RiggerLee 61 #26 October 8, 2014 Brown noser. Yes. it does sound great. Antigravity also sounds great. And if it's finally truly a go, ie all the development, testing, certification, and approval is completed and the design is frozen then maybe a picture, a drawing, a copy of the instructions or even just an explanation of this new wonder of the world would be nice. LeeLee lee@velocitysportswear.com www.velocitysportswear.com Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DHemer 0 #27 October 8, 2014 My 2c on how I think this works based on the attached screen shots The RSL lanyard seems to have the usual ring on the end for the reserve ripcord to route through. there is also the addition of a white "snare" (like a trap...) This is probably loose normally allowing the reserve bridle to pull free if the ripcord if the reserve pilot chute does the extraction. If the main is cutaway the snare is pulled tight around the reserve bridle which most likely has a stiffener in the area the snare wraps around it. If I am correct in this it will be interesting how complex or simple they make the bridle and snare routing Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hellis 0 #28 October 8, 2014 I'm interested to know what happens if the (as the rumors say) stiffener catches the trap in a normal reserve deployment. Lets say the user goes low and chose to use the reserve only without cutaway. The bridle catches the trap and pulls the RSL, maybe peeling the velcro, but then gets stuck at the RSL shackle? This is wild speculations I know, but since there is no real documentations of how it works thats all we can do. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skydiverek 63 #29 October 8, 2014 Also, can it "change its mind" in the process? That is: initiate a deployment by TRAP, but still be able to release, if the reserve PC 'wins the race'. Or, once TRAP is initiated and tight around the bridle, there is no way to revert it (?). Also, is it really crucial for it to be able to "change its mind" when needed (when?), or not? Probably no Collins Lanyard either on Mirage TRAP, meaning that if the RSL riser (only) releases, than the freebag will be pulled wight INTO the mess. Same scenario of course exists in 99% of RSL equiped rigs, but there only the reserve PC would be pulled INTO the mess, not the freebag right away. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
michalm21 2 #30 October 8, 2014 RiggerLee Sigh. You are just not up to my level of sarcasm. Yes, I can see it. I'm just disappointed in it. Personally I would use a marketing campaign with substance and information. There are like four frames in the whole video which are actually interesting. I think I might know how it works. But as usual it's just pretty-shiny-free-fly-colors-and-music from the manufacturer. Lee I would even go further than this. Disappointed is going easy on Mirage. It's also very amateurish. The way I see it - video with only 4 cutaways of canopy flying mostly straight and not malfunctioning, bad music that was used without owner's permission, "get it while it's hot!" quote that is just hilarious to me because: a) nobody knows anything about it b) no manuals, informational material about length of testing, parameters of testing, etc So all Mirage's got is "get it while it's hot"? Hey everyone, it's new and cool and you should get it woohoo If I were their customer I'd wait 3-4 years to see how it works out in the field on other test jumpers. /I'm not a hater - just find this "release" quite comical. Wish them the best, I am in favor of MARD in general so I hope it works well. /edited to add: It's called a trap system? Seriously? I know it's just a name but when going for my last chance at staying alive I wouldn't want to rely on a "trap".... Now, Can my reserve get trapped somehow and never come out? I'm joking, but if it ever happens they are screwed - no amount of marketing will be able to reverse that. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
RiggerLee 61 #31 October 8, 2014 The bitch of the thing is that I really like the G3. It's one of my favorite rigs. But... I was at PIA. I wondered by their booth. And while I was there a young jumper stopped by and was asking about their rig. I thought this was really cool. This person was obviously a student looking to buy their first rig and was there at the symposium normally filled with crusty old riggers. And she was cute. Note that she was female and this may have played a part in the story. So I sat back and listened to the guys sales speech. Freefly colors, cool fabrics, and shiny hardware. That was it. Not one substantive fact about the container. It was embarrassing. She took it with good graces but I was offended. I was offended as a jumper, as a rigger, hell I was offended enough for her as well. It just bothers me that they think so little of the skydiving community. I would like to believe that we aren't really that stupid but that seem to be what it's come down to these days. That's what sells rigs and we buy it, literally. LeeLee lee@velocitysportswear.com www.velocitysportswear.com Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
pchapman 279 #32 October 8, 2014 RiggerLee Not one substantive fact about the container. "This baby is certified to 1949 standards!" Oh, never mind. (Just a cheap shot for anyone who knows their TSO's.) Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
evan85 0 #33 October 8, 2014 gowlerkThat is intriguing. Great concept, with the potential to become the most favored MARD system yet. If it truly works without exception it will likely become the gold standard. I agree based on the marketing language from the FB post. But hard to know what is "mere puffery" vs. technical information when they haven't posted a packing manual or any other information... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Beatnik 2 #34 October 13, 2014 I worked for the company that did the developments on the MARD, it wasn't Mirage. I can't say much about it (and won't so no prodding) but there was a nasty legal battle about the MARD Mirage wanted to use. Not sure if Mirage decided to use the same one in the end but the system is by far less complex than others out there and could be used in any rig. It didn't use a Collin's lanyard and watching many, many drops with one riser attached, it was deemed not needed. No more out of me on this. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
costanza 0 #35 October 15, 2014 looks great in straight-line, calm, no malfunction flight. when do we get to see the mannequin test of the spinning mal? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kadde 0 #36 October 15, 2014 So it should basicly work as a snare?... Like the one people would use to hang themselves. (in lack of a better example :D) Or did i read it to quickly? Maybe thats where they got the name "trap" from aswell. Thinking of this. http://imnh.isu.edu/exhibits/online/cordagediscoverybox/Images/Uses/Snare6Web.gif Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
councilman24 37 #37 October 15, 2014 Lee, Still speculation of course but what do you think about the idea of a system that grabs the reserve bridle dynamically when it needs to but the bridle can slip out of during a total deployment? Have to see the implementation but doesn't seem like the most sound and reliable idea. Of course I don't like MARDs in general.Also.reminds me Booth's announcement of the skyhook at the PIA symposium. He said it was going on tandems at that point in time but NOT ready for individual sport rigs. The same day a customer got a call from UPT that they were building is long ordered rig and did he want a skyhook for an extra $250? Called me to find out what it was. I advised him if he wanted to be a test jumper go ahead. I'm old for my age. Terry Urban D-8631 FAA DPRE Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
RiggerLee 61 #38 October 16, 2014 I could speculate but it wouldn't be any more then that. We're not really going to know any thing till they decide to actually publish some information. Like any of them I think we're going to have to wait till we have one in our little hands to finger fuck. And honestly it will probably take years in the field till we really know the answer as to the reliability of the system. LeeLee lee@velocitysportswear.com www.velocitysportswear.com Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SStewart 13 #40 October 16, 2014 Terrible name, they might want to re-think that one.Onward and Upward! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Andy9o8 2 #41 October 16, 2014 SStewartTerrible name, they might want to re-think that one. Seriously; it's as bad as the Squirrel Snatch pilot chute. I'll never look at a squirrel quite the same way again. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mcordell 2 #42 October 16, 2014 at least squirrel snatch is intentional....I thinkwww.facebook.com/FlintHillsRigging Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Southern_Man 0 #43 October 18, 2014 skydiverek Probably no Collins Lanyard either on Mirage TRAP. I am going by memory but I believe the Collins Lanyard is not available to license separatelt from the Skyhook. Yes, trap is a terrible name for anything involving a canopy. Nobody will pack it until some instructions are available."What if there were no hypothetical questions?" Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Deyan 36 #44 October 18, 2014 Southern_Man *** Probably no Collins Lanyard either on Mirage TRAP. I am going by memory but I believe the Collins Lanyard is not available to license separatelt from the Skyhook. Yes, trap is a terrible name for anything involving a canopy. Nobody will pack it until some instructions are available. I don't think it will take long before that patent expire. I could be wrong of course. What I don't get is why the other manufacturers are not building their rigs with spit housings?! After that it's easy to "retrofit" even on the field "My belief is that once the doctor whacks you on the butt, all guarantees are off" Jerry Baumchen Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Deimian 43 #45 November 6, 2014 http://vimeo.com/111064516 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mcordell 2 #46 November 6, 2014 I'm not really sure what to think of that. The netting that covers the trap and keeps it in place looks like it would be fragile but I'm sure it's not. On the surface it seems like a fairly rudimentary system but that could be a good thing. The last thing you want when you cutaway is some rube Goldberg machine on your back deploying your reserve.www.facebook.com/FlintHillsRigging Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skydiverek 63 #47 November 6, 2014 Deimian http://vimeo.com/111064516 'Lasso' would be a better name Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
gowlerk 2,192 #48 November 6, 2014 I like it. The need for hand tacking it means that someone will do it wrong before long. But it will not interfere with normal deployment. Unless someone tacks down the bridle itself. I'm not going to pretend that I'm even near smart enough to figure out if this can go wrong somehow, but I really like the concept. It seems to follow the idea of "first, do no harm" better than any other system.Always remember the brave children who died defending your right to bear arms. Freedom is not free. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jumpwally 0 #49 November 6, 2014 Looks quite slick to me.....me likes... smile, be nice, enjoy life FB # - 1083 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
councilman24 37 #50 November 6, 2014 I have to think about it, other than it violates one of the first cardinal rules of rigging... NEVER SEW ON A PACKED RESERVE. Other things do to like the BPA method of sealing. Some show us a photo of the bridle after a 'trap', both low and high speed reserves. Debating on the fabric on fabric friction. Kudos for reverse thinking it. Have to attach versus detach.I'm old for my age. Terry Urban D-8631 FAA DPRE Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites