
Boobies one more size "2"

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Billy said:

I had great "lovin" while ya's were workin before that post I made ,, doesn't change the fact she's a looker!! Ya don't have ta be a sex starved teenage,, or 20 y/o, or my age,, ta appreciate a pretty lady!!

Good on you, mate! At least some of us are getting good hRW now and then. :)Viking said:

i beg to differ with you Mark there is a hardcore guy at Otay that drives a Boxter and there is another that drives a Vette

I think it's more of an issue of how much you care about the car. If you don't check the oil, don't know how to fix basic things on it, and either never wash it or take it to a car wash, then people can justifiably scoff at the car. But I think if you can fix your car with a Swiss Army knife (done it twice :P), if you wash and wax it yourself, or if it's a classic that you have fixed up (or are in the process of restoring), then drive the coolest car you can afford!!
Blues, Squares,
*insert sub-100 character sig here*

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i beg to differ with you Mark there is a hardcore guy at Otay that drives a Boxter and there is another that drives a Vette

Hmmm... Boxster 60k.... C182 60k... Boxster 60k... C182 60k....
Decisions, decisions. Not that it's one I get to make, but hey, gotta have something to drive me to work those long hours.

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so i avoided the thread...
but note how the boys attention span quickly switches from tits to cars... ;)
so no one jumped in this contest huh... oh well. kinda like the wet t-shirt contest at quincy last year, anyone remember who won that one??? it was... hilarious

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JKA is offer us the chance to see these beautiful women (and You are all beautiful)bearing there assets and you guys are talking AUTOSHOP. I don't think taht you are skydivers at all. Every skydiver would sell his car for a rig or a few jumps but would sell his soul for a pretty woman. JKA I think that you idea rocks. I want to be a judge.
Ready, Set, GOOOOOOO

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Have you noticed that when you click on JKA's nick under her pic in the mug shot gallery, that wingnut's profile comes up???

it's my secret plan to get fyrgirl to talk to me!!!!!!

"if dreams are like movies, then memories are like films about ghosts"-counting crows

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But then, as I once told my boss, no real skydiver would be caught dead at the DZ driving a porche

I saw a *sweet* Porche at our DZ last weekend. I won't lie, it was nice, however I'm with you...second thought is, "How many jumps could you get outta THAT thing!?" A student was driving it. ;)
"The question is not whether we will die, but how we will live."

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I am, quite frankly, ashamed of you "men"... no wonder some of you don't get much!!! Lew is right - how can you sidetracked from a discussion about the shapely breasts of some of the lovely ladies around here and start talking about a heap of metal (no offence, FFF)??? Geezzz :o
Ok, back to the boobs now...

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ok ok i gotta chime in here. i agree with all those in favor of boobies. what is up wit dat!CAR TALK. btw geekstreak those were nice..um...headlights.
all these pretty woman have one up on a "normal" woman. they are skydivers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
dont you guys know that skydivers will do anything with the correct ENCOURAGEMENT!!! talk about cars on this thread is like talking about the sun when your at the beach. lets focus here guys. ha ha ha!
---JKA-- i gotta say...WHOA!!hottie alert!
Have Fun, live free, SKYDIVE!!!

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How did they get the scroll bar to take on custom colors?

You can set those properties in a style tag for IE. Netscrap doesn't support it, though.
Here's a snip from the HTML of that page:


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Since you guys brought up the diff color scroll bars & such, any idea why they're not showing up on my machine... I'm running IE 5.0

Oh, come on! Please, PLEASE, can't we just focus on the boobies that were supposed to be the subject of this thread.
You people are giving the rest of us guys a bad rap. The ladies will start to think we aren't all sex-obsessed, hormonally-controlled, boobie-staring skydiving freaks. I would hate for that to happen, when I am proud to be among those that fit that description.
"If it can't kill you, it isn't worth doing."

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First off, I figured it out, so back to the subject at hand!

"Oh, come on! Please, PLEASE, can't we just focus on the boobies that were supposed to be the subject of this thread."

ROFL - Well, I'm married J so I get all the boobies I can handle.... I get up in the morning... "BOOBIES"... I walk around the corner..... "BOOBIES"... I venture into the laundry room looking for that favorite shirt... "BOOOOOOBBBBIIIEESSSS!!!" I even get a foreign BOOBIE (nipples & all) shoved in my face from time to time.... How many other people's wifes will by them a lap dance at the local BOOBIE bar?!?!? :D
"Grab the grass, it's the bounce that kills!"

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