
SSL--what have I gotten myself into??

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SO has anyone in here actually participated in one of the SSL meets? I am kind of nervous because I haven't the foggiest as to what I have gotten myself into...and yet, I am totally excited. All I know is that I am part of a 4-way team and I will be making 6 judged jumps. Ha, so much for being prepared. Well, we'll have to cross our fingers that the handicap is based on jump numbers, because that is probably my best shot at helping the teams score. HA ha!

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Dear Tomb Raider,
It's funny that ya got butterflies! Only becuz yer better than you think you are.... The only part "we" have to worry about is that the Matrix Spin-offs have not made any jumps together. Of course, mine had 3 outta 4 of us in training dives and then our 4 way collusion skydive may count. Don't worry if you lose because by the time we're all drunk everyone will forget.... except me, of course. :) (chances are good that I'll buy anyway.)

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Elsinore Party in this Post! HA!
Chaz, PAHHLLEEEZZ!! You guys are going to kick ass! Oh my, I am so ready to bask in the Mach Four glory.
Mandy, I'm jumping with Mikey, Jake and Dale. Now do you see the real reason that I am participating? Gotta scratch up quality time somewhere. I know you understand. Hee hee! And hey, one full day of belly flying isn't going to stand in the way of my road to headdown. Now get thee butt out to Montana and tear it up!
And my dear Markus, how loved do I feel?!! Too sweet to your CROFTY, you are! Well, if anything, this meet ought to provide some really interesting video to laugh at. And well, I do have to say, I think it is best if we all keep focus on the most important thing here...the beer.

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SSL basics . . .
(applies to just about all meets.)
Get the draw early if possible, they're usually posted after sunset the night before the meet.
Get there early. 7 am is not unreasonable, earlier may even be better.
Find a place in the packing area where your team can stick together. Try not to have your team spread out all over the packing area. Have a buddy system so that team members keep track of each other's whereabouts. If you have to run off to the restroom, tell your buddy. You're a team, so stick together.
Gear up and mock up early so that there isn't a crunch as everyone is trying to board the planes.
Treat every training jump as a competition jump and every competition jump as just another training jump. Don't try to go a lot faster than you normally would just because you're in a competition -- it's very counter productive. Don't over amp.
Relax and enjoy the peaceful flow of hour long calls. ;^)
Remember that competition jump runs are at 10,500 so do your in-flight gear checks early and be ready to go.
Give the camera flyer as much time as he needs to get ready on the camera step. You're not doing anyone (especially your own team) any favors by rushing him. It's usually two teams per pass, so take your time in the door.
Give the camera flyer a really obvious count. If you hose the camera flyer, you're hosing yourself.
You have 35 seconds of working time.
4000 ft is a normal 4-way break off. There's no reason to take it any lower -- you'd already be out of time anyway. Break-off clean and track like your life depends on it. It does. Don't deploy until you're at least below 3000. Your camera flyer will thank you.
Bribe the judges and Omniskore guys. Tim and Ted like plain glazed donuts and just about any beer. You won't get any special treatment, but it doesn't hurt either. ;^)
Make a point of going up to Graham Harding (the meet director) and saying you appreciate his work in putting things together for the meet. Pretty obvious, huh? ;^)

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Well, the basic problem is that asymmetric key encryption is very hard to crack, but very slow. Each party can keep their own private key, well, private.
Symmetric key systems are fast, but have the vulnerability that the key has to be exchaged ahead of time. Once the key is compromised, security can be lost.
SSL solves the problem by using an initial (slow) secure connection using asymmetric key algorithms to exchange a symmetric key (and negotiate protocols, algorithms, etc.). Once the key is securely exchanged, a (fast) secure connection can be established using symmetric algorithms for the remainder of the data exchange.
Cool, eh?
Oh, wait, what was the question?

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Chaz, honey, i don't know if a quick shot of a nice piece of man-ass is really going to motivate Carl to fly that plane any higher. Tits, maybe, but man-butt, i don't think so...well, no, i don't know, maybe you should give it a shot on saturday. just make sure i am on the plane. hee hee.
and macaulay, don't be jealous, it is unbecoming. ha ha. i can see when i am being provoked. but you forgot to also say that it didn't matter which way i flew in the air, because since i am female, i couldn't land a parachute if i tried. HA! but hey, be proud, i did my first sitfly with the amazing wyat last weekend and i had a blast.
btw, thanks gia. wish you could make it out!

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