
Two-year old goes skydiving in Holland!!!

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quoted from 'wreck.dot'

>Just saw a report on ITV news here in the UK about German skydiver
>Herman Landsman (sp?) taking his two year old child on a (drogueless)
>tandem over Texel dropzone in Holland. Unfortunately my VCR is wired
>up to my PC at the moment so unfortunately I didn't catch it for
Full story: http://www.itn.co.uk/news/20010718/world/11skydive.shtml
Video: http://www.itn.co.uk/news/20010718/video/skydiver_en.ram


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Herman Landsman was a tandem instructor at the Texel DZ on the Northwest coast of Holland back in the mid-1980s. Herman was also a member of the Mafia Brothers CReW Team that used to organize boogies at Texel. He became a TI several years before me, ergo pre-1986. The first few Vector Tandem rigs were built without drogues. Freefall was fast and so were the openings.
"The good old days were not that long ago and not that good."

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I'm sorry but that has to be the CUTEST, and COOLEST, thing I've seen!!!!!My little girl is only 23months old (2yr on aug 11). And I think shes the coolest because she can arch reach and pull but damn that little girl takes the cake!

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You've got to think about the kid though, at that age they aren't old enough to understand what's going on. What if at the door the kid had started crying? the dad probably would have jumped anyway, scaring the hell out of the kid. I could understand jumping with a kid at least 10 years or older, but 2 years old is a bit young to be doing this. My 11 year old nephew wants to jump, if his father would let and if the DZ allowed, I would love to pay for a tandem ride for him.
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Yeah...I don't know how cool that is. My brother in law was thrown in the pool when he was 2 to teach him how to swim. He is a great swimmer now, tried out for the olympics, but he's almost 40, remembers the incident and how terrified he was.
cielos azules y cerveza fría

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I'm going to have to agree with Sin on this one... I've heard that the only phobia a child is born with is the fear of falling! A fear that each one of us had to overcome to get where we are now! Now with that in mind, I don't see how this could have been anything but terrifying to the kid. A two-year-old doesn't understand 50% of what goes on around them anyway, I don't see how they could take something as intense as skydiving & file it away as a "good experience!"
"If words were wisdom, I'd be talkin' even more.."

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Even my dzo recently had a special tandem harness made up for his 6 yr old and his boy can't wait!!!

Yep, I grew up on a DZ and was flying in the 182 when I was in diapers. I could do everything but land the plane (couldn't see over the cowl) when I was six years old. My mother made me a cover for some phone books to sit on and I had blocks for the pedals. I would have gladly started skydiving before age 16 had my dad allowed it, but back then there really weren't but one or two people who were doing it under-age and my dad was pretty "by the book". That, plus the equipment of the day was too big and literally fell off me when I modeled it. Thus, I was relegated to "dropzone boy" status as a child and helped pack, cut the grass, manifest, etc. A great life by any standard!
Nowadays, with the advent of tandem and very-small equipment it is actually not such a big deal to outfit a small person or child. That, obviously, was how the Mullins boys got into it.
Those who REALLY know me have witnessed some of the tandems that I have done for certain people. So long as I can cinch the harness down small enough for them, then it's all good in my book. Custom rigging and duct tape are not my bag, though, and I would not compromise the integrity of the equipment to "make it happen".

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Let keep our pantyhose on people!!!!
We werent there, we dont know these people, and we have no idea of the background to this.... at least I dont, maybe you all were on a trip the the Low Countries this weekend...
Remember, this is comming from the same Media that we all agree does a real crap job at reporting skydiving in general!
Maybe that Kid was really scared, maybe she liked it... maybe its her 10th tandem.....

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I don't know about letting a two-year-old go. Imagine how excited they get over a butterfly or some such...skydiving is very intense even for adults, I can't imagine how intense it'd be to such a small child. On one hand, some kids seem to be fearless, on the other hand, how do you know if that's true for this kid, for instance, since he's only two? Perhaps he very much does NOT want to skydive, not all people do as we all know...he should be given the opportunity to choose which he wasn't old enough to do.
I've told my kids it's entirely up to them. They both want to, but I won't force them and I won't feel bad if they simply aren't interested. They don't have to do it just because their parents do. I'm actually wondering if they will still want to once they get up there and try it once, or if they will decide it's not their cup-of-tea. A lot of people 'want' to skydive, but actually doing it is another matter and you can't really know what it's like despite all of the descriptions until you try it.
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