
Returning To Sport Need Flat Tracking Advice

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I'm seeking some advice from the tracking gods out there. I don't expect my track to be insanely fast and flat right off the bat but it feels very sluggish and more of a dive position then flat. It would be appreciated if anyone can refresh my memory with the tips and tweaks to a flat fast track.

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I get the longest, flattest track if I put my arms/hands below/in front of my body (instead of above/behind). Push down with the arms and legs also. A slight cup to the shoulders helps too.
Glad to hear you're back in the air!
pull and flare,

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There was an article in Parachutist (December 00 or January 01 I think) about unstable body positions being the most maneuverable. They explained a great deal about how to use an "unstable" track to get the best glide. If you don't have issues that far back, ask around at your DZ, or even write to the USPA.
Blues, Squares,
*insert sub-100 character sig here*

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Keep your legs and arms straight, arms parallel or pushed slightly below your body with the hands turned so that the backs of your hands are pressing down on the wind. Cup your shoulders over the winds. When you switch from a diving track to a flat track, you can really tell, because suddenly you can feel the wind roaring against your chest.
According to my Pro Track, my usual descent rate is close to 120 mph (I wear a tight-fitting RW suit), but when I did a flat track skydive, it said my descent rate averaged about 99 mph. That means after leaving a formation, I would appear to be flying upwards at 20 mph!
So I've got the "flat" part down, but I have no way of knowing my horizontal speed.

Wow, listen to me give advice like I know what I'm doing!:P
Speed Racer
"De plaene!! De plaene!!"

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Its also a good idea to start the track slow: by that I mean dont try to get as fast as possible immediatly; as you turn away, concentrate on cupping your shoulders, then extend your legs, then bring your arms in a T position, and then gradually bring them back along your boy, as the others said, below it and pushing down. Keep your shoulders cupped, and de-arch slightly.
Keep an eye around you (and below!): if you track really well, you will have people going below you and it really is up to you to keep clear (in the end, even if its them you did a poor track, your the one with visibility)

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