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So a couple of friends of mine were sitting around B.Sing when one of them who I'd just met mentioned he had done 2 AFF jumps. That got us talking about jumping of coarse and started a debate about what is better, doing AFP (2 tandems and 5 freefalls) or AFF. Well after much debate we decided both are very good and either one a great learning experience. Cool lets have another beer!!! Then my other friend pipes up ( has never jumped mind you) as says "well if I was going to do it I wouldnt want anyone with me. I dont want to have to trust someone else to pull the R/C." "what if they screw up"? That comment pissed me off because its people like him that get killed with there cocky attitude. I calmed myself down for a moment and told him " alright asshole we'll go tomorrow and throw you out for your first time on your own and see what happens you might make it but you might not at least I had the comfort of knowing there was trained professional next to me ready to bail my ass out if I got introuble,....you'll be toast." his next reply of coase was "oh... well I didnt say I'd jump I just said if I did I want to do it myself."..................IDIOT!!!!!
So did I have reason to be pissed. I'm sorry but I just get defencesive when people talk shit about skydiving or how easy they think it is........anyway just venting

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Hey no fair. I have recently started AFP and I had to make 3 tandems and will soon make 15 instructed jumps. I figured they could make a skydiver out of me in a couple hours minimum… ERRR actually I’m extremely happy with the AFP program and having a blast.

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Well Jason
That's one of the reason's there are so many different methods of student training. I have 125 jumps and I just don't trust other people. I would never do a tandem as a passenger. I trained static line and made all my jumps myself and wouldn't have had it any other way. In fact the hardest thing about jumping for me is trusting that the rigger did a good job on my reserve. I don't mean to offend anyone its just the way I am. Its no reflection on other people. Anyway tell your friend to do a static line and then he can go all by himself, put him on the spot!!!
I'm the same way on a motor cycle I just can't ride on the back.
Bleau Skies

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But with a static line you still have something physically pulling out that chute and odds are it will work granted I'm sure there are cases where it hasnt. Too me and this is just my opinion and not attacking anyone,, to say I dont want a tandem or an AFF instructor by my side to pull the chute because I dont trust him/her is like saying I dont want to go up in a plane unless I can fly it becuase I dont trust the pilot. You can say that riding in a bus or any thing. Thats why people go to schools and are trained.... so they dont screw up. Yes people make mistakes and shit happens however a trained person has a better chance than an untrained, unknowledged person performing that specific task for the first time. Thats all I'm getting at...was his attitude and approach to the whole topic.

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I think your whuffo friend is just jealous because he (secretly) feels that you have more balls than he does, and he needs to downplay that to make himself feel better. Stick him in the open door of a plane at 13 grand and I think the truth would be told REAL fast. When I was in that door, my JM’s were nothing short of gods. Of course, if you haven’t actually been in that situation than you are completely clueless. If you want to talk like your all courageous and all that, you’re only fooling yourself and other whuffos. It can still push your buttons the wrong way, though. Stupid whuffos. I’ll smack the next one I see, just for fun!

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I'd say you have every right to smack him. I'm also of the type that would rather trust myself than someone else in situations like that, but if you can't trust the people you're jumping with to watch your ass, you're jumping with the wrong people. I mean, yeah, he's a whuffo anyway, but if he were to jump with an attitude like that he'd get himself or someone else hurt...

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Personally, I don't care what people say. Lots of people have different reactions to my skydiving based on complete misconceptions. Hey, I had some of the same ones before I started.
If someone says something like that, I explain the reality of it, they still want to argue, I offer to take them for a jump. They usually either change the subject or ask when (then usually turn out to be conveniently too busy or too broke to go).

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Personally, I don't care what people say

Right on. If I cared, I’d probably be smacking a ball around a golf course right now, after spending perfectly good jump money on a set of clubs or something like that, cause that’s the world I live in.

If someone says something like that, I explain the reality of it, they still want to argue

What can you say? That’s the dilemma of just about every skydiver. It means the world to you, so naturally you want to share it with everybody you know. But whuffo’s won’t get it unless you can convince them to try it (good luck). So you’ve got to just say “screw it”, and put up with their shit. Acually, I’ve just been inspired. I think I’ll have to write something “For skydivers, by a skydiver” titled “How to Care for Your Whuffo Friend.” Well, maybe I need a little more experience for that, but I think it would really help :P.

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I must admit that during my WHUFFO years I was one of the fools running saying, "I want to learn static line, there is no way I want to have some guy plowing through me if the chute doesn't open." With that being said I did do my tandem and you have idea how happy I was to have Tony, my TM, strapped to my ass. I forgot what to do after I signaled 5500 - information overload.
But now when I hear that WHUFFO crap I step right up and say, "Hey, I used to think the same thing but once you're there you be quite happy to have the experience abroad."
We must forgive them for they know not what they miss.

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you have no idea how happy I was to have Tony, my TM, strapped to my ass.

;) Something you're trying to tell us? I liked it so much I did it three times with the same TM! :o I have to agree they're gods when you step to the edge for the first time!

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You guys are just itching to get me started this morning aren't you?? I'm not telling!! :o You'll just have to imagine what went on up there in the sky.:$ I'm sure you've been on loads where just before the door opens they start passing out breath mints!!
And it wasn't me with the motor oil and the jumper cables . . . I think Pammi and Merrick will have to elaborate on what took place . . (uh, hummm) :S

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Diva Darling:
I am so comfortable with my manhood that I can make these kinds of statements are not feel threatened. Plus I knew I would get a comment from you and that always makes my day just a little bit better. Thanks for not letting me down.
By the way I only did two tandems but with different TMs. So I think we need to hear more about you and your three times same TM....hmmmmmm

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I think your whuffo friend is just jealous because he (secretly) feels that you have more balls than he does, and he needs to downplay that to make himself feel better.

a.k.a -- I think your whuffo friend is just jealous because he (secretly) knows that you have more balls than he does, and you can prove it! :D

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I did static line; liked it, loved it, not doing it again any time soon. So as not to buy too much beer, I did my first pack job on my first freefall. I have no problem dying while skydiving, what I would have a problem w/ is getting hurt or worse because of someone else's negligence. I can understand the safety AFF/AFP programs, but what about price? There was no way I could shell out that kind of money when I first started. When it comes to tandem though, I'm more than a little sketchy. There is a guy at the local dz who flys tandems and he is just dangerous. He had a cypres fire last weekend under a sniveling canopy. The weekend before, he took a friend of mine for her first jump, did backloops on exit, started belly flying and never got stable, started spinning violently, and dumped......really high. Rumor has it that he does some pretty shitty rigging also(he does have his license). My point is that, as a tandem "student", you have no idea who the person you're jumping with is, or what their credentials are. And I don't mean just having a tandem rating, but what kind of jumper the person is. Silly me, I started a sentence with the word. Ooohhh, the defiance.....whatever.

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Hey Hotload,
First of all, clumbsy instructors and riggers get flushed out of the system because:
A: experienced skydivers stop trusting them
B: DZOs cannot afford the liability.
As for the rest of you opinionated @#$%^ Ha! ha! ha!
The first post was really about some loud mouthed WHUFFO saying he was too cowardly, but phrasing it more eloquently!
Give him bonus points for eloquence!
As for listening to WHUFFOs spout off about what they don't understand ... the best you can do is smile politely and change the subject.
If too many WHUFFOS apout off for too long about things they don't understand, then it is time for you to move on. For example, I quit a job this spring because I ran out of the patience required to listen to my boss spout off on subjects he didn't understand!

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