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I've got to write an essay today(that I've been putting off for months, and TODAY is the day) and all I can think about is jumping this weekend out at Byron. Oh well, if I can just knock this one out and then one more next week, I will finally graduate after all these years (and $$'s!!).
just venting
Blues this weekend,

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Bad luck man...Essays suck big time. I'm so glad I don't have to do them any more heh he ;)!
Just get 'em over and done with and you're free to play in the sky with your magical sky friends! (man, I need to get out more!)
BTW - the phrase 'Knock one out' is a wee bit...er...suspect, where I'm from! ;)

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Writing papers when all you want to is go skydiving... hmm... what's that like?

Now you know why I'm working and living at home in SC and not at school. ;)
But hey, they let me keep the e-mail address and website, on the premise that I might eventually get my 5hi7 in a pile and go back.
Blues, squares,

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