
Skymonkeyone, Spectre230, et All

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Thanks for the advice on the brakes. I descibed the landing to the rigger and he thought I should SHORTEN the brakes. After several minutes of trying to explain the aerodynamic principle to him, with no result, I finally adjusted them myself. I added about 2 and a half inches and did a hop&pop test flight. I could actually pull the risers down now without using all the strength I have. They arent quite long enough to use the dive loops but work fine when I grab up around the attatchment points. When I came in to land it was a little disconcerting as the wind was blowing straight at the hangar so in my final riser turn to final ( Much faster than before) I was staring down at pavement. I chickened out at about 30 ft, let it plane off some and then rode the risers again. I flared about 2 ft off the ground just due to erring to the conservative side. The canopy actually planed out and I got about a ten ft level ride before stopping all the way and landing ever so softly. Now if I can just get used to the ground rush during the turns I'll be back doing nice long swoops. For anybody that thinks a PD 190 wont swoop at a 1.28 load....you just aint flyin it right!!!!!!!!

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