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Recently a good friend of mine and myself were having a conversation, and she was giving me advice about choosing a career, she said “nobody likes their job”, and went on about what I “should” do to basically “make the big money”.

Wow, this is exactly the same except in place of your *good friend* is my father. I repeatedly tell him that I WANT to be happy with my job and want to feel like whatever I do, I'm making a difference.
I think he finally understood when he asked me the other day about my past AFF skydiving instructor, Billy Weber, he said, "How old is Billy Weber? [I said around 45] And what does he do? Where does he live? [I said, he is a full-time skydiivng instructor and lives in a small house in gainesville] What kind of car does he drive? [I said, an old one] And when you're 45 will you be happy if that's all you have in your life? [I said, yes, b/c billy weber is doing what he loves everyday and getting paid for it. He is making a difference in every student's life he teaches and he doesn't need anything else to give him that satisfaction. He gets to travel around the world doing what he loves and gets paid to do it b/c he is an awesome skydiver. I want to travel too and even if when I come home, there's not much there, at least I got to do all the things I wanted to and at least when I have to go back to work I will actually look forward to it] Okay then, but finish college just in case it's not all you think it's cracked up to be."
That was the first time he'd ever not tried to argue his way out of me thinking that way. I think he finally got it. Go with what it is you want to do. If opportunity knocks, go for it b/c you have your whole life to get back to what you were doing before that opportunity came:)

that you are one of those special people that sees through all that BS and lives your life as you want to, regardless of what others opinions may be.

Thank you so much:)And thank you so much for the rest of your comments.
I hope you decide what is right for you.
much love and blue skies,
Carrie http://www.geocities.com/skydivegrl20/

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I like hearing others say what I WANT to believe. Sometimes I think that we're just trying to justify not being apart of reality as it's come to be, but the bile that comes to the back of my throat when I think about it reminds me that I like not being apart. I like sleeping in a hanger with friends who don't think twice about jumping from airplanes, or spend all night in front of bonfires at the beach. So often I get the same speaches that you guys have been talking about because graduation is just a couple of weeks away, but I've refused to settle for a job I don't like, and I'm still going to hold out for the one that I can say, yes, I do want to do that. If only we could get paid for our stubborn determination to enjoy life.

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Recently a good friend of mine and myself were having a conversation, and she was giving me advice about choosing a career, she said “nobody likes their job”, and went on about what I “should” do to basically “make the big money”.

Sorry man, but you're friend must really hate her life if that's how she really feels.. I am damn lucky in the respect that I have a job I love and I make good money doing it.. Plus, I have plenty of time off to skydive.. Of course, not as much time off as I would like, but every other week isn't bad..
If you hate your job, you'll be miserable in every other aspect of your life.. You'll never have as much fun as you could.. Don't waste your life doing something you hate..

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Yes, FFF, I'd like to know too. I hope whatever it is (about skydiving) it is temporary.
As for work, I refer to that conversation I just posted about my Dad and Billy Weber a lot when I find people who are about to be trapped in the world my father lives in. He is stressed out ALL THE TIME, he has so many things (motorcycles, motorcoach, nice house, cool cars) but never has time to play with them. He says it will all be worth it when he retires and I only hope for his sake that he has any energy left when he does to do those things.
Again, I must reiterate, DO WHAT MAKES YOU HAPPY. For me, that is skydiving and traveling and trying new adventerous things. I'd take a job any day that pays mediocre but allows me time and such to do just that. I am finishing school purely to do one thing in my life that puts a smile on my fathers face. Me personally, I believe knowledge is important but I think you learn so much more from living life and getting in there hands-on then reading any book and taking a test. I NEVER go to class and still I ace those damn exams. I feel like I've been in school for 3 years now since HS and I haven't learned a thing. But at least I'll be out at 22 and can beging the real journey I've always sought. I wish you guys all the same:)Back to FFF, please share.............
Much love and blue skies,
Carrie http://www.geocities.com/skydivegrl20/

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He says it will all be worth it when he retires and I only hope for his sake that he has any energy left when he does to do those things.

I agree Carrie. I met someone very much like that a couple years back who worked constantly...he kept saying how he would rest and have fun when he retired. I couldn't deal with that. We fought about it a lot...we just couldn't agree that life is meant to be lived NOW! You never know what can happen and life just seems like it would be sssooo long if you are just trudging along until you can retire! I just can't imagine. Like my Dad too...he worked hard for many many years (like 18 or something), no vacations or time off, then the company was bought out and they hired someone younger for his job! Now he's working still, way past when he should have to be, and what does he have to show for it? Bad health, too much stress and a lot of 'I wish I had *blank* while I had the chance'.
Anyway...just my thoughts. I grew up in Kansas and since my Dad would never take a vacation, I have yet to even see the ocean, or much of anything that I haven't gone and done now that I'm grown. I *will not* do that to my kids. I love my parents dearly and am very close to them, but my kids will walk on the shore, bury their toes in the sand and see all there is out there in this world as much as is possible!

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Your mom sounds like mine in the aspect of hating what I do!:( She won't watch the kiddies if she knows that's where I am headed.......It's been a battle from the beginning!:( It's good to hear that there are some of you out there w/parents that at least can make light of it! :)BTW.............Nice PIC!!!! You sexy thang, you!

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BTW.............Nice PIC!!!! You sexy thang, you!

Ah thanks *blush* That's quite a compliment coming from you! Yeah, having kids certainly complicates things...but hey, I have a couple of future packers already! LOL!
"The question is not whether we will die, but how we will live."
-Joan Borysenko

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good thinkin Pammi....I am wondering if Laura and I should start a little baby factory here to put out mass quantities of packers. Hey, until they get about 12, they will get tired of packing all day and we'll have to rotate them. hahaha.....blue ones.
Brandon and Laura
a work in progress

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Ya gotta do what you love, and love what you do. I couldn't spend such a big part of my life here at the tv station if I didn't enjoy my work so much. Carrie, I do think that education is important. Knowledge is power. Get a good education when you are young, because you'll be too busy when you are older to go back and try to catch up. And money DOES matter. You don't see many poor people skydiving, do you? And what does a new rig cost these days??? The trick is to find a profitable career doing something you enjoy. Ya can't go on travelling around the world if you can't afford it!
Carrie, even though you have made a decision to not have children of your own, I think you would make a great Mom. You sound like the sort of person who would bring kids into a world full of love, encouragement, and opportunities.
FFF, I'll bite: Are ya gonna share your news with us?

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Man, not just yet...sorry...I gotta find a way to put it into words...so far my heart has failed me in this respect and I just can't find the right way to talk...but this was the reason that I so desparately wanted my name back...I've suspected for a while but wasn't sure and now the whole thing has been confirmed...I'll let ya know, tho, when I am comfortable with it myself...

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Skydivers of all people should know that it is not the destination but the journey that makes life fun. Think about every jump you ever made. If you spend the entire jump thinking about the ground you miss your friends, the view and the joy of being alive and in freefall. Don't ever sacrifice all of today for tommorrow because life is beautiful but fragile and tommorrow may never come.
Blue Skys and Safe Landings

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