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I was going to jump this weekend... then I got rear-ended. I have a '90 Pontiac Firebird, and I got hit by a bigass Chevy Van. I won't know until I can take it to a body shop on monday, but we're assuming my car is totaled... nobody got hurt, but now I'm suddenly without transportation! It was the other guy's fault(actually a woman, but let's not get into that), and her insurance will pay something, but I'll be damned if I can't afford student jumps after this...
Sorry, just needed a place to vent, you can all go back to your regular business now.
Maybe I should check into that primal scream therapy... mmmm...

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that sucks!!! [lawyer voice] does your neck hurt[/lawyer voice] just kidding........ hope everything gets fixed up quick and as for the primal skream stuff sorry dude i can't help ya on that.

"if dreams are like movies, then memories are like films about ghosts"-counting crows

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Call her insurance company and tell them that you need a rental car in order to get around. They should be pretty cooperative about it and agree to pay for it. I had my car (a '79 Trans Am) totalled a few months ago. I managed to get $5200 for it. Anyways, I am now the owner of a brand new rig ($5000) and a used car ($200). It was the best thing that could have happened to me. Anyways, you can tell that my priorities are straight. Good luck with the insurance battle.

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