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Hey hey..
Im real new to this sport but I kinda wanted to share my weekend.
It was awesome! Ok I was in Edmonton )however many people know where that is anyways) at the Westlock dropzone and they had the Alberta provincals boogie type thing so we had a Grand Caravan down there. That's probably regular for you people? Well there is just usually a cessna at this DZ so it was really crazy jumping out of this plane.
Some 80 year old lady did a tandem to!!.. Ummm !!!!!
old!!! haha
Also you know when you jump the first few times and are pretty nervous and kinda zoned out so you really don't know what's going on around you? Well for my last jump I did my PFF level 3 and was totally conscious and aware of everything around me. It was so different from my last jumps. I really got to enjoy this one a lot more. Especially from the caravan plane. I can't wait till next weekend.. I find myself now trying to sell a lot of the things I own. Starting skydiving seems very expensive. I suppose once you get into it though it gets a whole lot cheaper.
too much talk now must go try and find more skydive videos... ohhh.. Anyone know where to find some good ones?

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Hee heee!! Welcome ninja! Glad you're getting comfortable in the sky :)

I suppose once you get into it though it gets a whole lot cheaper.

Nope! Prepare to spend most of your income on your new addiction. Once you're off student status and have your own gear there's always something newer and neater to spend what's left after jump tickets on...
Videos - http://www.square1.com (sorry guys, had to do it) has a pretty big selection of both instructional and wow-those-guys-are-bitchin' entertainment type skydiving videos.
pull and flare,
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Oh I meant it's expensive to start because every jump is more than twice the cost of a regular jump while doing PFF and your first jump and all that... Plus then you need to buy your own gear and stuff. Which is real expensive. But after that each jump is only like 22 samolians or something. You can do like a million jumps a day for that.. But for like 160 a jump. ahhh nah.

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Hi again, Ninja! I think I remember you posting before.
Great to have you here! Congrats on being aware of what's going on...
Jumps are cheaper for me now that I am not a student anymore but for the last year I've been spending my money on stuff like helmets, pro-tracks, winter weight gloves, skydiving T-shirts, gas to go to BOOGIES!! and other miscellaneous stuff! I'm like, oh cool, jumps are only $18 now so I can buy...THAT! rock on! hehehehehe I am a t -shirt freak so I buy lots of them. Every different dropzone I go to I buy a tee, every boogie, etc.
Have fun and be safe in the skies!!
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Hi Ninja!
Say hi to Errol and Cindy from me when you get back to Westlock!
I bet (at leats I hope) you saw some pretty awsome parabatics from the Plaid Jackets! (for those who dont know what parabatics are, take CReW, take it down low, do lots of in-facing moves, and land -almost- a biplane)..
used to live in Edmonchuck couple of years ago...
And for the $, just wait.... go to a booggie, get a GF/BF (sorry, dont know if you a girlie or a boy...) who also jumps, and SHAZZZZAM...couple of grand gone.... but its the best way to spend it!

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Hey Ninja, I was in Westlock this last weekend too! Great time had by all!! :)Wasn't that great about the lady going for a tandem for her 80th? Apparently she went for her 70th and 75th too....she even had the skydiving t-shirt going on. :D We also had 2 tandem students get engaged on the plane at about 8000 ft. What a great weekend for students. :)I jump every once-in-awhile out of Edmonton and all winter, so I am sure I will see you around. Welcome to the sport! :)Tee

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Hey there are other people from around Edmonton on here? That's crazy. Oh yeah and I am of the male gender.. I would have used my real name Colin as my nickname but it had been taken already so..
Tee.. Do you just drive up every weekend during the winter and camp out? Doesn't any dropzone in Calgary operate during the winter or do you live here for the winter or something? Ahhh.. I think during the winter I'll use most of my time to work a lot and pay off all the debts I've created... Mostly due to skydiving.. Then by the summer hopefully I'll have my own rig and next summer will be insane.
I gotta scram though. Bye

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welcome to the sport, Ninja!! I have just completed my AFF and then a couple fun jumps and I always thought it would be cheaper..YEAH RIGHT!!:)Now, it is time for us to buy gear (my wife is jumping too), boogies, jump tix, and other cool stuff. Now that we can jump, we want to take a $5000 trip to Malaysia this coming February and skydive from a C-130. So, as you can see, it can get to be even more. However, I wouldn't trade it for the world and it is SO worth it.
When I did my fun jumps this past Saturday, I noticed even more how aware you are of your surroudings. When I did AFF, the instructors were like "find a heading" and I never did because I had no idea what was around me, I was always concentrating on my body and what I had to do. Trust me, you will become more and more aware of what you are doing because your body will move by itself and you can concentrate on other things.
Like I said, welcome to skydiving, and hopefully I'll see you at a boogie sometime, somewhere.
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Tee.. Do you just drive up every weekend during the winter and camp out? Doesn't any dropzone in Calgary operate during the winter or do you live here for the winter or something? Ahhh.

Hi Ninja. I just moved to Calgary from Edmonton last month. My home dz is in Calgary, but there is such a great group of ppl in Westlock, I still come by for a visit now and then. :-) In the winter, I drive up on the weekends and stay with family and go out to catch a few jumps. As long as it is warmer than -10 celcius, they are jumping. Yes, it is the only operating dz in the winter in Alberta. :)See you around there!

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