
So whats your fav bev?

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Right... Let's get this straight...
My favourite brew must contain 2 elements simultaneously!
1. It contains ALCOHOL!!!!!
2. It's available NOW!!!!!
As such My favourite Brew (currently) is Fetzer Eagle Peak. It fulfills the above 2 conditions!
THat said, (being from the North-East of England (born if not bred), I'm frnakly SHOCKED at someone having the gall to chill Newcastle Brown Ale!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:o. It's drank(?) WARM (room temp) & from a half pint glass! The idea is that you pour a glass, & top up the head from the remainder of the pint bottle (philistines!). Only then, and afet 12 bottles can you truly appreciate the subtle mix of Rocket Fuel & liquid headache that is "Newcastle brown Ale".
BTW... The Consequences of drinking same are best appreciated from behind the bars of the drunk-tank...
Mike D10270.

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Favourite beer - that is easy...SPEIGHTS! Pride of the South for over 100 years!!
AMERICAN beer is like having sex in a canoe.....
it's fuckin' close to water!!! So, unless it is foreign, it doesn't pass these lips!
FOSTERS - it's australian for "it's the best we can do!"
Heinies are too salty, but good in a pinch.
Bass and Guinness are perfect, but Black Mac's is better!
Monteith's Black is acceptable, but only if there are no Black Mac's!!!
And, as far as Shiner Bock goes, well, I have way too many family in Texas and well, it is good, but not that good!!!
Other than that, give me Tequila and Bacardi, or give me death! Unless of course, you happen to have a fine single malt, then a slow death is preferred...gotta give me time to enjoy the whiskey!!
Kia Kaha,
NZPF A-2584

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There is a brewery in Wichita that makes the most incredible wheat beer. For crying out loud, I live in Kansas, a state full of wheat! We should be good at making wheat beer! When I'm not at the brewery, it's Budweiser. Well shit, now that I think of it, I like almost all of it! Rolling Rock, Boulevard, Shiner Bock, many others and I also like a good glass of red wine on occasion.

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i hear kansas mentioned and the first thing i think of is dorothy clicking her ruby slippers together.
nope nothing like a good pint of warm bitter on a cold winters day something with a name like "ye olde grumble belly", or "the dogs bollocks" which has loads of sediment floating around so you can literally chew the stuff for lunch
bloody marvelous, and well if you want to get shitehoard well just drink absynthe i tried the stuff in prague woooohoooo.
ttfn Allan
(the barrel is empty the mind is shot but the liquor we still got[flannagans law])

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While I agree with Dave...(I jump with him so...you know), I personally prefer MGD if I want a smooth beer to drink a lot of. If I want really good flavor I drink Shiner Bock, or Anchor Steam...a small micro brew from San Francisco. Of course in reality, any beer in the DZ fridge will get consumed :)

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i know what your talking about with the absynth. soem guys brough some back last time they went to the chek. republic.....ya know there is a world wide ban on the stuff and it's very hard to come by.....none of the americans probly have ever had it before....it really is an interesting drunkeness though......i can see why van goh cut off his ear!

"if dreams are like movies, then memories are like films about ghosts"-counting crows

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Have you guys ever tried SamiKlaus??? Its brewed in Switzerland once a year and it sits for something ridiculous like 4 years before its shipped. It is in the Guinness book of world records as the world's highest alcohol beer. If you ever come across it, buy it. Its can taste particularly nasty (carbonated whiskey), but its a pretty fun beer to have on occasion.
"I'll jump anything!"

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The beer that I consume most these days is Heineken, it seems to be the default beer at our DZ.
My favorite drink is Ketel One or GreayGoos vodka & Red Bull or light rum, dark rum, 151 & Red Bull. I highly recommend Red Bull. It makes for a great mixer and can make some dangerous drinks!!!
"I'll jump anything!"

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