
Jumping with wings...

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Hey all, its been awhile, I have actually had to work for a living the last few weeks (bastards), and unfortunatly, have not even been able to "lurk" in the forums at all. Seems there are a vast number of new posters, and far too many unread posts, I dont think I will ever catch up!!!

hello new folks!!!!:)Anyway, while at Eloy last Sunday, I saw some people (very notable folks) jumping out of the skyvan with these "strap on" airplane type wings. It looked really cool!! The wings were pretty good size, about 6' long and maybe 1' wide. They attached around the skydivers waist area, with "handle bars" that came up to the jumpers chest area, and had a small "drouge" type parachute which deployed as the wing was cut away, so the wing landed under its own canopy. I saw some video of the skidivers exits and some of thier dive (video shot from the ground and displayed on the big screen in the hangar) and the wings looked incredibly stable in freefall. Anyway, it looked like a blast. Anyone ever tried this?
Blue ones!!
Greg A-37958

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That is actually at least the third variation on the theme. The one you saw has wings that extend on exit and has a sort of braking mechanism. I just saw the pictures and they look pretty cool. The other two types are the Apache Racing Skyboard and a German variety with a name I cannot currently recall. The Apache and the German variety are likewise carved out where you lay on them. The Apache has "handlebars", the German variety does not. Both seem really neat, but I am not sure that I would be to keen on jumping either variety out of a side-door aircraft like an Otter. On the other hand, I really do like BirdMan suits. They are very fun to fly and would, in my opinion, be a lot less hassle than the solid-wing varieties; not that I wouldn't love to give them a try also. The German one costs about as much as a new zero-p main. In other words about twice as much as a BirdMan GTi.

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The one you saw has wings that extend on exit.....

Not exactly, the wings were fixed. That is, one solid wing. I would assume that the ones I saw must have been the Apache varrity you mentioned.

I am not sure that I would be to keen on jumping either variety out of a side-door aircraft like an Otter

Agreed, although it would be interesting to watch someone try!! But yeah, they were bailing out of the back of the skyvan, plenty of room there!!
I would guess it would be very similar to a birdman suit, but since I have not jumped either, its just a guess. I wonder how much control you have over your fall rate with one on, or if you could pull off a "loop" like a glider. :D Or, how about a rocket pack, a skateboard, and a set of those wings....YEEEEEEEHAAAAAA!!!!
Blue ones!!!
Greg A-37958

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