Pammi 0 #1 April 6, 2001 I just get off the phone with Mom and now she's gone from hating me skydiving to cracking jokes about how bad I suck at it. LOL! Biatch! LOL! She's lucky I love her so much! She better watch it or I'm gonna throw her out on a tandem, I don't care if she does hate flying! She won't be in the plane long! Muahahaha!Blues!Pammi Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Divadiver 0 #2 April 6, 2001 Pammi:At least you had the wo-ha's to tell your mom that you jump! Neither one of my parents know. Mom never misses anything, so I'm sure when they dropped by (unannounced) last weekend, she must have had some questions about that Parachutist Mag. that was on the dining room table!! Divadiver Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Grogs 0 #3 April 6, 2001 Quotenow she's gone from hating me skydiving to cracking jokes about how bad I suck at it.HAHAHAHA. I love it. Don't feel bad though. We all suck at it in one way or the other. As a matter of fact, I really feel like my skydiving sucks right now. I need to do about 10 jumps this weekend to work on it. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Pammi 0 #4 April 6, 2001 ROFL! You haven't told them!? That's funny :) I can't help it...I'm not very good at keeping things I'm excited about to myself...Christmas is really hard for me! LOL! I'd explode if I couldn't talk about it! Pammi Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Pammi 0 #5 April 6, 2001 LOL Grogs! Well I was telling her how my daughter really wants to be a singer and I'm trying to explain to her as nicely as possible that some people aren't destined to be professionals at the things they love to do (poor girl has her mamma's voice and wants to be the next Brittney), and how I probably will never get to be a professional skydiver...Mom had the nerve to start laughing at me...hard! "You're telling me!" she says. Hmph! LOL! Then she told me she's taking out extra insurance after I tell her how I funnelled the exit last weekend and the instructor ended up hanging from my chest strap it looked like on the video. LOL. Poor guy...he has his hands full with me :) It's so much fun tho! HehehePammi Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Deleted 0 #6 April 6, 2001 My parents were hated it at first then slowly started to understand the sport. My Dad was ready to jump..... Then I had a mal and my whole family excpet my brother is againt me doing it. I don't get it, my Dad has a 99 Cobra that every know and again has seen over 140mph, and my brother has a street bike, but all I want to do is jump out of an airplane and the family goes nuts! Maybe its due to lack of knowledge. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rodeochic 0 #7 April 6, 2001 Ever since I started jumping my parents thought I was crazy. I actually convinced my mom to come watch me once. Now every time the family is together I always have a jump story and they just roll their eyes. I am getting tired of being asked when I'm gonna stop jumping. Don't they get it that I am never gonna stop? Geesh, whuffos!! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tee 0 #8 April 6, 2001 Pammi, you should try bringing your parents out to the dz. It is amazing how people warm up to skydiving once they are more informed about it and alot of the skydiving myths are dispelled.My parents are thrilled that I skydive. My dad has been in Aviation for over 30 years and mom....well, she is just as crazy as I am. I took her out for a weekend of partying at the dz last year and there were so many other jumpers sitting on her knee and feeding her drinks, it was a hoot. She was up all night with the best of us! Tee Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
VivaHeadDown 0 #9 April 6, 2001 Do not feel too bad, it's been over two years and I can still tell my parents think I'm wasting my time and money with skydiving. You just have to remember, they maybe family, but they are still Whuffos. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jumpergirl 0 #10 April 6, 2001 That's just funny! LOL My dad started jumping 5 months after I did, but only lasted for 3 years then quit. During that time my grandmother made a tandem and my little brother did 3 static lines. My parents don't like that I spend so much money on it, but they do know I'll never quit! Now, if I can just get Grandma to understand that!! LOL Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites FreeflyPlaymate 0 #11 April 6, 2001 I am still waiting for the day for my mom to acknowledge that I skydive. IF any one of my relatives asks what I have been up too, she will mention alot but not jumping. My first jump everyone in my family showed minus the She says she'll jump for a million dollars tax free...I'd better start saving my money right lol...**BLUE ONES** BITE ME.... :P Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites Tee 0 #12 April 6, 2001 And you could always remind them how easy it will be for them to buy you X-mas and B-day presents.....jump ticket please! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites froggie 0 #13 April 6, 2001 pammi,your mom sounds like a riot :) lol. me and my mom had a 'moment' today.. we were in a shopping complex about 5 minutes from xkeys... I had to drop her off at one store then go to another store myself. well, i got preocupied in Staples and before i knew it the cel phone was ringing: "kel, did you go out to cross keys? im waiting for you" "no mom, im still shopping" "well its just soooo like you to ditch your mom at a store and go out to the DZ" ROF. i couldnt believe my own mom would think that i would just 'skip town' on her like that. And even funnier... its been raining here all day, and she knows that the rain doesnt keep me from going out there anyway. lol Moms a riot. Gotta love the soon to be ex whuffo mom. :)froggie Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites Pammi 0 #14 April 10, 2001 ROFL! I meant to post to this earlier Froggie, but forgot! I get behind on the weekends since I'm never near a puter. I was cracking up when I read this tho...that's great that your mom has such a sense of humor about it! My mom is great too...very funny...but I think mom would flip out if she had to live with me at the DZ all the time :) I'm so lucky Merrick's mom doesn't mind letting the kids hang out with her while we sit out at the DZ all wouldn't be possible without her for us to have done all of this! Pammi Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites PLFXpert 0 #15 April 10, 2001 My parents don't give a shit. As long as I stay in school, my Dad could careless what I do. He's not stoked about it but he's given up on trying to mold me to his standards. My family is far from close so I'm not sure if anyone else knows. Nobody talks to each other so if they do know, they dont' give a shit either....ha ha ha.Much love and blue skies,Carrie [url][url] Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites lazerq3 0 #16 April 11, 2001 QuoteMy family is far from close so I'm not sure if anyone else knows. Nobody talks to each other so if they do know, they dont' give a shit eitherI think your family and my family outta get together and go bowlingjason Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites Zennie 0 #17 April 11, 2001 QuoteMy parents don't give a shit. As long as I stay in school, my Dad could careless what I do...My family is far from close so I'm not sure if anyone else knows. Nobody talks to each other...First off, sorry to hear that Carrie. That really sucks. Now it's time for me to go off into yet another of my diatribes....I just don't get this. I see this kind of thing time and time again... and people wonder why kids grow up with all sorts of issues. People wonder why kids these days feel alienated and irrelevant? Sheesh!I mean, my wife and I go back and forth about having kids all the time. Neither of us want to have a child unless we can devote all of our love and attention to it. If we don't think that we can do that, we won't have kids.People are so wrapped up in themselves these days that they treat their kids more as burdens and inconveniences than human beings who desperately need love, guidance and companionship. If you can't provide that, you shouldn't be reproducing.<>Time for a soak in Bally's jacuzzi....------------Blue Skies!Zennie Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites Zennie 0 #18 April 11, 2001 As far as my family goes....My wife has stopped worrying about it now that she's started to gain an understanding about the sport.My Mom frets, but she frets about everything. My Dad can't really complain, because he races cars for kicks. My bro wants to do a skydive with his wedding party before he gets married. Naturally I'm gonna have to do something special for that! ------------Blue Skies!Zennie Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites Viking 0 #19 April 11, 2001 Shit my dad was all excited about me wanting to jump for my 20th b-day. He flew in from louisiana with my mom to jump with me. We went up to Elsinore and both did tandems on the same load! that kicked ass b/c before that the only thing we really talked about was fixing the cars or star trek. Now my mom on the other hand thinks i should be devoting my time and money all to school and doing nothing else (she is a college english teacher) I told her i was going for my A this summer and she pitched a damn fit b/c she wanted me to go summer school!!!! screw summer school summer is for playing and having fun and forgetting all the shit you learned over the past school year and what better to format your brain than throwing yourself out of an airplane, falling 8,500 feet, then flying with the birds for a good 4-5 mins, and then making a perfect stand up landing and then going to do it again!!!. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites PLFXpert 0 #20 April 11, 2001 QuoteI mean, my wife and I go back and forth about having kids all the time. Neither of us want to have a child unless we can devote all of our love and attention to it. If we don't think that we can do that, we won't have kids.That is EXACTLY why I do not want any. I am great with kids when I tutor them or teach them swimming but I'd have no idea how to raise one. Not to mention I wouldn't have a clue how to handle the responsibility. IMHO, the world is overpopulated and the last thing it needs is for me or people like me who have grown up as I have to be having kids and screwing them up. I love kids but I also grew up an only child whose Dad (parents divorced) was always traveling and whose secretary would pick me up from school if I was sick. He gave me a debit card (for groceries only) when I was 14 b/c he was not home long enough to go. He does care, don't get me wrong, but only about school. He came from a rough childhood and made himself a wealthy man and wants me to do the same only money isn't everything to me like it is to him and I just want to be happy. My mom and I are *friends* and always have been. I love her dearly but she didn't want me and didn't know how to raise me so she was happy after the divorce that she would just have to deal with me on the weekends. I'm okay with that b/c it allowed her to not get too stressed and still have a good relationship with me. I grew up with the house to myself, was the life of the party in HS since all the parties were at my house with no parents there and would have no idea how to sacrifice the things I want to do in my life (traveling, skydiving, ext) for a child. I'm okay with that and have always known I didn't want kids even though I love playing with other's kids very much. I look forward to my best friend since kindergarten (and really my only true friend my whole life) when she has kids b/c she is like a sister to me and really wants a family and deemed me their "fun *aunt* carrie." I like that and look forward to being that. Oh my gosh, I can't believe I actually just said all that. You should know I RARELY talk about anything personal.All that said though, no worries. I'm not looking at all for sympathy or pity. I would not be who I am today, or maybe not even a skydiver without all that. And tons of others have it a helluva lot worse! I'm glad I grew up w/out the influences of my family b/c they are all close-minded buisness folk and I am open-minded, peace-loving, love to volunteer and talk to a variety of people. I might not have been that way had they had anything to do with it. My mom's side of the family are literally geniouses and my grandmother said (a mathematical genious who figured it out mathematically somehow, who knows?) that she believes I was put here by God for some awesome purpose to really make a difference in certain people's lives who need me. I choose to believe that as well b/c it is a nice thing to believe. I am a strong girl and am used to dealing with people's judgementality. A lot of times people may take my strong-will and opinionated self to be cocky and well, that's okay with me. I know I'm not and as I said once before, I'd rather them think that then me have to explain myself all the time to people. Anyways....sorry this is so long. In a weird way it feels cool to say it thoughI am grateful to be where I am today. I have a boyfriend who I love and who loves me and we want to be together and skydive together for the rest of our lives. He has the family I always wanted and gives me a break from always having to worry about things and deal with them on my own. It's refreshingAnd I love you guys too,Much love and blue skies,Carrie Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites Viking 0 #21 April 11, 2001 hey PLFXpert i just looked at your webpage and i have say your damn HOT!!! not hitting on you just complimenting. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites PLFXpert 0 #22 April 11, 2001 Thank you for the *compliment* VikingMuch love and blue skies,Carrie Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites Dirtsucks 0 #23 April 11, 2001 Hey Carrie. We’re pretty different in respect to our relationship to our parents, among other things, but I wanted to reply to a few things you said. You said that “money isn't everything to me like it is to him and I just want to be happy.” I didn’t’ realize how much I needed to hear that until now. Recently a good friend of mine and myself were having a conversation, and she was giving me advice about choosing a career, she said “nobody likes their job”, and went on about what I “should” do to basically “make the big money”. Because she was someone I respected, I tried to take in her advice, but my mind just wouldn’t accept it. I think that in that respect you and I think very much alike. All I want is to make my life something that I can take a step back and look at and think “Wow, I am so cool!”, lots of money or not. Money talks these days, you’re status is judged by the job you have, the car you drive, the house you live in, etc. I don’t know you, so I’m taking a chance here, but I think that you are one of those special people that sees through all that BS and lives your life as you want to, regardless of what others opinions may be. And that is something that I can respect. You also said that some people may find you to be cocky. I think those people are just jealous, because they most likely live boring, mundane, ORDINARY, lives. You’re not cocky, you’re just proud of what you have accomplished, and you deserve to feel proud. One last point, you said you don’t open up like you did very much, why not? I have several times, reluctantly at first, but always with huge amounts of support and understanding from everybody here. It’s truly been a lifesaver to me. You got something in your head that’s bothering you, skydiving related or not? Here’s the place to let it out. We’ll listen.Josh Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites Zennie 0 #24 April 11, 2001 QuoteRecently a good friend of mine and myself were having a conversation, and she was giving me advice about choosing a career, she said “nobody likes their job”, and went on about what I “should” do to basically “make the big money”.I quit my job as a lawyer because I came to the realization that life is too short to spend it being miserable at what I do. So I became a software developer. I figured I'd be happier, and better at what I do, if I made my hobby my career. I have absolutely no regrets and I'm actually doing OK financially.Do what you love. You'll naturally excel. If you excel you'll be successful. But even if you're broke, at least you're happy in your work -- unlike 90% of the population.------------Blue Skies!Zennie Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites Dirtsucks 0 #25 April 11, 2001 QuoteDo what you love. You'll naturally excel. If you excel you'll be successful. But even if you're broke, at least you're happy in your work -- unlike 90% of the population.couldn’t have said it better myself. HAPPINESS>WEALTH!. 90% of the population? I (sadly) think that that’s being very conservative. Thanks Zennie - Josh Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites Prev 1 2 Next Page 1 of 2 Join the conversation You can post now and register later. If you have an account, sign in now to post with your account. Note: Your post will require moderator approval before it will be visible. Reply to this topic... × Pasted as rich text. Paste as plain text instead Only 75 emoji are allowed. × Your link has been automatically embedded. Display as a link instead × Your previous content has been restored. Clear editor × You cannot paste images directly. Upload or insert images from URL. Insert image from URL × Desktop Tablet Phone Submit Reply 0 Go To Topic Listing
FreeflyPlaymate 0 #11 April 6, 2001 I am still waiting for the day for my mom to acknowledge that I skydive. IF any one of my relatives asks what I have been up too, she will mention alot but not jumping. My first jump everyone in my family showed minus the She says she'll jump for a million dollars tax free...I'd better start saving my money right lol...**BLUE ONES** BITE ME.... :P Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tee 0 #12 April 6, 2001 And you could always remind them how easy it will be for them to buy you X-mas and B-day presents.....jump ticket please! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
froggie 0 #13 April 6, 2001 pammi,your mom sounds like a riot :) lol. me and my mom had a 'moment' today.. we were in a shopping complex about 5 minutes from xkeys... I had to drop her off at one store then go to another store myself. well, i got preocupied in Staples and before i knew it the cel phone was ringing: "kel, did you go out to cross keys? im waiting for you" "no mom, im still shopping" "well its just soooo like you to ditch your mom at a store and go out to the DZ" ROF. i couldnt believe my own mom would think that i would just 'skip town' on her like that. And even funnier... its been raining here all day, and she knows that the rain doesnt keep me from going out there anyway. lol Moms a riot. Gotta love the soon to be ex whuffo mom. :)froggie Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Pammi 0 #14 April 10, 2001 ROFL! I meant to post to this earlier Froggie, but forgot! I get behind on the weekends since I'm never near a puter. I was cracking up when I read this tho...that's great that your mom has such a sense of humor about it! My mom is great too...very funny...but I think mom would flip out if she had to live with me at the DZ all the time :) I'm so lucky Merrick's mom doesn't mind letting the kids hang out with her while we sit out at the DZ all wouldn't be possible without her for us to have done all of this! Pammi Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
PLFXpert 0 #15 April 10, 2001 My parents don't give a shit. As long as I stay in school, my Dad could careless what I do. He's not stoked about it but he's given up on trying to mold me to his standards. My family is far from close so I'm not sure if anyone else knows. Nobody talks to each other so if they do know, they dont' give a shit either....ha ha ha.Much love and blue skies,Carrie [url][url] Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
lazerq3 0 #16 April 11, 2001 QuoteMy family is far from close so I'm not sure if anyone else knows. Nobody talks to each other so if they do know, they dont' give a shit eitherI think your family and my family outta get together and go bowlingjason Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Zennie 0 #17 April 11, 2001 QuoteMy parents don't give a shit. As long as I stay in school, my Dad could careless what I do...My family is far from close so I'm not sure if anyone else knows. Nobody talks to each other...First off, sorry to hear that Carrie. That really sucks. Now it's time for me to go off into yet another of my diatribes....I just don't get this. I see this kind of thing time and time again... and people wonder why kids grow up with all sorts of issues. People wonder why kids these days feel alienated and irrelevant? Sheesh!I mean, my wife and I go back and forth about having kids all the time. Neither of us want to have a child unless we can devote all of our love and attention to it. If we don't think that we can do that, we won't have kids.People are so wrapped up in themselves these days that they treat their kids more as burdens and inconveniences than human beings who desperately need love, guidance and companionship. If you can't provide that, you shouldn't be reproducing.<>Time for a soak in Bally's jacuzzi....------------Blue Skies!Zennie Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Zennie 0 #18 April 11, 2001 As far as my family goes....My wife has stopped worrying about it now that she's started to gain an understanding about the sport.My Mom frets, but she frets about everything. My Dad can't really complain, because he races cars for kicks. My bro wants to do a skydive with his wedding party before he gets married. Naturally I'm gonna have to do something special for that! ------------Blue Skies!Zennie Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Viking 0 #19 April 11, 2001 Shit my dad was all excited about me wanting to jump for my 20th b-day. He flew in from louisiana with my mom to jump with me. We went up to Elsinore and both did tandems on the same load! that kicked ass b/c before that the only thing we really talked about was fixing the cars or star trek. Now my mom on the other hand thinks i should be devoting my time and money all to school and doing nothing else (she is a college english teacher) I told her i was going for my A this summer and she pitched a damn fit b/c she wanted me to go summer school!!!! screw summer school summer is for playing and having fun and forgetting all the shit you learned over the past school year and what better to format your brain than throwing yourself out of an airplane, falling 8,500 feet, then flying with the birds for a good 4-5 mins, and then making a perfect stand up landing and then going to do it again!!!. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites PLFXpert 0 #20 April 11, 2001 QuoteI mean, my wife and I go back and forth about having kids all the time. Neither of us want to have a child unless we can devote all of our love and attention to it. If we don't think that we can do that, we won't have kids.That is EXACTLY why I do not want any. I am great with kids when I tutor them or teach them swimming but I'd have no idea how to raise one. Not to mention I wouldn't have a clue how to handle the responsibility. IMHO, the world is overpopulated and the last thing it needs is for me or people like me who have grown up as I have to be having kids and screwing them up. I love kids but I also grew up an only child whose Dad (parents divorced) was always traveling and whose secretary would pick me up from school if I was sick. He gave me a debit card (for groceries only) when I was 14 b/c he was not home long enough to go. He does care, don't get me wrong, but only about school. He came from a rough childhood and made himself a wealthy man and wants me to do the same only money isn't everything to me like it is to him and I just want to be happy. My mom and I are *friends* and always have been. I love her dearly but she didn't want me and didn't know how to raise me so she was happy after the divorce that she would just have to deal with me on the weekends. I'm okay with that b/c it allowed her to not get too stressed and still have a good relationship with me. I grew up with the house to myself, was the life of the party in HS since all the parties were at my house with no parents there and would have no idea how to sacrifice the things I want to do in my life (traveling, skydiving, ext) for a child. I'm okay with that and have always known I didn't want kids even though I love playing with other's kids very much. I look forward to my best friend since kindergarten (and really my only true friend my whole life) when she has kids b/c she is like a sister to me and really wants a family and deemed me their "fun *aunt* carrie." I like that and look forward to being that. Oh my gosh, I can't believe I actually just said all that. You should know I RARELY talk about anything personal.All that said though, no worries. I'm not looking at all for sympathy or pity. I would not be who I am today, or maybe not even a skydiver without all that. And tons of others have it a helluva lot worse! I'm glad I grew up w/out the influences of my family b/c they are all close-minded buisness folk and I am open-minded, peace-loving, love to volunteer and talk to a variety of people. I might not have been that way had they had anything to do with it. My mom's side of the family are literally geniouses and my grandmother said (a mathematical genious who figured it out mathematically somehow, who knows?) that she believes I was put here by God for some awesome purpose to really make a difference in certain people's lives who need me. I choose to believe that as well b/c it is a nice thing to believe. I am a strong girl and am used to dealing with people's judgementality. A lot of times people may take my strong-will and opinionated self to be cocky and well, that's okay with me. I know I'm not and as I said once before, I'd rather them think that then me have to explain myself all the time to people. Anyways....sorry this is so long. In a weird way it feels cool to say it thoughI am grateful to be where I am today. I have a boyfriend who I love and who loves me and we want to be together and skydive together for the rest of our lives. He has the family I always wanted and gives me a break from always having to worry about things and deal with them on my own. It's refreshingAnd I love you guys too,Much love and blue skies,Carrie Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites Viking 0 #21 April 11, 2001 hey PLFXpert i just looked at your webpage and i have say your damn HOT!!! not hitting on you just complimenting. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites PLFXpert 0 #22 April 11, 2001 Thank you for the *compliment* VikingMuch love and blue skies,Carrie Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites Dirtsucks 0 #23 April 11, 2001 Hey Carrie. We’re pretty different in respect to our relationship to our parents, among other things, but I wanted to reply to a few things you said. You said that “money isn't everything to me like it is to him and I just want to be happy.” I didn’t’ realize how much I needed to hear that until now. Recently a good friend of mine and myself were having a conversation, and she was giving me advice about choosing a career, she said “nobody likes their job”, and went on about what I “should” do to basically “make the big money”. Because she was someone I respected, I tried to take in her advice, but my mind just wouldn’t accept it. I think that in that respect you and I think very much alike. All I want is to make my life something that I can take a step back and look at and think “Wow, I am so cool!”, lots of money or not. Money talks these days, you’re status is judged by the job you have, the car you drive, the house you live in, etc. I don’t know you, so I’m taking a chance here, but I think that you are one of those special people that sees through all that BS and lives your life as you want to, regardless of what others opinions may be. And that is something that I can respect. You also said that some people may find you to be cocky. I think those people are just jealous, because they most likely live boring, mundane, ORDINARY, lives. You’re not cocky, you’re just proud of what you have accomplished, and you deserve to feel proud. One last point, you said you don’t open up like you did very much, why not? I have several times, reluctantly at first, but always with huge amounts of support and understanding from everybody here. It’s truly been a lifesaver to me. You got something in your head that’s bothering you, skydiving related or not? Here’s the place to let it out. We’ll listen.Josh Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites Zennie 0 #24 April 11, 2001 QuoteRecently a good friend of mine and myself were having a conversation, and she was giving me advice about choosing a career, she said “nobody likes their job”, and went on about what I “should” do to basically “make the big money”.I quit my job as a lawyer because I came to the realization that life is too short to spend it being miserable at what I do. So I became a software developer. I figured I'd be happier, and better at what I do, if I made my hobby my career. I have absolutely no regrets and I'm actually doing OK financially.Do what you love. You'll naturally excel. If you excel you'll be successful. But even if you're broke, at least you're happy in your work -- unlike 90% of the population.------------Blue Skies!Zennie Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites Dirtsucks 0 #25 April 11, 2001 QuoteDo what you love. You'll naturally excel. If you excel you'll be successful. But even if you're broke, at least you're happy in your work -- unlike 90% of the population.couldn’t have said it better myself. HAPPINESS>WEALTH!. 90% of the population? I (sadly) think that that’s being very conservative. Thanks Zennie - Josh Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites Prev 1 2 Next Page 1 of 2 Join the conversation You can post now and register later. If you have an account, sign in now to post with your account. Note: Your post will require moderator approval before it will be visible. Reply to this topic... × Pasted as rich text. Paste as plain text instead Only 75 emoji are allowed. × Your link has been automatically embedded. Display as a link instead × Your previous content has been restored. Clear editor × You cannot paste images directly. Upload or insert images from URL. Insert image from URL × Desktop Tablet Phone Submit Reply 0 Go To Topic Listing
PLFXpert 0 #20 April 11, 2001 QuoteI mean, my wife and I go back and forth about having kids all the time. Neither of us want to have a child unless we can devote all of our love and attention to it. If we don't think that we can do that, we won't have kids.That is EXACTLY why I do not want any. I am great with kids when I tutor them or teach them swimming but I'd have no idea how to raise one. Not to mention I wouldn't have a clue how to handle the responsibility. IMHO, the world is overpopulated and the last thing it needs is for me or people like me who have grown up as I have to be having kids and screwing them up. I love kids but I also grew up an only child whose Dad (parents divorced) was always traveling and whose secretary would pick me up from school if I was sick. He gave me a debit card (for groceries only) when I was 14 b/c he was not home long enough to go. He does care, don't get me wrong, but only about school. He came from a rough childhood and made himself a wealthy man and wants me to do the same only money isn't everything to me like it is to him and I just want to be happy. My mom and I are *friends* and always have been. I love her dearly but she didn't want me and didn't know how to raise me so she was happy after the divorce that she would just have to deal with me on the weekends. I'm okay with that b/c it allowed her to not get too stressed and still have a good relationship with me. I grew up with the house to myself, was the life of the party in HS since all the parties were at my house with no parents there and would have no idea how to sacrifice the things I want to do in my life (traveling, skydiving, ext) for a child. I'm okay with that and have always known I didn't want kids even though I love playing with other's kids very much. I look forward to my best friend since kindergarten (and really my only true friend my whole life) when she has kids b/c she is like a sister to me and really wants a family and deemed me their "fun *aunt* carrie." I like that and look forward to being that. Oh my gosh, I can't believe I actually just said all that. You should know I RARELY talk about anything personal.All that said though, no worries. I'm not looking at all for sympathy or pity. I would not be who I am today, or maybe not even a skydiver without all that. And tons of others have it a helluva lot worse! I'm glad I grew up w/out the influences of my family b/c they are all close-minded buisness folk and I am open-minded, peace-loving, love to volunteer and talk to a variety of people. I might not have been that way had they had anything to do with it. My mom's side of the family are literally geniouses and my grandmother said (a mathematical genious who figured it out mathematically somehow, who knows?) that she believes I was put here by God for some awesome purpose to really make a difference in certain people's lives who need me. I choose to believe that as well b/c it is a nice thing to believe. I am a strong girl and am used to dealing with people's judgementality. A lot of times people may take my strong-will and opinionated self to be cocky and well, that's okay with me. I know I'm not and as I said once before, I'd rather them think that then me have to explain myself all the time to people. Anyways....sorry this is so long. In a weird way it feels cool to say it thoughI am grateful to be where I am today. I have a boyfriend who I love and who loves me and we want to be together and skydive together for the rest of our lives. He has the family I always wanted and gives me a break from always having to worry about things and deal with them on my own. It's refreshingAnd I love you guys too,Much love and blue skies,Carrie Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Viking 0 #21 April 11, 2001 hey PLFXpert i just looked at your webpage and i have say your damn HOT!!! not hitting on you just complimenting. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites PLFXpert 0 #22 April 11, 2001 Thank you for the *compliment* VikingMuch love and blue skies,Carrie Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites Dirtsucks 0 #23 April 11, 2001 Hey Carrie. We’re pretty different in respect to our relationship to our parents, among other things, but I wanted to reply to a few things you said. You said that “money isn't everything to me like it is to him and I just want to be happy.” I didn’t’ realize how much I needed to hear that until now. Recently a good friend of mine and myself were having a conversation, and she was giving me advice about choosing a career, she said “nobody likes their job”, and went on about what I “should” do to basically “make the big money”. Because she was someone I respected, I tried to take in her advice, but my mind just wouldn’t accept it. I think that in that respect you and I think very much alike. All I want is to make my life something that I can take a step back and look at and think “Wow, I am so cool!”, lots of money or not. Money talks these days, you’re status is judged by the job you have, the car you drive, the house you live in, etc. I don’t know you, so I’m taking a chance here, but I think that you are one of those special people that sees through all that BS and lives your life as you want to, regardless of what others opinions may be. And that is something that I can respect. You also said that some people may find you to be cocky. I think those people are just jealous, because they most likely live boring, mundane, ORDINARY, lives. You’re not cocky, you’re just proud of what you have accomplished, and you deserve to feel proud. One last point, you said you don’t open up like you did very much, why not? I have several times, reluctantly at first, but always with huge amounts of support and understanding from everybody here. It’s truly been a lifesaver to me. You got something in your head that’s bothering you, skydiving related or not? Here’s the place to let it out. We’ll listen.Josh Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites Zennie 0 #24 April 11, 2001 QuoteRecently a good friend of mine and myself were having a conversation, and she was giving me advice about choosing a career, she said “nobody likes their job”, and went on about what I “should” do to basically “make the big money”.I quit my job as a lawyer because I came to the realization that life is too short to spend it being miserable at what I do. So I became a software developer. I figured I'd be happier, and better at what I do, if I made my hobby my career. I have absolutely no regrets and I'm actually doing OK financially.Do what you love. You'll naturally excel. If you excel you'll be successful. But even if you're broke, at least you're happy in your work -- unlike 90% of the population.------------Blue Skies!Zennie Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites Dirtsucks 0 #25 April 11, 2001 QuoteDo what you love. You'll naturally excel. If you excel you'll be successful. But even if you're broke, at least you're happy in your work -- unlike 90% of the population.couldn’t have said it better myself. HAPPINESS>WEALTH!. 90% of the population? I (sadly) think that that’s being very conservative. Thanks Zennie - Josh Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites Prev 1 2 Next Page 1 of 2 Join the conversation You can post now and register later. If you have an account, sign in now to post with your account. Note: Your post will require moderator approval before it will be visible. Reply to this topic... × Pasted as rich text. Paste as plain text instead Only 75 emoji are allowed. × Your link has been automatically embedded. Display as a link instead × Your previous content has been restored. Clear editor × You cannot paste images directly. Upload or insert images from URL. Insert image from URL × Desktop Tablet Phone Submit Reply 0
PLFXpert 0 #22 April 11, 2001 Thank you for the *compliment* VikingMuch love and blue skies,Carrie Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dirtsucks 0 #23 April 11, 2001 Hey Carrie. We’re pretty different in respect to our relationship to our parents, among other things, but I wanted to reply to a few things you said. You said that “money isn't everything to me like it is to him and I just want to be happy.” I didn’t’ realize how much I needed to hear that until now. Recently a good friend of mine and myself were having a conversation, and she was giving me advice about choosing a career, she said “nobody likes their job”, and went on about what I “should” do to basically “make the big money”. Because she was someone I respected, I tried to take in her advice, but my mind just wouldn’t accept it. I think that in that respect you and I think very much alike. All I want is to make my life something that I can take a step back and look at and think “Wow, I am so cool!”, lots of money or not. Money talks these days, you’re status is judged by the job you have, the car you drive, the house you live in, etc. I don’t know you, so I’m taking a chance here, but I think that you are one of those special people that sees through all that BS and lives your life as you want to, regardless of what others opinions may be. And that is something that I can respect. You also said that some people may find you to be cocky. I think those people are just jealous, because they most likely live boring, mundane, ORDINARY, lives. You’re not cocky, you’re just proud of what you have accomplished, and you deserve to feel proud. One last point, you said you don’t open up like you did very much, why not? I have several times, reluctantly at first, but always with huge amounts of support and understanding from everybody here. It’s truly been a lifesaver to me. You got something in your head that’s bothering you, skydiving related or not? Here’s the place to let it out. We’ll listen.Josh Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Zennie 0 #24 April 11, 2001 QuoteRecently a good friend of mine and myself were having a conversation, and she was giving me advice about choosing a career, she said “nobody likes their job”, and went on about what I “should” do to basically “make the big money”.I quit my job as a lawyer because I came to the realization that life is too short to spend it being miserable at what I do. So I became a software developer. I figured I'd be happier, and better at what I do, if I made my hobby my career. I have absolutely no regrets and I'm actually doing OK financially.Do what you love. You'll naturally excel. If you excel you'll be successful. But even if you're broke, at least you're happy in your work -- unlike 90% of the population.------------Blue Skies!Zennie Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dirtsucks 0 #25 April 11, 2001 QuoteDo what you love. You'll naturally excel. If you excel you'll be successful. But even if you're broke, at least you're happy in your work -- unlike 90% of the population.couldn’t have said it better myself. HAPPINESS>WEALTH!. 90% of the population? I (sadly) think that that’s being very conservative. Thanks Zennie - Josh Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites