
A Lesson at 5,000 ft

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yes PTiger, we know that, but students don't.. i didn't want to give her another new skydive word, cypress, that she didn't know. but by 1000ft, she'd be fine, you know. all student gear has AAD's, so she'd be fine not understanding how anything worked and just falling...
ps. turn it on

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Hi, Lew and PTiger:
I'm guessing here: AAD = automatic altitude deployment?
As opposed to ADD = Attention deficit disorder, which is why we students need an AAD in the first place.
As to the Cypress, if I'm tapping it, aren't I too close to the tree line? :)Michele
P.S.: Thank you everyone for all your replies, all of the lessons, suggestions, encouragement, empathy and sympathy, teasing, and general welcome. I appreciate it a lot.

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You're very close Michele. AAD = Automatic Activation Device.
The thing about tapping the CYPRES is in reference to the safety debates - if you get low you'd better pull and not wait for the damn thing to fire. It's manmade and not guaranteed, and there have been 2 documented misfirings (though no documented non-firings as far as I know). There is also one documented fatality where a jumper relied on his CYPRES rather than pulling the reserve, but he bailed out below arming altitude. (See this post.) Splat.
Or you could take it to mean that if you get that low, you'd better reach back and make sure it's turned on. :)Blues, Squares,
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