explaining and answering all the typical wuffo questions....What if your parachute dont open, What does it feel like, ect.If any of you lovely, single (tired of being threatened by Husbands, Boyfriends, X's),under 25ish year old women are single and want jump together let me know! Do I HAVE to do another raft dive??? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mountainman 0 #70 August 16, 2001 There ya go Phreezone!!! Going out on a strut......err....limb like that will surely go a long way. There has to be plenty of single women out there. And you shouldn't cap it at 25...the older they are, the more they know.We are going to find you someone, damnit...--------------Our website...updated daily Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
weid14 0 #71 August 16, 2001 One of the funniest (corney, whatever) skydiver pick up lines.... "hey, want to do a two way?..good,.. then maybe later we'll make a skydive." Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
PhreeZone 20 #72 August 16, 2001 Quote And you shouldn't cap it at 25Only reason I say that is because I hate going out with chicks that had graduated College before I graduated High School... I'm a young pup at just barely 21(a whole month an a half now!)Do I HAVE to do another raft dive??? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mountainman 0 #73 August 16, 2001 Hey weid14........try this line on a skydiving chic sometime and tell me how it goes. I wanna know.....if she sez have to see how many "points" she wants to turn--------------Our website...updated daily Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rodeochic 0 #74 August 16, 2001 Quote Only reason I say that is because I hate going out with chicks that had graduated College before I graduated High School... So if they're over 25, but never graduated college would that be ok? Great, I've been hanging around Wildblue so long now I'm turning into a smartass. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
PLFKING 4 #75 August 16, 2001 Quote JESS, R U gonna check your privates?? [Texas drawl] "Well, now, little'all need some hep with that ? Dont you'all be a'tellin' me the red done wore off already ?" [/Texas drawl]The PLF Cowpoke (sitting quietly, stirring the campfire with his penis.....) Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites