
Question for all you Texas Jumpers.....

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"Well, now, little filly.....you'all need some hep with that ? Dont you'all be a'tellin' me the red done wore off already ?"

Bzzt!!! Yankee alert!
It's spelled y'all because it's a contraction of "you all". Thus it is only used in the plural. The singular tense, as is used in your example, would be "yew". Plural possessive, in case you're curious, is "y'alls".
Nice try though.... ;)
In Advanced Texan you will learn proper use of terms such as "fixin". :D
Blue Skies!

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And you shouldn't cap it at 25...the older they are, the more they know.

Mountainman, you're my hero! Thanks for sticking up for the "experienced" women out here.
Phreezone, you don't know what you're missin'! ;)
"Up high, I feel like I'm alive for the very first time"

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Good lord! It's not "Y'all" it is "Ya'll" !!!!!!!!!!!!!
Notice the placement of the damn apostrophe!
Sis ( so grammar was my strong suit, but I don't give much of a fuck anymore! Only when it is convenient!) PS - Pyke sent me a voicemail asking how much prime ass was at Quincy...apparently he has USED up all the booty in Atlanta with his pack of lies! LOL SIGH -I didn't pass out his business cards, because I wouldn't do that to the people at Quincy! HAHAHAHA
Before you judge me, take a look at you...

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It's not "Y'all" it is "Ya'll"

Uh oh. The Great Apostrophe Debate has started. :o
"Ya'll" would not be a contraction of anything. Other than maybe Ya-all. Which I suppose is possible.
In any event, "Y'all" is found in Websters. "Ya'll" is not.
Blue Skies!

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Good lord! It's not "Y'all" it is "Ya'll" !!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sis, I love you dearly, and I'd do almost anything for you, except murder and overlooking incorrect grammar. And the murder's negotiable.
It's Y'ALL -- you+all = y'all.
And Zennie, you've got a mistake up there too:

Plural possessive, in case you're curious, is "y'alls".

NO NO NO! Plural posessive is Y'ALL'S with TWO apostrophes. One apostrophe for the contraction, and one to indicate the posessive.
Grammar Queen

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It's spelled y'all because it's a contraction of "you all".

" Y'all " is how we do it here in NC.......I just assumed you Texans did it differently than the rest of the known world.....
( Damn !! I finally get the chance to start my very own "flame war", and the topic is something as lame as grammar !)
The PLF Senor

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( Damn !! I finally get the chance to start my very own "flame war", and the topic is something as lame as grammar !)

I'M REALLY MAD NOW >:( >:( >:(
You people don't know how hard it is to be a grammarian...in a world that just...[sob]...doesn't care....

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You people don't know how hard it is to be a grammarian...in a world that just...[sob]...doesn't care....

I'm sorry...I didn't mean to make you cry ! (now I feel terrible....)
Actually, I was a Journalism/Communications Major, so I know how you feel.......mispellings are MY pet peeve....
(and I probably mispelled "mispellings" -- I always do, but I'm too lazy to hit "Spellcheck" )
The PLF Punctuationist

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Welcome to Conjunction Junction! I will be your guide today. I cannot place apostrophes properly either, so I will be learning right along with you!
I cannot believe Y'all is in the dictionary. That's just sick.
Texans have their own language, don't Y'ALL know?
Sis (ain't ain't in the dictionary now too is it?)
Before you judge me, take a look at you...

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You guys laugh about this. My ex-wife is from Washington State. After we got married I was stationed at Ft. Campbell, KY. and I remember having to "interpret" for her cause she didn't speak redneck. I guess that makes me Bilingual.
"I used to know a girl...She had two pirced nipples and a black tattoo"-Everclear

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NO NO NO! Plural posessive is Y'ALL'S with TWO apostrophes. One apostrophe for the contraction, and one to indicate the posessive.

My bad. I have to agree with you on that one. That'd make a great trivia question! :D
Blue Skies!

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I cannot for the life of me figure out why we are still debating the spelling of Ya'll... Ya'll is singular and used as plural also. C'mon folk let's get this right!! Texanese is a language no one outside of Texas will even understand nor master. You must live "Texan" to understand it...:P...:P...:P
Zennie you gunna be at the DZ this weekend? I'll try and hook up with ya.. would like to meet someone from the same city.. Oh, are there anyother of us SPL'ers on dz.com??
Gota jump baybay!! Blue Skies!

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Zennie you gunna be at the DZ this weekend? I'll try and hook up with ya.. would like to meet someone from the same city.. Oh, are there anyother of us SPL'ers on dz.com??

Yepper. I'll be there. Ask anyone in the front office to point out Ted. I wear a black full-face helmet with bullet hole stickers all over it. Please stop & say "hi".
As far as other dz.com-ers at S-land goes, I know jumperpaula & ramon are here a fair amout. There are probably others that lurk here as well.
Blue Skies!

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In GA it is Ya'll and fixin'ta and shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit

see!! someone else who spells ya'll the same way! and yeah ya'll is plural by nature!! WTF? ! LOL
I am fixin' to go take a bath, BUDDY!! Ya'll have fun without me, ya hear??
I don't want the meaning of life, I want the experience of being alive!

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Actually, I was a Journalism/Communications Major, so I know how you feel.......mispellings are MY pet peeve....

WHOO-HOO! Let's hear it for J-School, where on arrival you're issued a stylebook, a pica pole, a pack of cigs, a fifth of whisky and a dirty-word dictionary.

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That is right up there with Clown College and Bartender school isnt it....

You know it....

WHOO-HOO! Let's hear it for J-School, where on arrival you're issued a stylebook, a pica pole, a pack of cigs, a fifth of whisky and a dirty-word dictionary.

You must have come along a little later than me....all I can remember getting was a steno pad and a copy of Mr. Roget's masterpiece......we had to supply our own whisky and rolling papers.....

Kingie you are just going to have to overlook some errors.

Yes, M'aam. (maa'm ? ma'am ? maam' ?)
The Professor of PLF University

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