
Should I Sue??????????

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Okay, just got finished watching an episode of 60 Minutes II tonight. There was a story in it about a quadrapalegic suing some pool company because he broke his neck after jumping off a diving board into a pool. The thing is is that when the pool was designed and built, it didn't have a diving board on it. The diving board was added after the people had the pool installed. This quad sued the company and won!!
Now I am wondering should I sue??
Let's see: I could start off by suing----
1. Perris Airport-for allowing me to jump
2. The Pilot of the Plane for letting me ride to alt
3. Square One for renting me the gear
4. Sunpath for the rig I used
5. Performance Designs for the Spectre 190 that "didn't flare on time"
Bet I could get millions from all these different people and companies I could sue.
Damn, what is this country coming to? That stupid ass quad shoulda got nothing but the finger for being the idiot that didn't know how to dive into a freaking swimming pool. The damn pool company didn't make him jump into the pool, nobody forced him. It was his own actions that got himself hurt. What a fucking idiot.
I know I broke my leg out at Perris. I knew the risks. I'm not going to sue anyone for my own actions. It was my fault I didn't flare on time.
I can understand suing if you had some kind of equipment failure that was no fault of your own, but damn, what the fuck is up with these idiot sue happy shitheads and lawyers?
I'm surprised there wasn't an ambulance chaser when I arrived at the hospital to get my leg worked on.
Oh well, that's just my .02 cents worth.
Thanks for listening
Blue Skies!


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Hey dude, sorry to hear about you having the accident. I was in the packing area talking to Jim Slaton when it happened. I thought it was a problem with a tandem (I think) that landed behind you. Plus I didn't get to meet you.
It's good to hear you accepting responsibility for the accident. It seems there is an attitude across the nation of "I couldn't have done that, it's someone else's fault." (Remember the hot coffee from McDonalds incident.) We should adopt a "Bill of Responsibility" to the Constitution: You have the right to not follow directions, but not the right for legal recourse from the results of any such actions.
Your attitude is very admirable.

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I think people sue for the "Closure" of what happened. We have a coart case going in australia from a chicky that jumped on an AFF stage and broke her back leaving her a Quad. She is sueing for damages to her back and neg.
I think its going to come to the stage of everything costing alot of money cause business insurance will go up because of these silly, dumbarse fools sueing companies because of there lack of brain power
May they drink from out of date coconuts!
Freemind, freesky, freebeer, freefly, freesex

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First off, Sam cute pict you have on your post, Second,,DAMN Sinister you had me going for a minute. I thought jeeze I now how it feels to break your leg (been there) but your going to WHAT!!! But then patience paid off as I read on. Funny shit about sueing all those companies thow!! I broke my foot in two places at a place called SOME DUDES PLAYGROUND. Its for all ages and its like those gladiator shows type thing to do. I did Front flips down an air slide clearly ingoring the sign that said not to. ANyway sure I could of sued and probably one but I'm double covered medically so what would I sue for. I was the Dumbass. Anyway glad to see your since of humor in in tacked! ;)

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I think its going to come to the stage of everything costing alot of money cause business insurance will go up because of these silly, dumbarse fools sueing companies because of there lack of brain power

This is exactly what has happened to aviation. If the laws were changed to prevent the suits, Cessna could sell brand new planes for $40,000 not $140,000+.
The Dutchboy

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For someone growing up in Europe and now living in Canada, it is very amusing to read about stupid lawsuits in the US. God knows, there are enough of them. My favorite is a surfer in California sueing another surfer for stealing his wave. The only reason it got thrown out of court is because they could not set a value for the wave :o.
Sinister, sorry to hear about your accident, great to see your attitude.........

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Yep , it's an attitude in society that no one is responsible for their own actions. People are raising their kids this way too. It's not his fault. It was the violence that he watched on TV that made him stab, shoot, set on fire that other kid. Certainly not his fault. I smoked for 30 years but it's the tobacco companies fault I have cancer. I thought they were kidding with the warnings on the side of the pack! The democrats are trying to make society so safe that the stupid people are allowed to live thus polluting the gene pool! YOU...YES YOU....OUT OF THE GENE POOL!
"I want to fly like a silly angel, Lean for the sky, straight into the sun"-Fuel

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Sin -
Don't forget to name as defendants the following:
-The ambulance personnel, for driving too slow/fast, and causing you additional pain...
-The hospital for delaying your transfer for so long;
-The managed care people for delaying your transfer for so long;
-Albi and I for not getting there immediately;
-Albi and I for laughing (intentional infliction of emotional distress)...
-The school for letting you off radio;
-Perris DZ for not having a totally soft landing space...
I could go on and on.....
Just get better, and come out to jump; we already miss you.
ciel bleu-

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"You always hit the middleoftheroad but not too right wing kick ass shit."

Sis, you know I love you girl, but you need to put it down... put the pipe down & slowly step away. Either that, or re-enroll in that ENG 1113 class you took in college!
Sin, so glad to hear that you're OK man, and that you're dealing with the pain & boredom in such a constructive mannner... but don't forget the little people too... like the packer (and if it was you - well, your parents for raising such a smart kid for not packing a mal, cuz I'm sure the reserve would have flared on time).... Oooh, don't forget the guy who mowed the grass in the wrong direction, totally changing the texture, thus really fucking up your depth-perception! lol Peace brudda, can't wait 'till you're back up in the air!
Blue ones!
"If words were wisdom, I'd be talkin' even more.."

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I cannot stand how much sueing appears to go on in America, and I don't think either of the two unfortunates mentioned should have sued, but, remember they are stuck in a wheel chair for life, they may be to blame, but without being in that situation how can anyone say they would accept the blame?
A broken leg is a mile away from a useless body for life.
just food for thought

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Sue the farm whose field you landed in. Surely if he watered it enough it would have been softer and you wouldn't be so hurt. Make sure your lawyer can make outrageous statements that rhyme, you will get a larger settlement.

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I just couldn't help but laugh....involuntary reaction to a painful situation.... Couldn't have waited an hour so I could have laughed at you in person??? j/k Anyway, if you were gonna sue anyone it should be your parents. Maybe they didn't send you to good schools and that's why you flared too low....HAHAHAHAHA.... Well, get better soon...no wait...don't....I can finally catch up to you now...
Sinister = 23 jumps
Injunjay = 4 jumps
4-6 months....hmmm I think I can make 20 more in that time :)
Love ya dude....PEACE

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I also can't stand it when people think they have to sue. I unfortantly have one of those people in the family, my dad, and it always seems to be over a neighbors dog. I, being a dog owner never agree with him. Kevin calls the reason why he is always sueing "short fat man syndrom".

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