
pay a packer, set your own brakes?

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Yep, we are stuck with him.... Kyle's like a kid brother to my husband and I now... I can't imagine our little corner of the world without him in it any more.

None of us as packers have ever cried about setting brakes... I don't set the DZ policy, I just play by their rules... I like being a packer, so try to keep the DZO happy by following his rules.

Like I said before, I don't care either way, but the DZ is much more profitable if I have that extra 50 minutes a day, which is why it's his policy, most likely. I only cop an attitude when jumpers give me a holy hairball of shit to straighten out because they thought it might be fun to step through lines.

So, when Kyle was there, did he spend more time talking than packing? The only whining I ever hear from him is at the end of the day when he sees that Chad and I made twice as much as he did... not because we pack faster, but because we don't interrupt our packing time by chatting with everyone when it's busy :)

Do or do not, there is no try -Yoda

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1. Snotty attitudes (no brake stows, last in line)
2. Potential for some packer to get pissed and purposely not adjust sliders properly.
3. Potential for some packer to get pissed and purposely not set brakes properly.
4. Rush time = less attention to detail
5. The old good ol' boy network (friends first, visitors last)
6. No accountability for the work they do.
7. Doing something unethical and then hiding behind "DZO policy".

I'm sorry if my posts came across as this. DZ policy is what it is, I have to adhere to that... it's not my DZ. As I said before, I don't mind doing it.

With regards to numbers 2-4, any packer who does any of those should be fired. As Strato said, packers are a dime a dozen... it's true. I can be replaced in a heartbeat and know it. I can't speak to other packers, but I consider ANY less than ideal open a personal failure on my part and beat myself up over it.

With regard to 5.. the order at our DZ is tandems, then instructors, student/rental gear, sport rigs. No exceptions to that. Of sport rigs, I typically pack for those with 2 rigs as a lower priority, but I bust my ass to make sure that nobody waits for very long for a rig and those with 2 rigs have at least one packed.

With regard to 6 and 7... how is there no accountability? If you don't like my pack job, don't pay me to pack for you. If a packer I was supervising did anything unsafe or unethical, I would not let them be working under my riggers' ticket. If anyone believed I did anything unsafe or unethical, my ass should be fired on the spot.

Do or do not, there is no try -Yoda

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So, when Kyle was there, did he spend more time talking than packing?

Yea the guy never shuts up, just bla, bla, bla all day long.:P Anyway I can't fault for doing as your DZO has stated is his rules, or you could be out of a job by not following them. That is the same I was saying (that I got scolded for) our DZ policy is you pack you do the whole job or you do nothing at all.

P.S. glad to hear skinny has been taken under wing, he is a good kid even if he won't shut up.;)
you can't pay for kids schoolin' with love of skydiving! ~ Airtwardo

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LOL! Well, at least I know nothing changed about him since he moved to PA, it wasn't something in the water that gave him verbal diarrhea. We just got back from dinner at his place. He flipped a mean burger. In the rain even.... now that's dedication to friendship.

Hey Kyle, doncha just love it when people talk about you behind your back in front of your face???:P

Do or do not, there is no try -Yoda

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You guys are going to make me all teary-eyed...

All this brotherly love is going to make me soft

YEAH I like to hang out when I'm at the DZ... its not a Job to me... its a vacation! You guys are free to join the party whenever you want, I might even go grab my grass skirt
--- and give them wings so they may fly free forever

DiverDriver in Training

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To UN-HIJACK this thread a little bit I need to continue Jenn's response here...

We fly a king air and even with 3 packers we can get backed up a little on a busy day...

We usually ask: "What NEEDS to go up on this load here" and those rigs get packed 1st. Thats the advantage of a DZ where the staff works well together.

Following the order Jenn already said we'll take the sport rigs that have been sitting out the longest... unless that jumper has more than 1 rig. Or if its Rocky... then Jenn's a whore.

edit 'cuz i aint be spelin good at skoll
--- and give them wings so they may fly free forever

DiverDriver in Training

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Yea, I've gotta get my act together and buy the manuals... I think that's going to be one of my goals this year.

By this time next year I'm going to be a vidiot, an AFF instructor and a rigger. I can do it... I have the technology.

Dude new stuff on my youtube: www.youtube.com/Floats18
--- and give them wings so they may fly free forever

DiverDriver in Training

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Hey, he has a pretty whore as a rigger now, and nothing has been bent! And I keep trying to get him to take Dave's course... my house is a mile from Dave's, so I even offered to let him stay here during the course. I wonder if he could make it through that many days of not having much time to talk?

And Kyle, we have 2.5 packers.... your yapping only makes you count as 1/2 :P

And Rocky has 2 rigs, so I have no problem having one of them wait when necessary.

Do or do not, there is no try -Yoda

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And I keep trying to get him to take Dave's course..

Good I told to do the same thing and that's a real good deal. (place to stay close by) Keep on him.


I wonder if he could make it through that many days of not having much time to talk?

Duck tape....;)
you can't pay for kids schoolin' with love of skydiving! ~ Airtwardo

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I took the course 2 years ago, we had a friend stay with us then. Another guy, Tony Gwynn, stayed with us this year... we figured on hosting one student in the course a year, it's been a lot of fun to do that, meet new people, plus they get to come home to real food and a cozy bed for free ;)

Though if Kyle takes the course next year, he better watch out... Dave asked if I'd be interested in helping out with the course at least on the weekend when I'm not at my real job :P I'll make sure I bring the tape.

A rigger I greatly respect told me that I'd make a good rigger because I truly care. I think Kyle would be a good rigger for the same reason, so yes, I'll be on him.

Is it really fair for us to gang up on the poor boy like this? After all, he is just a kid and considers both of us ancient.

Do or do not, there is no try -Yoda

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After all, he is just a kid and considers both of us ancient

That is why I give him so much shit, but yes I think he would be good at it and has an eye for detail. Like I said, good to know he is "under good wings".:)
you can't pay for kids schoolin' with love of skydiving! ~ Airtwardo

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I told you already... Stratostar is a huge douche, your life is better not having known him.

PLUS, I hear that his gaze alone turns people into fools who jump rounds from the 1950's

Gotta hand it to the guy though, he does take some pretty good pictures every once in a while

HEY DOUCHEBAG! Now that the yellow bird is going to be back up in the air, is that old movie project still on?? Did you keep that lettering I had made for you?
--- and give them wings so they may fly free forever

DiverDriver in Training

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Did I stuble into the Bonfire here?

To the original topic, I field stow my brakes, cock the PC and reset my slider. The packers like that and I like happy packers.
"I'm not lost. I don't know where I'm going, but there's no sense in being late."
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Actually, it's a Spectre. And I have to do what I can to keep them happy, I have yet managed to get the thing in the bag more than 3 times. The last jump I did, Sylvester was so busy, I did the packing, had it rolled up and had him get it in the bag for me. After that, I did the rest. I still gave him full price for the pack job. I really wanted to do that last tracking dive.:)
"I'm not lost. I don't know where I'm going, but there's no sense in being late."
Mathew Quigley

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