
Chasing freebag

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Dear mattb,
It was caused by an incident Monday evening AND I needed to vent.
I was an "extra" on the load. They invited me on the load at the last minute, but I had a gut feeling that I would have to cover AGAIN when the young guys !@#$%^&ed up!
The intentional cutaway went as planned. I saw #3 circling the freebag, so I just hung out in deep brakes above everyone else. After the main and freebag landed, I looked around and there they were GONE! More precisely, they landed near the bowl.
So I dutifully landed beside the cutaway main. When the pilot taxied in I stuffed the cutaway main and my gear in the plane and waded into the weeds to find the freebag. Sunset was rapidly approaching, and I was the only one wading through the weeds. The more drainage ditches I stumbled into, the more angry and frustrated I got! Eventually I found all the parts - by my self!
Afterwards I asked #2 and #3 why they didn't land near their assigned tasks. #2 said that his canopy was too fast to land in anything but smooth grass, so he changed the plan - without telling anyone - to land by the bowl and walk out. Then he didn't follow plan B. Why the !@#$%^& he was on the load is a complete mystery to me!
It seems that lately I have been the one expected to clean up after the new guys !@#$%^ up and I am getting tired of cleaning up!

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I caught a freebag in my suspension lines once. Its funny because sometimes in the air you seem to forget just how fast you are really going. I landed uneventfully, somewhat sideways due to the off center drag. I don't recommend it though. I have my freebag save in for my life.
Safe landings,
Alex D-23912

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