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Hey y'all,
Was wondering what the general consensus on the term 'skygod' is? We here in the UK have conflicting defninitions....Generally I refer to someone as a skygod if they're a shit-hot skydiver and I want to be just like them!
However, I have heard it used in a derogatory way, i.e., someone who thinks themselves to be a highly skilled aerial athlete but is, in fact, an arrogant and relatively talentless arse.
The reason I ask is that...(shock!) ..I think I met some skydivers who match the latter description whilst on a boogie in Spain.
The people at my home DZ are really cool, not stuck up or anything, they take the piss but it's all pretty self-deprecating...So when I met this guy who was all, 'Let me tell you all about skydiving and how fabulous I am at it..Let me impose my huge sky wisdom and opinions on you for half an hour!' ,I was gobsmacked!
Arrogant tossy skydivers? No-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o!!!!!! I thought all the people of the sky were cool! Can it be?
Thoughts? Anyone out there a prima-donna skygod type who wants to give some feedback? Is it an elite club or can anyone join? :P
Cheers m'dears,

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I am of the same thinking as you Emma, I tend to call Skygods those who are just amazing at whatever they do and whom I aspire to be like. I've only met what I'd like to alternately term as a Skyhog, Skyass, whatever, once...but it was brief thank goodness. (and the regulars, Merrick and even our cool pilot at my DZ offered to kick his a$$ for me! lol!) Hopefully I won't run into more as I begin to branch out to other DZ's :/
Blue ones!
"The question is not whether we will die, but how we will live."

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I generally use Skygod in the derogatory sense. Like you said, someone who thinks their s@#$* don't stink. While it usually applies to those who dramatically overestimate their talent & experience, I would also apply it to truly talented peole who have a big head.
There are a couple of people at my DZ who I would apply that term to, but thankfully they are very few. The vast majority are very nice.
The ones who are talented have nothing to prove. Their abilities speak for themselves. There are exceptions, but I've found that the really good ones are generally humble and willing to help.
Blue Skies!

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The term can be used in all these ways, but it is usually derogatory, referring to one who thinks very highly of themselves, whether they are good or not. Generally, these people are quite talented, and do have a lot to offer, if your are willing to put up with their bullshit.
But usually there are other talented people available who are easier to deal with. For example, Roger Ponce de Leon is one of the greatest skydivers in the sport, has an amazing sense of where to put people in a dive, an artistic sense of style (he builds beautiful rw skydives), and is a very patient teacher. He won't hesitate to tell you when you've screwed up, but he doesn't humiliate you in the process.
But I wouldn't call Roger a skygod, out of respect.

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I have used it in two ways. The first was as an up and coming jumper, or when I was a kid on the DZ. Skygods were that top 2% of the sport whos name everyone else knew: Jerry Bird, Guy Manos, Tom Piras, Roger Ponce DeLeon, Roger Nelson. Those were (and still are in most cases) the guys that got on all the big-ways without having to "try-out". The guys that got paid to organize at the Freak Brothers Convention, etc. While some might come off as very abrasive to low-time jumpers or people that just don't get to boogies and jump meets, most are quite personable when you get to know them. Some are complete assholes no matter how well you know them, but they (to me) are the exception.
The other way I see it used is to describe the 2,000 or 3,000 jump guy that, while a good skydiver and organizer, isn't REALLY all that. Guys with 3,000 jumps but still can't do better than a 12-point average in a four-way meet, but coming accross like they are Joe Trinko or Jack Jeffries. That, or guys that brag about being in really big formations when in actuality they only had to chunk a six-way off a ramp and wait for the REAL talent to swoop into the third ring. Whoopty shit!
Anyway, these are the opinions of a 20-year skydiver who has seen many a "skygod" fly himself right into the ground over the years. No fear though; there is always a young buck ready to step into that empty slot.

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I think it also depends on where you skydive what brand of *skygods* you have. Here in Florida, although I love all my skydiving buds, I unfortunately see more of the latter than the ones I aspire to be like. At the risk of sounding hoaky, although there are a couple skydivers I would love to aspire to, the one I aspire to be most like is my boyfriend. Not just b/c of the obvious reason but b/c he can fly RW awesome, is one of the best freeflyers around, camera flys, swoops, he does it all, does it well and yet NEVER talks about himself. Even to whuffos when they ask him questions he refrains from making any references to himself. I'm the one who brags on him b/c he doesn't say anything himself. Ha ha ha. But that's okay, I'm allowed to. In my experience I have met some of the most amazing people skydiving. I think it's unfortunate that there are the few who make the sport more of an ego-boost than of a way of life.
:)Much love and blue skies,
Carrie http://www.geocities.com/skydivegrl20/

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Rock fight?? That sounds nasty!
Mine wasn't that bad...just someone with a really crappy attitude, not just towards me apparently, and a real fondness for his jacket that seemed just a bit unhealthy, IMHO. :D I think his name was....um....Mike Farmer or some such thing. LOL! Nah this guy actually doesn't come there anymore...darn!
Can't we just all be friends? Hehe
"The question is not whether we will die, but how we will live."

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We have a jumper at our DZ thats just like Carries boyfriend. He can just about do it all and he base jumps alot too. But he will help you out with anything you need at any time. Super nice guy and just kinda quite and to him self. I did my first coach jump with him and two way(well kinda a two way, still need to work on those). Its people like that, that make you want to learn and be a part of>

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Hi there,
Speaking as a Skygod.... (Hey Sangiro, there's no emoticon for "Bollocks":o)
Seriously, I've only ever heard the term used in the UK in a derogatory fashion, but I suppose it all depends on the circumstances and the tone of voice used when calling someone a Skygod. I'm not too sure about the US, but in the UK there seem to be several tones of voice you can use to make it clear that while you're saying one thing you mean the exact opposite.
Mike D10270.

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I'm not too sure about the US, but in the UK there seem to be several tones of voice you can use to make it clear that while you're saying one thing you mean the exact opposite.

Yep. It's called "sarcasm". ;)
Blue Skies!

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We have a jumper at our DZ thats just like Carries boyfriend. He can just about do it all and he base jumps alot too. But he will help you out with anything you need at any time

I feel very lucky because we have several of these. It's amazing that the guys with 15-30 years of experience and thousands of jumps are always willing to help to some neophyte, and the guys with just a couple years a few hundred jumps tend to be the "skygods".
The Dutchboy

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Down here at sebastian we have one of the worlds best relative teams(Sebastian XL,the British National Team) I would call these guys Skygods, yet they have absolutely NO attitude and have no problems helping out a low jump skydiver like me. They truly are one of the reasons this sport rocks!!! It's those other guys I can't stand.

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guys that brag about being in really big formations when in actuality they only had to chunk a six-way off a ramp and wait for the REAL talent to swoop into the third ring. Whoopty shit!

Actually the base six-way, whether chunked off a ramp (not exactly the easiest chunk to pull off) or freeflown, is the MOST important part of a big way. Without talented big folks capable of falling really, really, really f*^&ing fast straight down a 100+ person formation would have nothing to build on.
And without the talent in the first and second rings getting there on time, docking and flying their slots with precision and falling really really f*^&ing fast there's nothing there for the third ring to dock on.
The big way jumpers who really impress me, though, are the ones who can go in the base OR swoop the outside ring equally well. That's what I wanna be when I grow up ;-)
pull and flare,

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I've only met what I'd like to alternately term as a Skyhog, Skyass, whatever, once...but it was brief thank goodness. (and the regulars, Merrick and even our cool pilot at my DZ offered to kick his a$$ for me! lol!)

Hmmm, I wonder who that was? ;) For a moment there I thought we were going to have to draw straws to see who was going to jump the table first to lay a spinning, 360-degree, full-on, 'Dragon Style Kung-FU(tm)' pimp-slap on his ass. :)
Aww, Pammi... You know we always got your back.

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Ahh, the ones I want to be like tend to be brilliant at skydiving yet still modest, mild-mannered (er..actually maybe not, thinking back to the weekend..but whatever!) and generous with their skills.
Most of the guys at my DZ are fantastic and spend loads of time helping the crap ones like me...I wonder if it bores them sometimes, while we skate around like knobbers?
It's just a few, and it's true, with a relatively small numbers of jumps, who fancy themselves a bit. Gladly, in the minority :)I sometimes hear tandem passengers whining about the cost of a tandem (about £200 here in the UK) - and I think, well for f*^kssake, it costs THOUSANDS of POUNDS in jump tickets, training, gear etc., to get to be good enough to be a tandem master and take your life in their hands!
Bit off the track but I think whuffos sometimes don't realise what goes into making someone a good skydiver, let alone instructor, or...skygod ;)! It's good most of them share it around (their knowledge, that is)...

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Aww, Pammi... You know we always got your back.

*big kiss* Cuz I jump with the best skydivers anywhere! (sorry everyone else...I'm a bit biased of course :)"The question is not whether we will die, but how we will live."

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Oh, I know who that is! HILARIOUS!!
He definitely doesn't belong in the "Skygod" category! You guys going to the DZ this weekend? The wife and I are going to one of those Murder Mystery dealies on Sat., so I don't get to jump til Sunday :(.
Hey, I'm not packed,
what's in that one?
Never mind, I'll jump it!

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Not a skygod?! *gasp* But gee, he sure thought he was! LOL! Actually, I shouldn't be so mean since I don't know him very well, but I just have this 'thing' about anyone with an attitude of being better then anyone else...I don't think there's ANYONE that good that they can't be polite and friendly to anyone else! Just my peave :)
OH! That'd be fun! I've always wanted to try one of those! *sigh* We're up in Kansas this weekend. 'Relative work'. The upside is I'm getting my 'belated b-day present' today sometime and I've asked for jump tickets. So maybe they'll really believe me this time and I'll get to spend some next weekend! :)
You guys have fun..we'll be cussing you from up here :)
"The question is not whether we will die, but how we will live."

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I wonder if it bores them sometimes, while we skate around like knobbers?

hee hee, well put, that's funny! Actually when I have jumped with experienced jumpers they always did seem to be laughing a lot in freefall, I never could figure out why...

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Hmmmm, yes, you're just jealous because you don't get invited on my solo RW jumps...
Man, I can't wait until Friday, I met Allan at Langar this past weekend, he finally got to jump again and made 6 jumps on Saturday alone (nice bloke even if he does drink girly beers - and not many at that!). Now all I have to do is figure how to get all 3 of you in a death-grip, maybe use my legs in a WWF-style head-lock? hee hee, can't wait man, we are gonna have a BLAST!!!

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