
What's your favorite jump video soundtrack?

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i'm curious as the the best and the worst, the most overused and the most unique songs people have seen on jump videos, firstjump/tandem to freefly collections...
so please list all your favorite songs and artists to use in jump videos. and specify for what kind of video.
(i'll start with the most obvious: Free Fallin by Tom Petty
and my favorite: Pink Floyd on video from Skydive Americas by Olav Zipser)

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Bush - Come Down & Zen
Bon Jovi - It's my Life
Van Halen - Jump, Right Now & Dreams
Creed - Higher
Three Doors Down - Kryptonite
Buckcherry - Lit up
Powerman 5000 - Ready to Go
Lynyrd Skynyrd - Free Bird
I like all of the Sublime stuff they used in the Chronicle III video too...

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Well, I haven't gotten video of myself yet, but as soon as I do I'm going to put Offspring's "I Choose" on it! I love that song! I think it's on the first of Chronicles III (or something like that) too! :)I know there are a few others that I want too, but can't think of them right now!
"If words were wisdom, I'd be talkin' even more.."

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My favorite is the song at the beginning of the Perris Valley Skydiving video's you get with your jump. I asked and asked and no one knew the name of that song. So I did a little searching on the net and found out the name. They were so happy I found out because alot of people were asking about it, but the person who put it together was in Europe and they had no way of contacting her.
Oh, guess I should tell you the name huh? It's called Sky, by someone named Sonique. It's on her "Hear My Cry" album. anyone wants it I can send it to you in mp3 format.
Blue Skies!

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Grandaddy's "so you'll aim toward the sky"
Haven't used it yet, it's a slow, hymnic song, and though it may sound strange, for me it's the song that best communicates the feeling of jumping...
lyrics are here:
(but I always heard: "so you'll aim toward the sky in your eye" which makes it even better)
Chronistin || Andrea

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Grandaddy's "so you'll aim toward the sky"

I dont know if I've heard that song, but I borrowed a Grandaddy CD from my friend and they're awesome. The cover had rolling hills in the backround and the words were spelled out in computer keys. Have you ( or anyone ) heard of a band called Modest Mouse?
Blue beer, cold skies, ( strike that, reverse it )

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Had Smash Mouth's "Walking on the Sun" on my first video; wasn't crazy about it then because it was so popular at the time and I was sick of it, but now I associate it with skydiving, so it's all good! :D
hey...I think this is my 50th post...finally!

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Send the MP3!
as for slower music... i didn't think i'd like anything that wasn't very upbeat until i got my Olav video - with Floyd - total mood music, more like seeing and hearing heaven, then getting the adrenalin rush of just the jump. it is a beautiful video, in the zone...
keep the music lists coming!!! i already video 4ways and friends and such, and i am going to start videoing tandems, so i appreciate the help for suggestions to add to my play list...
shoot... there's a fun one by green day to use but i can't think of the title... anyone else used green day?

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The video guys at Monroe are pretty fond of Rage Against the Machine's song that starts out, "No matter how hard you try, you can't stop it(us?) now!" It is a great song, with a great intro, so it is great for a straight out the door song. Hard, heavy, and coordinates well with skydiving.
The other songs that I feel go well with video are:
I disappear - Metallica (MI:2 soundtrak)
MI:2 theme - Limp Bizkit (MI:2 soundtrak)
and one of my favourites that not too many outside of NZ or maybe Aus will have heard (and Sis you don't count because I told you about them!:D) is Pacifier by a very good band called Shihad. I recommend you look them up on napster or whatever you use. They are a very metallica-esque/Chilli Peppers-esque sound. Very good - for NZ!!!
I did it - DMB this would be a good set up song for a skydive!!(my thoughts)
Otherwise, last but not least...Jerry was a race car driver by Primus, Jesus built my hotrod by Ministry, and just about anything from Sublime would fit anywhere into a skydiving video.
Kahurangi e Mahearangi,
NZPF A - 2584

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don't know if your hotmail account will let you get an attachement that big. if you have icq I can icq it to ya. if not, and you jump at perris, let me know when and I will make a cd for you. Will meet you out there and give it to you personally. If not perris, I can still make a cd and send it to you.
Blue Skies!

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Anything by Jimmy Hendrix would be awesome, especially ( and obviously ) Purple Haze. " Excuse me, while I kiss the sky. " It'd make for a good freeflying video. Also, there are some jammin' Radiohead tunes out there i.e. " Paranoid Android" and number 12 off of Pablo Honey.

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I watched an 'extreme' something-or-other show on the tube once that showed a guy snowboarding. They played Joe Satriani to the whole thing. There's not a single word in any of it... just some kick-a$$ rockin. I had never heard of him before, but went and bought one of his CDs after seeing the show.

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Latest play mix I made for the Video crew at Greene County....
Limp Bizkit - My Way
Blur - Song 2
Buckcherry - Ridin'
Goo Goo Dolls - Long Way Down
Green Day - Good Riddance (Time Of Your Life)
Green Day - Warning
Incubus - Drive
Lenny Kravitz - Fly Away
Lifehouse - Hanging by a Moment
Metallica - Die, Die My Darling
Metallica - Fuel
Offspring - I Choose
Ozzy Osbourne - Crazy train
Seal - Crazy
Smashing Pumpkins - Today
Steppenwolf - Magic Carpet Ride
Three Doors Down - Kryptonite
Train - Drops of Jupiter
U2 - Beautiful Day
Violent Femmes - Blister In The Sun
Clash - Should I Stay Or Should I Go
Whoa... That was cool!

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AFF levels (first attempt only video'd...)
I. "Carribean Blue" - Enya
II. "I feel free" - GoGo's
III. "It's a Beautiful Day" - Sting (which it really turned out to be....)
IV. "Jupiter" - Train
V. "Storm over Africa" - Enya
VI. "I'm so Dizzy" - (Sin69, who is that group?) (released in 1969)
VII. "Shades of Grey/I will survive" Grateful Dead
VIII. "Pomp and Circumstance" - unknown original composer...(graduation jump...)
Possibilities for later: I'll tell you then, but likely Terapin Station (any of the cuts, or all of them), The Circus theme (Ringling Brothers), and Jethro Tull...among many others, classical to classical rock.....
And someday, when I get all the vids edited onto one tape, I may overdub "Sky" by Sonique....incredible song, awesome lyrics, intense play of music.....Sin, could you burn that for me, too?????
ciel bleu-

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To mountainman - the AC/DC song with that line is "Long Way to the Top"...
My songs...
in the morning, before jumping: Here Comes the Sun - The Beatles
for freefall: lots of hard trance or techno is good... Killer Whale - Underground Resistance
Flight over Jerusalem - The Spiritualist
Humanoid - Stakker
for canopy flight:
Little Fluffy Clouds - The Orb
Higher than the Sun - Primal Scream
all I can think of for now... (can't think, must work)
After jumping - anything you can dance or bliss-out to...

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