
What a weekend...

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I visit these boards often, but this is my first time posting here. I figured after this past weekend's events, I should share my interesting experiences.
I have 30 jumps total; 6 of those from this weekend. Out of my first three jumps between Friday and Saturday, I had two reserve rides. One was a cutaway from a malfunctioning canopy, the other was a pilot chute that wouldn't come out of its pouch. Not quite what I was expecting when I arrived Friday afternoon for a weekend of fun.
The actual skydive portion of Friday's jump was fun but uneventful, and when the canopy first opened, all looked good. The slider began coming down, and before I knew what was happening the canopy began spiraling.
I had control of both brakes, so that wasn't it. Looking up, it appeared that one corner of the slider got caught on the lines (strange as it sounds, but there was nothing wrong with the canopy when I looked). Pulling on the toggles didn't work. Pulling on the risers didn't work. I'm still spiraling, and my altimeter is reading 2,000' and going down fast. I stay cool, and chuck that sucker.
Aah! A nice open canopy. I followed my main down most of the way, only veering off towards the ground so I would have a good area to land in the field. While it's not mine (I'm still using school rentals as I can't afford my own rig yet; though I didn't pack this one...) I'll be damned if I'm going to lose it. After a nice, slide-in landing, I gather my reserve, and search for it. I find it, and eventually make it back to the DZ (after some nice neighbors saw my landing and picked me up).
So, my first cutaway! I get congratulations and pats on the back; I also owe my rigger a bottle of vodka and the DZ plenty of beer. :)
Added details aside, I jumped Saturday morning without incident. Great! My pack job opens marvelously; I'm happy. I go up again for a two-way RW jump a few loads later; the skydive goes great, but when I go to reach for my pilot chute handle, it doesn't come out. I try two more times, it won't budge. I reach for my ripcord handle, and no doubt shock everyone on the ground yet AGAIN.
Note that I wasn't scared the second time around, but I was PISSED. I land standing up on a field across from the DZ, but I'm almost afraid to go back as I know what kind of reactions I'll encounter. Thankfully, 95% of the people there were extremely supportive, and that really helped me get through the weekend. There would be no more jumping for me Saturday... no way.
Why didn't the pilot chute open? I packed it the exact same way I was taught, and patted it down before getting it on. After the jump, another instructor said that the method I was taught could sometimes lead to a stuck pilot chute, and showed me an improved way to fold it up. I just wish I didn't have to had learned it the hard way.
Although I was skeptical, I came back Sunday and did three more jumps. How can I stop--it's skydiving! Each was more or less a success (well, except for the one where I lost my contacts, but that's a whole 'nother story; I digress...), and really boosted my confidence, which I so greatly needed.
Lessons to be learned:
1. Having a successful reserve ride will earn you the congrats and respect of your peers. Having a second one the day after will earn you a reputation you probably won't live down for at least three years.
2. No one person at the DZ knows everything about everything. Everyone seems to have their own individual techniques especially when it comes to packing, and it may save your life (or at least the cost of having a reserve repack) if you get differing opinions on better ways to pack.
3. Having an emergency can be scary, but they only become truly dangerous when YOU lose control. Also, while taking a long sabbatical or quitting may look like a good option, it's probably the worst. Do a couple more jumps; you'll be more careful, and after a few good openings, you'll regain whatever confidence you lost, and probably gain some more.
Safety training and reviewing definitely work, and because of that, I'm still here typing this probably unnecessarily long account of what happened. Nonetheless, it'll be a weekend I'll never forget...
Blue skies,
Jeff P.

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Great job handling both situations. You used your head and didn't loose your cool...WWHHHOOOOOHHHOOOOOOOOO.
I do have to agree that continuing to jump was the best move you made. After my cutaway on jump #38 it was off for three weeks. When I came back I was more nervous than even my first jump. I sat in the floor of the CASA and cried all the way to altitude with everyone watching not know what to say or do. I had planned on being last out anyway , but thankfully a good friend took me by the hand and literally dragged me out of the back of that plane. Once I was out everything was great, but that first step was terrible...talk about door demons, parachute demons, plane demons and just plain demons all over.
Glad you faced them all and had good DZ support.

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Wow, if it wasn't for bad luck eh? Then again, you handled it excellently! I hope that I do so well when I eventually have to deal with a cutaway!
I've also heard that the way I fold my pilotchute may not be the best way. Then again, I've heard probably six other opinions on it, and way more then that on how to pack. *shrug* Who knows...everyone has an idea so I guess it comes down to doing it how you feel comfortable.
Congrats to you for keeping a cool head and getting back 'on the horse' so quickly!
Merrick's SCR Ceremony

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Good on you for handling it! That training stuff really works. And of course, self-preservation is a great motivator....
And you're a hero in my book - I know how hard it is to get back up there; you did, twice, and had a great day afterwards (except for the contacts thing...).
Excellent job, great thinking, and I am glad you're here to tell us about it.
Ciel bleu-

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