
nude skydiving

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Good tip about the clothing. But now that I am thinking about this (and getting no work done), it brings up more questions.
When prepping for a nude jump, do you just put your rig on naked then pull some shorts over the leg straps for loading and the ride to altitude? (I'm not sure how you'd do a shirt, but I'm not worried about that one.:)What are the typical reactions of other jumpers on the load? I can imagine what mine would be, but I'm curious whether some people get annoyed. What about the pilot and the DZO?
Do you usually try to land off, or at the edge of the LZ? I wouldn't want to land in the peas right near everyone else.
Comments about personal nude jump experiences? PICTURES? (Had to try.) ;)
"If it can't kill you, it isn't worth doing."

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At XKeys yesterday there was a group of 50 doing tandems as a class trip (I think HS seniors). One of the girls did a topless jump for a free video. Apparently they then showed the vid on the big ass tv in the hanger. Somehow I missed it, must have been when I was jumping :(
All I know is, they didn't make girls like that when I was in HS. I had to keep reminding myself they were 18.

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At both of the dropzones I work at the general rule is that you do it late in the day and you land away from the main landing area, packing area, and spectator area. The pilot is always briefed ahead of time. Normally, we try and do them out of the 182, but if it is done out of the Otter, then the rest of the load is filled only with regulars; no other tandem passengers who might get freaked.
Ten years ago a friend of mine was getting out of the Army. He just HAD to do a naked skydive so, up they went; three guys and a girl. After an uneventful jump from 10,500, they all landed on the other side of the DZ, right next to Gene Paul Thacker's house. Big mistake! GPT and Miss Billie had some relatives visiting from West Virginia and they were all standing outside when the crew came in for a landing. The ass-chewing they got wasn't pretty! Needless to say, after that jump anyone partaking of said activity landed on the backside of the airport, away from everything and everybody.

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We had some skydivers on a DZ hopping tour. They stopped on down. one of the group was going to do her 100th jump. she decided to go naked! that was cool. the problem was she had a mal and had her very first reserve ride, plus she had to plf it in to the dirt. a rather funny but scary naked skydive!!!

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Are there only certain DZ's that allow nude skydiving? I've been jumping since 1996 now and I have never witnessed a naked jumper yet though I know a few have been made at my home DZ. What do you say? Uh, I want to jump naked - anyone mind? What if the DZ is not on a private airport???
The idea is intriguing, but is there any real reason for doing it? Is it a bigger rush or something??? My luck I would land in a briar patch or in someone's yard and get arrested :)
Just curious.......

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This past Sunday we did a raft dive and the raft "Captian" dedided to do it topless for the video. She had on a tube top that she just rolled down as we were waiting on the freeflyers to leave and rolled it back up after opening. She never had to unfasten anything to do it.
Whoa... That was cool!

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If you don't understand, then it is probably just not for you. Most of the people who jump naked do it for the novelty. "HEY! Let's get naked and skydive!" Some people just like to try new and odd things. I have only made a couple in my considerable time in the sport, but they were ,in fact, pretty fun. Generally, it's the rowdy skydivers that want to do it, but I have seen cases where the quietest, most unassuming people show up on the DZ and ask to do naked tandems. To them, it's that since they are going to "jump out of a perfectly good airplane" once in their life, they might as well do it in the most outrageous mode possible.

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Yeah, so my question was triggered by the fact that this past sunday, skydive number 40 was naked. Man it was great!! I'm normally a semi-modest person so it was spectacular to just let loose. We did it after the tandems had left and it was myself and two naked guys and one clothed guy filming... needless to say I was the only person on the video. It wasn't that cold.. ok yes it was. FLying was harder to control and I majorly screwed up landing. I landed right smack on the target but in doing that I kinda tumbled feet then knees. Good for only 40 jumps and made for a funny video. I reccomend every one try this atleast once. I'm thinking this may be a monthly occurence for me... anyways.. just thought I would share.

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It's not that I don't get the novelty of it. I just haven't seen it done as of now (except in the Quincy videos of course) so I'm wondering how someone goes about bringing up the subject or if there are certain DZ's that embrace the idea while others do not allow it at all. I don't think it would be a big thing at all to do it, but it isn't like they post naked jump days like they post for night jumps or something like that...get what I mean?

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lol ok here it goes....words of wisdom from the naked freak...lol.
Being that it's a joke at my DZ to actually jump now WITH clothes on, lol I hope you trust what I say.
The Rules to NAKED Skydiving
-meaning don't get all shy...now is not the time, so get the nervousness out of your system
2. Get naked first, then put on your rig...put lose clothes or wrap a towel around you for the plane ride
-this isn't a go big or go home rule...it's simple safetly...you're under your canopy tryign to get dressed...are you a friggin idiot? that's an accident waiting to happen
hehehe this one is up to the jumper but actually can be under the go big or go home rule...I simply land in front of everyone because that's where the grass is...I'd really hate to eat shit on a naked jump...so yes I land in plain view
5. Once you land take a bow before you start to field pack your canopy...gather the lines and when ya get to your chute wrap it around you, trust me it's a bond you'll share with your canopy...very senimental...um ok hehehe
NOTE...if you take your clothes off early int he plane there's more of a chance to get some extra altitude
AND please use your best judgement when making a naked jump...there are kids on dzs
hmmm ok I think I got it all...oh...whatever anyone has said that naked jumping has to stay with belly down is a lie...I've done a couple freefly naked jumps...and no...you don't need drag...:)
BITE ME.... :P

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I actually would love to try it myself...it sounds like a lot of fun, but I'm not sure I want all my closest friends seeing 'all of me'! So perhaps I'll kick everyone out first and warn the pilot not to look :) I already told his girlfriend that if I do ever do it, I'll beat the crap outta him if he tries peaking. LOL! I'd prefer to keep the charade up that I actually look good under all of these clothes! We'll see tho...
Definately talk to the DZO about it tho...A guy at our DZ did it for his 100th, which was fine, but he landed right up front in front of a bunch of students along with their families (mostly some older people). They all seemed to have a good sense of humor about it, but some might not have :/
Some new pics.

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Not peek? Gimme a break! The entire point of naked skydiving is to prove that you have absolutely nothing to hide and do not care who knows what you are up to. My only caveat to the "go big or go home" rules is that you must understand your operational environment. Landing right in front of the packing area at Raeford will get you run right off the DZ for at least a month. Being a girl, if you want to make a "private" naked jump just to see what "snapper-flappida" feels like, then that's completely different than what most naked jumpers do it for. It's kind of a bonding thing among friends. "Hey, I'm naked and so is everyone else, so it's no big deal."

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A clue for women:
Don't get naked and expect us not to peek! We are GOING TO PEEK!! Just accept it.
I don't know why I have to explain this. :P
This is similar to the rule: Don't rub the bottle if you don't want the genie to come out!:D
Which brings to mind a new poll:

Answer True or False: Women who wear low-cut blouses with a Wonder Bra have lost the right to complain about having their boobs stared at.
UHhhhhh...Sorry, what was the question??

And about that previous post about the woman having a cutaway during a naked skydive: Be very careful about this if you're a man. Make sure you don't pull the wrong thing!:$
Speed Racer
"De plaene!! De plaene!!"

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just a heads up for everyone....i know of one nekid jump this summer...yours truely at crosskeys(if the dz says it's okay).....gona hit my 100 very soon and i just hope they have adequit space for me to land away from the hangers!!!!! the key is to hide my clothes and then make an acuracy jump right to them..........any one want to join me????.....

"if dreams are like movies, then memories are like films about ghosts"-counting crows

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Not peek? Gimme a break!

Oh, I know :) I sure would be looking ;) And it's really not about my thinking there is anything wrong with it at all, or not being 'free' enough, whatever...it's about my own modesty and, quite frankly, I'm chicken. LOL! I'll wear Wonderbras, low cut blouses, short shorts and skimpy dresses, but as I approach 30, and after two kids, banana boobs and a poochy stomach just aren't that attractive! I'll leave the showing off to the young 'uns :)
Some new pics.

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