skybitch 0 #26 April 25, 2001 Alternatively, for you UK sky dudes, there is allegedly a boogie at Langer in May which promises to be a reet larrrf...Admittedly, Nottingham lacks the coffee houses and nude laydees of the 'Dam, nor does it possess the heart-lifting views and blue seas of Empuria, but hey, it'll be cheaper!And the state of my bank balance having returned from a windy weekend in Espana (why??? why????), this could be a deciding factor...Not sure if I'm going but I met some nice 8-way team chaps from langar while I was in Empuria and they said it would be coooool..Let me know ladies and gents..Skybitch UK (to avoid confusion) Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
huffermoose 0 #27 April 25, 2001 ypu must have met up with rusty and the like the langar boogie is supposed to be very cool a whole week of partying and diving wish i could go but i have to make money somehow and west africa is a long way from nottinghamttfn Allan Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skreamer 1 #28 April 25, 2001 Quotethere is allegedly a boogie at Langer in May which promises to be a reet larrrf...Yep, me and Ben'll be there, you obviously met Rusty and Dave at Empuria, so come on down and get dirty with us...Oh yes, I live in London so give me a shout if you need lifts or the like./sPS if you check the dates you will notice that there is no conflict and the boys will be at both the and Langar boogies... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
huffermoose 0 #29 April 25, 2001 except me who will be still here in west africa where we have just had a tropical which is bit like a tropical storm but only lasts for a couple of hours it was quite hectic winds got up to 70 knotswouldn't like to be in the air in that weather however i did manage to go in the arch position and pretend i was flying the reletive wind while no one was looking it was kinda coolttfn Allan Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
wingnut 0 #30 April 25, 2001 good to know your making the best of the tropical weather down there."if dreams are like movies, then memories are like films about ghosts"-counting crows Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
huffermoose 0 #31 April 26, 2001 right have been checking out the texel web sitewww.paracentrumtexel.nland was wondering where do we stay on the island to be honest i would like to be where all the action is!birds, beer, DZ a crawling distance from the tent etc etchas the DZ got a bar if not ! why not? will we have to bring our on transportable bar, do they have showers on site etc, where would all the skydivers be??oh yeh we also need to bring some barbeque materials as well as you do!!!!now what else????i don't know my brain hurts and i can't think any more only 2 hours till the end offffff shiftzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BenW 0 #32 April 26, 2001 Skybitch (UK),You must have been in Langar at the same time as me! I've just come back from there. The Langar 8 way team you refer to is the "Box of Frogs". I was there jumping 6 & 8 way with a bunch of Dutch crayzees for the week. Sort of just hooked up with them and the rest is history...I'll be at the Langar boogie also - For the first weekend only though. I've got the boogie at Texel this weekend, the boogie at Langar next weekend and the European leg of the boogie at Texel 3 weeks after that! Phew...European Stage Contestants,I'll find out some info on the ferry, accomodation etc and let you all know. I'll probably be heading up there from Amsterdam after work on Friday (about lunchtime) with my motorbike.Hmm, the Langar boogie? Make sure you have *plenty* of pills for the mornings...B. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BenW 0 #33 April 26, 2001 Ok,the Ferry to Texel will cost you 82.50 Guilders for the return journey including 3 passengers. At 3.5Fl fo the GBP you get a grand total of £23.57 sterling. Or 33.92 dollars of the US variety.The ferry runs (floats?) every 1/2 hour from 6.30ish am till 11.30ish pm.If you want more info, go to there is a choice of languages to choose from, but alas, no English (US) aka microsoft...Will get back to you ref accomodation, tents, beer etc...B. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
wingnut 0 #34 April 26, 2001 benw,there was english on that site! i could just read the dutch any's close enough to german that i can get the gist of what i need.... man i don't think i can afford that fairy ride though...that's like a whole jump ticket!!! can't wait only amonth to go........i am just wondering will i have to buy beer? it will be my first time to amsterdam! ben, do you know dutch or ya just speak english were ya work...."if dreams are like movies, then memories are like films about ghosts"-counting crows Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skreamer 1 #35 April 26, 2001 Quoteman i don't think i can afford that fairy ride thoughYou take the fairy ride, I think I'll stick with the ferry.../sPS I have booked the day's leave and will buy my flight ticket next week. WOO-WOO-HOOOOO!!! Amsterdam brace yourself!!! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BenW 0 #36 April 26, 2001 Hé Wingy!Ik spreke klein beetje Nederlands. The office talks predominantly in English, but I try to expand my Dutch vocab each day much to the amusement of my Dutch colleagues!Ref your Fairy ride. 33 USD is not much between the 3 of you! 11 USD each - come on... Don't be such a tight wad! Glad I'm going on the Ferry and not the Fairy - you keep that to yourself...Ben Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
wingnut 0 #37 April 26, 2001 god damn it! that's tha last time i don't proof read my posts!!!! i think i'd pass on the fairy ride and take a ferry myself too.....and i was joking on not being able to afford the FERRY ride. they should just build a big a$$ bridge though...then we could make an extra jump......but of course there would probly be a toll to use the bridge. oh well....looks like i'll be riding the FERRY "if dreams are like movies, then memories are like films about ghosts"-counting crows Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skreamer 1 #38 April 26, 2001 OK Ben and HufferWingi's official nick-name at the boogie is now officially going to be Fairy Wingnut!!! waaahahahahahahahaAlso do you guys want me to start looking into getting some T-shirts knocked up? If you have access to a good (read cheap) T-shirt printing place let me know, otherwise I will get it done here. I reckon they should be personalized with skreamer, Wingnut, Huffermoose on the back - Ben what do you want on yours? Impuriel? Also we can make up an extra one for the main dude and post it to him (never hurts to suck up to the big chief ). Also, anybody else out there, let us know now if you want in on the action.Here is the itinerary roughly :Thursday evening (24 May) meet up in Amsterdam (accomodation : hotel? huffer's mate?) get shit-faced and go for swim in canal, claim diplomatic immunity and superiority if police get involved at any stage (wingi remind me to tell you about my run-in with the San Diego police 2 years ago...)Friday morning (25 May) drive to Texel (if weather is jumpable - early; weather is crap, leisurely brunch in Amsterdam)Rest of the weekend : Skydive our asses off (if weather is crap, drink till we drop)Hope that itinerary isn't too detailed for you fellas! Good thing Amsterdam has a *special* red-light district for wingi and his fairy friends... hee hee/s Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BenW 0 #39 April 26, 2001 Skreamer,Don't you mean the WingFairy or the FairyNut?? Bwaaa haa haa haaaaaaa!!! Too funny!FairyNut, FairyNut, ner ner na ner ner!!B. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skybitch 0 #40 April 26, 2001 Not quite sure who we met there....there was no skydiving for 3 days so it's a bit of a drunken haze....But we did meet some bloke called Dave (quite tall, has a little girl) and someone else called Simon...And this French coach of theirs who ownes a Casa..all of his very own!Anyway, my Skybeetch team fellows and I are keen to get on down to Langar since it would make a nice change of scenery, since you've put your picture up here I'll keep an eye out for ya ...We'll be the 3 brunettes funnelling their exits...laters dudes sB uK Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skreamer 1 #41 April 26, 2001 QuoteFairyNut, FairyNut, ner ner na ner ner!!hee hee, look everybody it's the amazing hairyfairynut!hairyfairynut hairyfairynut, nyaa nyaa nyaa naa naa!/sPS Ben waddya think of my idea for the Ts? Let me know now and I will see if I can have them ready in time for the weekend. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BenW 0 #42 April 26, 2001 S,The Ts are a great idea, not sure what to have put on the back of mine though! Ben Who is what I was called when I raced motorbikes - that fits in with the BenW bit. Sorta. Then there's always the Impuriel bit...What picture are you gonna have put on them? How much? When? Where? etc.Sounds good to me!/The Impure one Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skreamer 1 #43 April 26, 2001 I am still totally open to ideas about the Ts afterall everybody has to be happy with them. Give me some feedback on the following :Colour? white?We'll keep it simple how about :On the front: Euro boogieTexel 25 - 27 May 2001(spread the word)On the word is legs!)OK, now remember that you can't all have Ts with my nick on them, so wingnut can have wingnut, huffermoose can have huffermoose and yours can have whatever you decide on (I know its hard, so let me know if I must explain it again)forget a pic because it will just look crap and we will definitely not agree on it anyway./s Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
huffermoose 0 #44 April 26, 2001 steady on boys i have just woken up !!!YAWNi have been put in charge of ballasting a ship in the middle of the to the t's yeh go for it but just put moooooooooose on the back of mine.i'll square up with you when i go up to langar the weekend before the boogie.hey i rememebr going skinning dipping once in the solent (stretch of water between isle of wight and england) i got my clothes stolen but the did leave my trainers and cigarettes and lighter so as i walked home a police car pulled up shone a light on me and all this policewoman could say was "a bit cold is it"and then they gave me a lift home.quite memorable reallyttfn moose Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
wingnut 0 #45 April 26, 2001 okay skreamer your in for it now!!!!!! what ways could i torture you at this boogie? ahhhh, i think i figured it out..... now all i have to do is...........where's that extra handgrenade i got from the army guys at........and that.......naw, that wound't make a big enough explosion........maybe this.......nope......ahhh i found just what i was looking scared skreamer.........i have the ray gun i stole from the aliens at area is this thing if it wouldn't throw bit of peoples bodys hundrds of meters from the point of impact...................t-shirts sound fine to me...but if i get one that says anything other than "wing"nut i'll be very unhappy about it! "if dreams are like movies, then memories are like films about ghosts"-counting crows Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
huffermoose 0 #46 April 26, 2001 bwa hahahahahahahahahai can see it now a picture with a fairy sitting inside a nut makes me chuckle at the thoughtttfn moose Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
wingnut 0 #47 April 26, 2001 okay and one of the sargents were sitting around at work and talking about how the term going postal was for when somebody went crazy and went on a shooting light of the last few years of shootings at schools in the states i'm changing that.....seems i'm going to have to go high school on you guys......seems like you guys alread went kindergarten though.....wait i forgot we all regress to kindergarten when we started sydiving......."i want to skydive....bawwwahhhh...i want to skydive mommy. why can't i skydive, it's not fair the other kids get to do it...see them they are making jumps over there in az right now, why can't i do it to.....baawwaaaahhhh...."this post has been brought to you from the wingnut, never formerly known as the "fairynut" or anything close to that.........hell maybe i should just start signing my post with dave...lets see ya turn that into anything......oh shit i don't think i should of chalanged ya on that one......."if dreams are like movies, then memories are like films about ghosts"-counting crows Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
huffermoose 0 #48 April 26, 2001 FAIRY NUT tyhe skydiver formerly known as wingnut "simirality to prince me thinks??c u moose Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
freefallfreak 0 #50 April 27, 2001 Hi FairyNut,Tee-hee...FFFP.S. You ain't EVER gonna' live this one down... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites