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I am sitting here at "work" twitching with joy. Why? I have my very own rig on. Yes, the coworkers who venture into my office look at me strangely. I don't know if it's the muttering, the twitching, or the parachute that sends them out again as fast as they can use the copier and scurry away. But it doesn't matter. Why?
I've got gear now!!
I'm so excited.
I'm so excited.
I'm so excited.
I'm so excited.
I bought it used from a gentleman in PA. He gave me the tracking number, and I watched it get closer... closer... closer... almost here.... OOH! IT'S ON THE TRUCK NOW! I was afraid that I'd miss it. So I went home for lunch and waited. Read the newspaper. Waited. Fed the dog. Waited. Realized I wouldn't have enough time to get back to work and eat lunch w/in an hour unless I left Right Then. D4mmi7!! As I turned the 1st corner on the way back to work, who should be coming down the road but the UPS guy!
Powerslide 180 degrees and follow him back to my house. Nearly run him over as I pull into my driveway.
"Mr. Korn?"
Got back to work 4 minutes late, opened the box, and there, before me, are a Vector II and Raven II just begging to be taken down to the DZ and inspected this Friday afternoon, and just maybe jumped Saturday if I can borrow a suitable main.
Blues, squares,

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LOL! That is SO funny! I can totally relate to you, because I am waiting for both my jumpsuit and gear to get here. I have weeks and weeks to go for my gear. There is a definite plus side to getting used stuff.
Let us know how your first jump goes with it!

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Woohoo!! Congrats on the gear! Ain't it great?! Now all of your co-workers will know why you're not getting any work done at least....dreaming about that rig! Now you need to take a pic of it and put it on your computer/desk/whatever.
Have fun this weekend!!
"The question is not whether we will die, but how we will live."

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so what kinda beer you bring to the DZ??

Bass for getting new gear, and Killian's for passing AFF (still owe that from 6 weeks ago).
Man... the rig even has that jump plane smell. Now I can walk over to where I set it down, sniff it, and be instantly transported to 13,500. DOOR!
Blues, squares,

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Now you need to take a pic of it and put it on your computer/desk/whatever.

Hey, GREAT idea Pammi!!
Container Side
Harness Side
These are the pictures the seller sent to me. He's slick - you can't tell but the brightness is up really high. That makes the trim tape look bright silver and the rest of it look navy blue, but in reality the rig is black and the trim tape is pretty dirty. A good trick to remember if you'll be selling gear anytime soon!
Blues, squares,

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Congrats el tigre! Looks like it is in good shape. I remember that feeling. I got my rig delivered to the office and it was all in pieces. Came on a Friday so I raced down to the DZ and got my rigger to put it together. It had actually been delivered earlier that day and some prick had received it and just put it on the ground outside his cube, didn't even tell me it had come. I only found it when I was walking by.
The Dutchboy

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How far across the GA border are you? Are you near any of the tourist traps?

I didn't know there were tourist traps in SC. We joke that Columbia "is a nice place to live, but I wouldn't want to visit." Also, Charleston is "the only place in the world where you can be below sea level and still look down on everyone." :)Anyway, I'm pretty far from the border; my house in Columbia is 3 hrs 42 minutes from the Emory campus and that's if you take the speed limits as mere suggestions. (Thank you speedtrap.com!) Blue Sky Adventures is about an hour and 15 farther southeast of Columbia; it's very close to the intersection of I-95 and I-26 - I can see both of them from under canopy. Granted, I pulled at 8,500, but that's a different story. :)Zennie:

Don't just sit there, go jump her!

Hey, I resent the implication that I'm a fornicator! I'm single by choice!! Ummm, not my choice, but still...
I found the perfect song to comemmorate this occasion. Click Here
Blues, squares,

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Blue Sky Adventures, Georgetown, SC. Only a day's drive, Dan. Come on down! If you start now you can make the Friday night campfire.

Hey, I didn't know you could get places from Michigan... how odd.
Seriously, I would love to come down sometime, but sadly I have five dollars in my wallet and sixty in the bank. The sixty is for my next student jump, the five is for food (how much is bread again?)
Don't ask me about bills...

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OK folks, false alert. I gotta make this quick since the yardwork awaits, but I had such an awesome weekend that I'll probably make a longer post tonight or put it on my website.
Anyway, I took the container and reserve down to the DZ. My rigger snagged a bagged PD 230 main and wrestled it into the container, then got a workout trying to close it. When he finished, I put the rig on and cinched it down all the way. The emergency handles were pretty much in my armpits at that point. That was when I decided I'd be more comfortable with a larger rig.
First of all, when I'm under the harness the emergency handles will be even farther up and back on my body, and although I'll still be able to reach them, I'd rather they be farther forward and down. I think more than anything you have to be comfortable with the location of your emergency handles!! Also, seeing how much trouble he had packing that PD 230, I realized it would have been nearly impossible for me - his trouble closing it would have been doubled for me since I won't be able to pack a 230 F-111 as small as he had.
So.... I'm going to send the rig back to the seller, get my money returned from the escrow company, and keep looking. Someone at the DZ is selling a similar Vector II that's one size larger, so that may be what I end up buying.
Other than not settling on gear, I had a stellar Friday and Saturday that more than make up for having to do yardwork all day today. Let me know how your weekends go, folks!
Blues, squares,
PS Blue Sky Adventures is in St. George, SC, not Georgetown, SC. My bad.
Edited by PalmettoTiger on 5/20/01 11:25 AM.

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