
Did your veiws about god change after jumping?

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IMHO if there was god no-one would bounce, but they do. I saw a new friend of mine cutaway yesterday, the only reasone she survived was because she saved herself. Take accountability for your own actions.
And if there is a god he/she/it must be a right *^"! for giving all the most gorgeous women this unnatural urge to stay at 0ft AGL, LOL!
Stay safe,

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wow.....sounds like some real off-hand views on this. I am sure that there is God. If there wasn't, we wouldn't have anything to jump in, land on, jump out of, or land under. God created everything including you...so you should recognize. REMEMBER: There is a hell of a lot more freefall time jumping from heaven than from hell!!:)Also, He gave you the ability to make these decisions and to make all of our equipment. It's all a good thing!
Blue ones..

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I realized that if God meant for us to jump out of airplanes, He would have put doors on them.
And here it is, the first really nice weekend day out since January. I hear there's some airplanes with doors down at the DZ.

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Well lets see. There was an explosion is space and a bunch of rocks became planets. Then as one of them cooled water formed and then out of no where a one celled critter appeared. Some of the little critters turned into fish, and then some of the fish started walking on land. Some of them turned into monkeys and then the monkeys turned into man. :( Yea right!!
You wonder if there is a heaven because people die? Well you all love to skydive and you think its one of the greatest things a person can do, so you pass it on, you try to get others to enjoy it to. As some of you know if you take some whuffo's son or daughter to jump, that whuffo don't share your excitement. They don't understand. You wonder if there is a God because bad things happen? God gave us free will to do what we want, Some choose bad things, he knows there is eternal life in heaven when some one dies he see's them share heaven and wants to share it with you to. You don't cry when some one jumps, God doesn't cry when some one dies!! For those that don't share heaven? Well everyone is given the chance. If you ask some one to go skydiving and they don't want to. Do you force them to go? To you tie them up and take them anyway? Its a choice.
So a one celled critter appeared from nowhere and then became everything. Trees, fish, animals, humans you get the picture. Or God created everything. I've made my choice and of course you have yours to make.
I know this subject can cause a lot of feelings good and bad my intent is not to offend any one. So I hope your not offended when I say God bless you all. And remember freedom of choice, God doesn't want robots, he wants friends!:)Some fun eh!

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I believe in God and it is b/c of my faith in him that I have no fears and will try anything. I believe God will take you when he wants and not before then so until then I am going to live life and never be afraid to do anything that most would have fear about. I'm not saying not to have common sense though. I just have faith and have said a short prayer for myself and everyone else on my load every time I ride to altitude.
I respect others beliefs though as well. My mom is agnostic and my father is faithless as well. Everyone has their own beliefs that get them through the day:)Much love and blue skies,
Carrie http://www.geocities.com/skydivegrl20/

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PLFXpert...you have the same exact feeling I do. I think that people who believe in God have more courage to do things because we know that He will take us when it is our time. We cannot do anything about it. So, you need to do what you want to do now, because you just might not make it to tomorrow!
I am glad that I know where I'm going though if something does happen.:)blue skies
Brandon and Laura
a work in progress

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Once I started jumping I started frequenting the "Church of the Open Door."

After my first jump I became a member of the Church of the Blue Skies. Services are held at 12,500 and below all day, all weekend long. Guess we're just different denominations katzeye ;)
pull and flare,

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I remember hearing a FJS say "Oh my god" when the door opened one time...

So a one celled critter appeared from nowhere and then became everything.

Ya, it's called "evolution". And have you never heard of "transpermia"? Million of tons of rock and dust from other bodies in space, like Mars for example, rain down on the Earth over time. Perhaps life arrived on this planet the same way known Mars rock AH84001 did... but I can imagine that would be hard for some to believe. Don't those who believe in *Creation* believe man walked the earth with the dinosaurs 4000 years ago??? "Faith" seems to be a wonderful excuse for ignoring science...

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I think that people who believe in God have more courage to do things because we know that He will take us when it is our time.

I believe it takes courage to be as good a human being as you can knowing that your only reward in the end will be feeling good about yourself and the (hopefully) positive effect you've had on others.
As for the original question...did my beliefs change once I started jumping? No. But *I* changed! I have more confidence in myself, see more beauty around me, have more fun in my life and a bunch of new wonderful friends, among other things! Now, let's go jump!! :)Blue skies,

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"Faith" seems to be a wonderful excuse for ignoring science...

What is this? Did you just say this?? You must be experiencing random thoughts. If I ignored science than I wouldn't be much for using many things in my life like the jump plane (physics), jet fuel (chemistry), and freefall (more physics). However, if I had wings and could fly, then I wouldn't worry too much about science.
I couldn't care less who believes in God and who doesn't. I would love to see everyone from dz.com up there at that "great DZ in the sky" when I die. I think that a daily 4,000-way would be pretty sweet. But hey, I guess that there will be those doing a firey jump down below from 1000 ft w/o a rig. Oh well...it's your choice!
blue skies
Brandon and Laura
a work in progress

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Yeah, I always believed in God, and I still pray on the ride to altitude.However,I am not the kind of person that gives God absolute attributes.Sometimes, I think that God is just another name for Thermodynamics or Entropy.I believe in evolution, I am doing my degree thesis in a molecular biology lab, so you'll never hear me say 'things are like this,because God made them this way'.I know a Religion student, and he's never been able to confront any of my arguments(scientific vs religious explanations).
However, I still believe in God.I'm getting ready to go to the church actually.
Even in the case God is just a mental image, God can exist just because our neurons believe so.Many people think we are atheists or something, just because we respect nature's perfection so much, that we won't simply accept the explanation 'God made it this way'.No, we spend countless hours in labs trying to discover all that perfection, we spend a few hours skydiving or enjoying nature, and just because we are not in church instead, 'believers' will condemn us.
Jumping didn't change much in my beliefs...I still believe in God...whatever God might be.
Anyway...it's good to know / believe that if you fail , and your CYPRES fails as well, you may still have a backup (this belief might give you enough milliseconds of 'enlightenment' to just pull your reserve).
Don't know if I make sense...
A quick question for Creationists : What were carnivorous animals eating when they where in Noah's Ark?
I hope I didn't offend anyone...
Blue skies and...keep the faith

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I used to be ignorant to this argument before i jumped. I was far to willing to say 'hey, God doesnt exist because you cant prove he does.'
But since i started living my life this way (skydiving) i have realised how little we all are and how much about the universe we fail to understand.
First of all i have concluded "religion" is 100% man-made.
If there is a god it played no part in teaching us how to build churches/synagogues/mosques etc. and i am quite sure didnt miracouslly give birth to 'our savior' a couple thousand years back.
To say you 'believe in god' suggests you know what god is.
Well let me know coz i aint figured it out yet. Is god formed with human like features?. is god invisible? is god and all consuming spirit which surrounds us all? hey, who knows. Does god sit in heaven drinking tea and watch the football while he leaves us to our existance, and if so, why do you care about him?
On the other hand if he does take an interest in this species he alledgedlly created why the fuck would god allow thousands of children in third world countries to die each year at the age of 6 days, after 144 hour life lying in there own faeces and the raw sewage of an entire village worth of shit. Is that free will?
We have COMPUTERS!!! Try and explain to a man in any of the various deprived areas of the world what a computer is.?.
Can you imagine what kind of life hundreds of thousands of people are FORCED to live, where there is no 'so called' free will, where thier most valued possesion is a spade, that they use to dig for scraps of coal for 16 hours a day, 7 days a week in a climate far hotter than your own, in the hope they can sell it for the equivalent of 50p (a quarter) a WEEK!!!!! if thier lucky.
Tell such a courageous person God loves him and guess what that person will tell you?
Please i am not saying god does or doesnt exist but if god had the power to make a fucking PLANET!!!!!!!!! give me one good reason he cant put right all the atroushous things that go on.
sorry for the rant, and this post is aimed at nobody hear but at the hundreds of ignorant spanners i have to see every day who walk around in suits and mobile phones thinking a bad day is when their companies share price drops a few % ,
If i were god i would..............

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You must be experiencing random thoughts

No random thought here! Cloud9 implied he does not believe in evolution, as indicated here:

Well lets see. There was an explosion is space and a bunch of rocks became planets. Then as one of them cooled water formed and then out of no where a one celled critter appeared. Some of the little critters turned into fish, and then some of the fish started walking on land. Some of them turned into monkeys and then the monkeys turned into man. Yea right!!

Ya, that pretty much sums up the Big Bang, the subsequent formation of our solar system, and the biology of evolution. When people use their "faith" to oppose sound scientific principles, that is pure ignorance. You like the science behind the design of your parachute, and the car you drive, but you mock, and insult a scientific principle that is one of the building blocks of biology. Sounds rather hypocritical to me ... no, my thoughts are clear and focused - they have to be if you're a skydiver!!!

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a scientific principle that is one of the building blocks of biology

Did I miss something?? I wasn't aware that this was a scientific FACT. I thought it was some theory that only SOME scientists believe and even some scientists do not believe it.
Like I said before, I don't really care what other people think. As long as you are happy, content with your own beliefs and live life as you want. (As I am sure skydivers are doing it BEST!:)BTW, Iflyme, even though these views are different, if ever go to Canada, I would jump with you anyday of the week! I think that is one cool thing about most people. You can disagree on anything and everything, but we all like to go out and get our knees in the breeze! :)Have a good Easter and BLUE SKIES!!

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I don't post often, but I have to buy into this one. My faith hasn't changed since I started skydiving, I still trust God to allow me to make my own decisions and wear the consequences in each case - good or bad, life or death. As for evolution v creation - the differences between these two theories (and that is what they are - theories, not facts - neither can be proven) is what kept me from God for many many years. Can I just urge anyone who is curious about Christianity to not throw the whole thing out just because you can't reconcile one aspect. Check it out, it's not black-and-white. I have a science degree, teach science (including evolution and the Big Bang Theory), taught religious education and can reconcile both worlds quite happily. The theory that satisfies me is based on the Hebrew translation of Genesis, anyone who is really interested can email me and I'll give you my interpretation.
BTW I am sure God is smiling at us as we fall through His sky - He loves to see us having fun.

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I'm sure given my nick most people can gather where I'm coming from on the spirituality issue. ;)
Did skydiving change me? No (other than becoming totally obsessed with the sport :D). But Zen/Tao has certainly helped my skydiving!
Blue Skies!

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BTW, Iflyme, even though these views are different, if ever go to Canada, I would jump with you anyday of the week!

Me too!!! I don't have a problem with a good healthy debate now and then. While my views may differ from yours, I would fight to the death to defend our freedom to have those views, and to freely express them! A diverse community is an interesting one.

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Just my opinion here.....
Science & religion do not have to conflict, they can coexist if we let them. For example I believe that God created that tree outside my window, and I also believe that the physical process of that tree's creation involved DNA replication/transcription, cell division, and photosynthesis.
I am a scientist and a Christian, and I don't believe that my religion is at war with my occupation, or vice versa. I believe that God created the universe, and that evolution is simply a mechanistic description of the physical events that occurred as God created life. Some people seem to be under the misconception that if scientifically-describable mechanisms are present, then God must be absent. But to believe this would be to believe that something/someone other than God created the physical universe. It is my belief that God set up the universe to unfold & develop the way it has.
I mostly agree with Teilhard de Chardin in this belief.... Uh Oh, don't get me started, I could go on for pages on this :)But I am at work right now...I have to get back to the lab & start cloning things!!!;)
Speed Racer
"Blue Skies, Red eyes, Sore thighs!"

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You are not far off when you say they can coexist. I believe in God and if you've ever read the book "Celestine Prophecy" (not a christian or any type of religious book) then it all makes sense. It brings the whole world together. A hippie friend of mine gave it to me and it is awesome. I know it's customary to give your AFF instructor tip money but at the end of my AFF, I gave mine, Billy Weber, this book and he was enthralled. He thanked me over and over again.
If you're religious or non-religious it doesn't matter, read the "Celestine Prophecy." It will be in the fiction section b/c much like the bible and the evolution theory, it can't be proven but it makes more sense than all else, IMHO.
Much love and blue skies,
Carrie http://www.geocities.com/skydivegrl20/

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I know it's customary to give your AFF instructor tip money

Sorry to change the topic, but is this really true???
I mean I have been to the states 3 times and thought I pretty much knew all about when and where to tip, but tipping your AFF instructor???
I mean the course already costs a shedload and the instructors are pretty well paid, so I can't believe that with the steep cost of AFF and the financial sacrifices some of us have to make to do it, that a tip could/should be expected.
Maybe if the barbie twin were my AFF instructors they'd get a tip, but I'm telling you right now it wouldn't be cash...
[drop till you party!]

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Creation Science:
The creation is "NOW"
Man's perception/creation of time is just that; man's perception/creation of time.
This infinite universe never had a beginning, therefore it could never have an end.
On the infinite number of "ideal planets" in the universe, the "range" of initial formation of organic compounds/molecules into a single cell life form into intelligent life is also infinite.
By definition, an infinite universe implies that everything that "can happen by design,"
is happening NOW in an infinite number of parallel sequences.
Yes indeed, this creation is based on a "simple plan of free choice" by a creator of infinite love and compassion. A perfect plan couldn't be any other way.
David B. Brownell
Mesa Arizona
January 2001

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