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Got off work at 4:20, drove to the dz. Stopped by manifest and Dan already had me manifested and the load was going to wait for my coworkers to get there :-) I just had to sign a new waiver. Did that. Walked into the Square One store and Brenda and Blue had already given gear for me to the packer. :-) Linda (Sq.1 shipping manager) showed up a few minutes later.
About quarter to five Dan called Kate (my boss), asking if the other two (Steve and Kath, sales people) could get off work early. Kate said she'd already told them to leave!
Got geared up and planned a simple 3 way belly dive with Steve flying video. Linda is really good at RW, most of Kath's 120 jumps have been freefly and I'm really, really rusty. We kinda dirt dived something and got on the Otter. Butterflies!
Finally jump run. Helmet on, goggles down, quick check of the handles, the door's open! We're first out. Linda's climbing out and I yell "Wooo hooo! I'm goin' home!!" Ready, set, go! I dive out after them. :-)
omg, I suck SO BAD! I only touched them once... but I did get a really cool camera geek in. ;)
Good opening :-), whooped and hollered under canopy. It was a bit windy so I ended up short of where I wanted to be, but the landing was cake :-). Walked in, geeked the webcam (whattaya mean you weren't watching?!?!?!?), went to the packing area.
Still smiling. :-) Damn it's good to be back in the air!
pull and flare,

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That is just so damn excellent, Lisa!!!!! I've know you've been waiting a longggggg time for this jump, and I'm real happy it was a hoot for ya! The first of many more! I'm gonna tip one in your honour right now...
Gulp! Frank

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Hey, that is awesome Lisa. Congrats, it must feel great. I'm sure you'll get it all back soon enough.
Hey, on another note. I want to buy one of the canopies that SQ1 has on the shelf, but need a few weeks do have all the money together, can you hold it for me? Let me know.

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I was there during the swoop meet... for a little while on Friday evening and quite a while on Saturday. Looked for you Chuck, but never did find you.
As for this weekend... no jumping for me :-( My son is going to a camp in Half Moon Bay - only a 9 hour drive from here - so I'll be spending most of my weekend in the car. Times like this I wish I'd put that cool stereo in...
Not planning to start jumping hard for some time still. Until I get gear the only days I can count on having something to jump are weekdays (the demo gear is customers first and there are always lots of customers on the weekends), so I'm hoping to do one or two after work a couple of days a week. It's gonna take awhile before I can do more than one in a day; my poor underused muscles were really screaming at me last night!
Oh....and I'm still smiling.... ;)
pull and flare,

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