
Boobies one more size "2"

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Speaking of tig ol' bitties..........For the record......I want you all to know that my boobies are not as big as the appear to be in the pic of me at the Pub.....Granted...they ARE nice :PJ/K:$ BUT......they are not as enormous as they seem to be. ....OK, I feel better now...:) BTW, Sangee.....thanks for the kick in the ass....I needed it. Just do me one favor....next time.....a smidget harder. Thanks. ;)
Fly On!
Easy Exits~:S

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Welllll, I'd need a close look - MUCH closer - to make an informed decision, and even then, a grope, I mean examination might be necessary ...
Personally, I like any breasts that aren't full of silicone!
But if that's what a woman needs to do to improve her self-esteem, that's fine too. I'm not getting myself into trouble again, am I???

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I'm not getting myself into trouble again, am I???

Take a look around and see how many other guys are ducking this thread, and judge for yourself. Also remember Female Rule #1: any comment about a woman's appearance can and will be taken in the most derogatory manner possible.
Blues, Squares,
*insert sub-100 character sig here*

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OK....Ladies.....I know you have passed over this post for one reason or another, but I think that the time has come to post some of those breasts.......(Don't make me do this alone...come on, girls....you are skydivers!....you jump out of airplanes for fun, for god's sake!...This is cake!) :S Let's find out what these guys REALLY like! Post some boooooooobies!:) We could even create a poll. So come on girls..........Let's see 'em!
BTW, sistah......I expect yours to be the first to show! :S
Easy Exits~:S

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Hey JKA, why don't you make it a 'whose boobies are these' poll just like the 'whose rig is this' poll in the pub?
PS Omri this thread now carries a PG-18 rating.
PPS Have you noticed that when you click on JKA's nick under her pic in the mug shot gallery, that wingnut's profile comes up??? :o "It was not a gun! It was not a gun!"

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Hay JKA,,
So good to hear from you!! Glad Sangiro kicked your ass outta the basement again!! By the way you have "Purrrfect" breasts, eye's, smile, hair,, and ,, ummm,,, shure the rest is pretty dang fine too,, don't change a thing!!

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i am with billy on this you are straight up HOT :o please please come down to Otay :)on somthing resimbling a more seirous note. Have done any modeling work if not you should think about it!!
Remember when Sex was safe and skydiving was Dangerous?

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Anyone else get the feeling that few of the guys around here get any action?

It'd be a hell of a lot easier to score if I didn't drive a dodge neon in a town where everyone drives a porche.
But then, as I once told my boss, no real skydiver would be caught dead at the DZ driving a porche.
I mean, for that kind of cash you can buy your own plane and jump whenever you wanted! And don't think I haven't thought about just that either... it's no accident three of my friends are pilots....

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