
No LvL 3 for me this weekend :(

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I am sorry to report that i didn't jump today :( My damn cold that is two weeks old is still giving me problems and kept me from jumping. I did how ever sell some of my pictures and took some new ones :)next weekend we will see how i fly without a reserve side JM.
Remember when Sex was safe and skydiving was Dangerous?

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Stupid colds! I am planning on doing Lvl 3 this coming weekend, but now have a cold to shake (damn flimsy cocktail dress for friend's wedding on Sat night in the middle of a Melbourne winter!)
Here is a friend's cold/flu remedy:
take 1 saucepan...fill with cold water to about 1/4 full.
add the following;
2 or 3 cloves of garlic - don't need to chop finely, just peel and squash so the goodness can ooze out
a big chunk of ginger - peeled and cut into around 1cm chunks
1 really hot chilli - chop finely and add seeds and all - if you don't have fresh chilli, you can use a good tablespoon of dried chilli flakes (but chilli paste doesn't work well - i tried it once and jusy makes the whole thing go red and horribly wrong)
you can also put cloves in if you like, but i don't usually do this
Bring to the boil, reduce and let it simmer for about 15 minutes (this is the imporant bit - the longer, the better obviously)
sieve out all the shit and pour into glass or mug of your desire
squeeze juice of 1 lemon into mug
add one huge tablespoon of honey
sip slowly cause it tastes bloody awful!....but it will make you sweat and feel so much better!
Hope you feel better soon!

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oh no i am fine now but i still have some mild congestion that would have given me trouble witht he sudden pressure changes. and i didn't wanna risk being cloged the rest of the week. But i will try that little cocktail the next time :)so uh you got any pics of you and that dress? ;) :P
Remember when Sex was safe and skydiving was Dangerous?

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