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Michele, you've inspired me!
skydreams... skydreams...
... the sky beckons, a miracle of blue. Birds call my name. I am hunted. Hunted by stars and wings and clouds. An infinity of space unfolds around me, and all the rockets in all their orbits race me to the moon. I wrap myself around the sun.
Beyond the silence, a heart beats in the sky.
just the musings of a space cadet...
skydiving is the most inspiring, exhilarating and fulfilling thing I have ever done. I've had dreams about flying since I was little, and can't really believe I can do this thing that comes so close. I had never even thought of skydiving until I met a new friend who introduced me to it. It has woken me up. It is like magic. It opens up the universe and makes me feel both small and large. I love the sky and everything about it... I love what lies beyond it... the infinite stretches of space, the birth of stars, the wheels of galaxies.
Four years ago my long-term boyfriend died and my life turned on an axis and was never the same. This new me is the skydiving me and wants to embrace life and not cower from it. I know Nigel would be both amazed at and proud of me. I feel the same way!
Last time I went to my dz I couldn't get in the plane as panic seized me and pushed me into the ground. The support and encouragement I got from other skydivers (at my dz and here) has already half lifted me back to the sky... now I just have to get Buffy help me kick those Door Demons out of the way and let me soar again!
Beyond the infinite....
p.s. some writers who inspire with words on flying, humanity and the universe: Antoine de Saint-Expury, Ray Bradbury, Walt Whitman...

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