
The Let's back

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To all you Langar jumpers.
Just a quickie to say that the Let flew back in today albeit a month late. It was a welcome sight all the same and something of a surprise from what I could tell.
Here's Langar's URL. It's been updated and it's worth a visit. http://www.bpslangar.co.uk/
Whooooohooooo!!! Hahahaha!!!

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Yes its true!!!
I just got back from Langar 20 min. ago, the Let is back!!!
Leonid brought a case of Ukranian 'champagne' along and we were all toasting him, each other, the Queen and the wind-sock!:)Now Angela just has to get the paperwork through and the Let will be able to take jumpers (she's going to try getting it done tomorrow).
Man, I had such a great weekend! Langar was supposed to be rained out, but I drove up anyway - made one jump when I got there yesterday and another 4 today. There were over 20 wheel-chair people on the DZ for tandems (organized outing), and there was just such a good positive happy vibe about the place!!!
And the Porter will be back soon from its service!!! Plus of course there is still the 206 on standby - man next week's boogie is totally going to rock!

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Hey Skreamer
Glad you managed to make 4 jumps today. I didn't get there till turned midday and ended up being stuck on the ground 'cos of the stiff breeze. Did you see that guy cutaway? I think he had a lineover but I didn't actually see the event, just his main drifting away at the far end of the field.

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I'll be there for the Boogie, I'll be there for the boogie, ner ner na ner ner!!
I heard the news about the Let last night. Just got back from the Boogie on Texel - 1 Caravan and 1 Grand Caravan for the weekend.
Great weather, got 10 jumps in. 2 GREAT tracking dives. One 11-way and one 7-way - AWESOME!! The line over at the end of the first tracking dive was not so good, however... Man, I've gotta sort my packing shit out! Managed to clear it though, but it gets the old ticker moving...
See you at Langar on Friday night!!

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arse...don't know if I can make the Langar boogie now after all....However, i've got 5 tickets, anyone interested in buying them at a knock down rate? Will have to check it with my friend first, but make your offers in the meantime ;)

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