
RockStar !!!

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Feeling like a rock star today!!!
exit, 2 prcps, left turn, right turn, take it all in, wave & pull, graduate to AFF 1. That was the 2nd of my canopy control tandem jumps. Now i get to jump with my own chute. I know i'm just a beginner but I think I've found my thing! Man, what a feeling. I did everything perfectly and I felt like a ROCKSTAR!! when I landed. Great canopy control and landing pattern n stuff. I felt really aware this time and I was doing things that I had thought about before the jump and it didn't feel like I was doing things like a robot. Hence that feeling...

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Wait until that first time you have your own canopy over your head and noone else around. My first solo, after controlability check and finding the dz (that took a good 30 seconds), looked around, realized I was all alone and gave a big WHOOOHOOOO!!!!
cielos azules y cerveza fría

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Yeah, I did an AFF level 1 a few years ago (before the rules changed I guess) and I remember that feeling of being alone under a canopy. I was shocked actually. I thought, goddamn, I'm &@(#*$en high! Anyway, I can't wait til my next jump..

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