
high speed

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my ? is how wpould i go about getting the tornado spinning effect with my chute , and would a pd 210 accommadate this type of manuver. i really want to try this i began to do this with my second jump and received props for it but i dont think a student canopy can fullfill my expectations. if someone could give me a clue i would appreciate it .
tanks ,

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okay i'll guess i'll answer this seriously.
i just got rid of my pd210 in favour of a sabre 150. but the pd210 was a good canopy untill it opend in like 10 miliseconds, and split a cell. but a "tornado" efect? well i think your talking about a fast toggle turn, just pull one of the toggles down to your waist and it should give a ya a nice fast turn. now fast is all relitive though, i can pull my toggle down to my shoulder on my sabre and spinn way faster than my pd but then it's so much smaller and a diffrent design. but remember, talk to your instuctor/jum master first and see if they think it would be safe for you to o this. i know just starting out it would of scared the hell outa me to pull that toggle down to my waist on my 210 but then again i didn't jump anything smaller than a pd260 untill my 20 something jump....remeber, try if up high if your gona try it and only if it can be done safely........
p.s. well yey i guess ya could release one riser, can i do the video????? hold on i'd need to put on a birdman suit to keep up with your fall though....

"if dreams are like movies, then memories are like films about ghosts"-counting crows

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No, no, no - the only way you are going to get better performance out of a student canopy is by using your hook-knife (that's what it is really there for!). Just keep cutting lines until the desired _tornado_ effect has been reached... (and the DZO will give you major props for this too!)
DISCLAIMER : subtle6 - I don't know if your post was just the biggest troll ever, but in any case, please understand that the surgeon general has determined that following any of the *advice* you have been given here will result in bad shit happening to you!

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PS: not sure if you;ll want to pay the beer next time I come around Langar....

You're Canadian right? No problem, a half (girlie glass) of lager shandy should be enough for you... ;)
PS I'll be at Hinton this Friday (but DON'T tell Emma!) and Langar on Saturday (weather permitting) - yourself?
PPS I am freaking sick of saying weather permitting whenever referring to skydiving here, and my prospective tandem friends' nerves are shot with all the postponements!

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I almost pissed my pants reading your post. LOL!

Heh, sorry, it had to be done. The really sad part is that I am so close to finishing my JM rating that I can taste it. After I send in the paperwork and become "official USPA JM-Boy" and then I won't be able to give out pearls of wisdom like that to the newbies anymore.

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We SHOULD be at Langar this weekend (as u said, freaking weather permitting!)
And dont worry, I wont tell Emma about Hinton...
And by the way, Canadian beer is good stuff: none of that wimpy 4% lager you see in the UK... Its not 12% belgium nectar, but you dont need 12 pints to get hammered!

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