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Hey Diva !
I strongly feel that our country should support our servicemen in every aspect -- these "boys in blue" are America's first line of defense, and should be treated with honor and respect. It is not Wingnut's fault that the U.S. Mail system is sometimes flawed.
In that vein, I want to do my part. So, come down here to N.C., and let's re-take those naked pictures so we can send them to Wingnut as you had promised. That way, you live up to your word, our servicemen feel appreciated, and the world keeps turning. I am the only one who will not personally gain from this experience...
(Yeah, RIGHT !)
(as far as the homemade cookies, we'll just throw some Chips Ahoy in a bag -- Wingnut's probably not bright enough to know the difference anyway........)
The "Patriotic" PLF King

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whatcha talkin bout? i can tell the diffrence between chips o hoy and homemmade.....but thanks for looking out for us guys over here. our morale would improve greatly if your plan worked but alas, i think it is not to be......or is it?????????????

"if dreams are like movies, then memories are like films about ghosts"-counting crows

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Seems God was just about done creating the universe, but
he had two extra things left in his bag of creations, so he decided to split them between Adam and Eve. He told the couple that one of the things he had to give away was the ability to stand up while urinating.
"It's a very handy thing", God told the couple, "I was
wondering if either one of you wanted that very ability."
Adam jumped up and blurted, "Oh, give that to me! I'd love
to be able to do that! It seems a sort of thing a man should do! Oh please, oh please, oh please, let me have that ability! It'd be so great! When I'm working in the garden or naming the animals, I could just stand there and
let it fly! It'd be so cool! I could write my name in the
sand! Oh please God, let it be me who you give that gift to! Let me stand and pee, oh please..."
On and on he went like an excited little boy. Eve just smiled and told God that if Adam really wanted that so badly, that he should have it. It seemed to be the sort of thing that would make him happy and she really wouldn't mind if Adam were the one given this ability.
And so Adam was given the ability to urinate while in a
vertical position. He was happy and did celebrate by wetting down the bark on the tree nearest him, laughing with delight all the while.
"Fine," God said looking back into his bag of leftovers. "What's left here? Oh yes, brains...."
Have a great, safe weekend everyone!
"The question is not whether we will die, but how we will live."

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OK Pammi, you asked for it!
Adam is walking round the garden of Eden, it's spring-time and he sees two bunnies doing what little bunnies do. He keeps walking and then he sees two giraffes humping doggy style. He keeps walking and then he says two doggies humping giraffe style. Eventually he can't take it anymore so he goes to see God. He says to God : 'Dude, it is just not fair, every male animal in the garden has a partner and I have seen all the fun that they are having and I want some too!'. So God says 'Well, Adam, you can't get something for nothing, but I'll see what I can do'. Next thing Adam sees this absolute vision, his knees buckle, his eyes go squint, all the blood rushes from his head. He says to God 'Hubba Hubba deity dude, totally hook me up with one of those Heavenly Munchposts!!!'. God says 'OK man, but there is a price for everything, and for you to get this as a partner for all eternity will cost you an arm and a leg'. Adam thinks it over and then says 'Uhhhh what can I get for a rib???'.

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In response to Skreamer's posts about women vs. men taking showers and shits: You are a lost soul. A sick lost soul!!:D Most of that shit isn't true about women, at least not the ones I know! I laughed especially hard at the part about "if you see husband, cover any exposed flesh and run" LOL I walk around my house naked for hours, and if I have a boyfriend, well he just has to put up with it! My ex would always say, "Put on some damn clothes!" I didn't just to piss him off! hehe
I never squeegee the shower, NEVER separate clothes into sorted laundry bins, and leave clothes lying all over! I do however use a huge bath towels and absorbent towel for my hair "turban" Oh yeah why would you put toilet paper on the seat if you are at your own house? That's pretty damn stupid. I once knew a girl who wouldn't poo anywhere but her house, and it sucked! She was my best friend, and it was really inconvenient when we hung out and had to drive all the way out to bumfucked egypt to let her pinch a loaf. Jeezus. I wanted to scream, "Just shit in the fucking 7-11 bathroom!!" But that wouldn't have been nice I suppose. I think most chicks will go if they have to go, but then again, I don't spend much time (NONE in fact) analyzing the restroom habits of my girlfriends! As far as I know though, you are at least 50% wrong on most of these intelligent, well-thought out theories about women. You were more correct about what men do...
I agree with Wingie, God Forbid you ever get married Skreamer. I shall put out an All Points Bulletin to any females within a 10,000 mile radius of you to stay far far away! LOL Told you I was a little devil. A mean bitch with a whip sometimes too. :P
Sis (did you get the flame you wanted? aw, sorry, I could have been much worse but I thought I would spare you this one time)
"What we're all really seeking is something where we can feel the rapture of being alive."J.Campbell

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