
0:2:0 and a decision...

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What a weekend... 2 happy jumps without too much program, just for the fun of it...
the 3 most beautiful sunsets of my life, once on the ground, once going up, once under canopy...
and I finally decided on a canopy to call my own, a nitro 135 like this one...
...just a little more colorful.
I'm happy as a falling cat!
Greetings from Vienna
Andrea || Chronistin

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Ehhh...sorry to bother, but what does this 0:0:0 count mean..exactly..
Guess the middle one is number of jumps, and knowing you dz.com freaks, one GOTTA to mean sex...proper sex that is!
I would like to think that the third one is how much beer you drank...hey, we're all skydivers, and what else matters than sex:jumps:beer!!
...or am I completly of target here...
How would you like too stick with me
How much do you love to freefall

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Man you are good at deductive reasoning.
My weekend 10:10:1 The beer is owed because I choose asphalt over grass which is a beerable offense. The good thing is I had 2-2ways, 1-3 way, 1-5 way, 3-6 ways, 2-8 ways, and 1-10 way. A couple of these were with JTVAL and I actually stayed with him. BTW JT....you got a 5 pt 6 way (Double Falcon) if you need it for awards!! Made for a fun weekend jumping. I also got to formally meet Clay Fowler so now all I have to do is jump with him. DZ.com people are so neat!! Now if we can just get our Super Otter back from Sebastian by next weekend and I can have such good numbers...
I'll be a happy woman once again!!

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0:10:0 myself. 7 jumps between 5 & 9 ways, 1 2-way, and 2 coached jumps. The best of the weekend was probably the 8-point 6-way we did for the sunset load last weekend.
Oh, and Fallinwoman is correct. A 5-pt 6-way is only a falcon. For a double you need at least 8 points in a 4-way or larger formation. It's still a pretty cool jump though.

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Well....I'm suckin here....0:2:3 I believe is the count. Unless sex with no one else in the room counts...LOL
Lisa! You did jump with me a couple months ago. It was a 6 way or so with Doug. I had some jerky on my left arm trying to pull it out of the socket on the hill. Flung me out when we broke for the first point and I spent the rest of the dive trying to get back up to Doug's Light ass. That boy could use a couple cheese burgers. Thats when I decided to stop ruining everyones RW jumps until I get either a floppy RW suit or a drogue for my rig. It's either that or the Ethiopian diet to slow my ass down!

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0:10:.5 @ 2 DZs
coulda done mre jumps on sat but competition had us premanifested for every third load, shut downs, etc etc. can't fun jump in between rounds. =c( beautiful 15 K sunset load last night though!! Didn't owe any beer, just bought it to buy it. charity beer. =c)

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Clay...you are right we did jump now that I think about it. That is why you looked so familiar and I didn't put you together with DZ.com until you told me your name. Please join us anyway. We are ALL learning except Doug and heck he wears 16 pounds of weights. If we can keep up with JT we can hang on to you. I'm even learning to arch to try and pull the entire formation down for a low diver. NO EXCUSE...you must jump with us next weekend.
My bad on the Double Falcon it is just a Falcon, but take it any way you can get it. Sorry about that....minor brain lock.

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My weekend 10:10:1***
wow, is this the skydiver that wasn't gonna reconize you in a dress?
***Now if we can just get our Super Otter back from Sebastian by next weekend

sorry hun, but we are keeping through our FSL meet next weekend. then ya can have it back...it was ours to begin with anyway.(the the DZO got cheap)
just think SKYVAN, SUPER OTTER, 10$jumps, and 1$beer on august 4th and 5th for us.....coming up soon!!!!!!!!!!

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Nope not with the one who wouldn't recognize me. This one just sorta happened recently...really nice guy and a skydiver too! Don't think he has actually seen me in a dress either.
You can't keep my Super Otter I really need it to get 200 by Sat sunset. That slow thing we have will take all day Sat and into Sun....HELP!!!

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