
New chic in town

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"Now...can somebody please tell TripleF there's a new woman on the forums?!"
now why do we have to tell him............less compitition for the rodeo jumps............
now just a though......you know your a skydiver when....you can have a girl ride you and show the video to your parents/kids!

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You guys are awesome!! I am lucky that I'm able to travel alot, so I'm willing to come visit anyone who wants me around. The idea of the man on his back for the rodeo sounds way more fun than the way I've been doin' it. As for performing acceptance rituals, well when I come see you in person I'm up for just about anything!! (That should give some of the guys around here some really nasty ideas). Just keep in mind I like riding things!! Someone asked how many jumps I had - I have about 200.

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hee hee, looks like your initiation is going to involve both nudity and an inverted rodeo jump - you know you could make a lot of money if you started selling lottery tickets to the guys here on DZ.com to be your rodeo *stallion*...
[drop till you party!]
PS put me down for 10 tickets (the cheque is in the mail):D

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So RChic,
When are you coming to Europe then?? You can join FreakSis on her world tour!
Screamer, lets have a European lottery we tell no-one else over here about and we can enjoy all the fun ourselves! DOH... Just told everyone didn't I???
"Rodeochic, come to Europe, COME to Europe...." LOL
Hmm... I'm having a great time thinking about this!

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Hey rodeo. Welcome to the boards!
Where do you jump out of? My folks live in Indy (as did myself until about 4 years ago) and I go up to visit from time to time. Next time I go up I'll be bringing my rig.

That was me. For some strange reason I get logged out every once in a while even though I tell the browser to remember my login info. Wonder if my browser has some sort of expire feature or something...
Anyhoo... Logansport. Hrm. You're pretty close to Lafayette. is there a DZ up that way or do you have to drive a little?
Blue Skies!

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That's a great idea, Ben!!
Here's what we do, we invite Sis and rodeochicchick to England. Only we don't tell them about the permanently crap weather and hoof-in-mouth closed DZs. Also don't tell rodechicchick that all our cattle are poorly. Then when they get here, we set up some indoor rodeo action (aka dirt-dives)!!! Woo-hoo!! Now don't tell FFF whatever you do!;)
umm, Ben I think I know where we are going wrong...
[drop till you party!]

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"Hey, Skymama - how did the convention end up? Did you impress lots of strange men with your skydiving stories???"
Hey Frank-
Thanks for asking. Vegas was great! My winnings only added up to $35, so no free jumps.:( On the plus side, I did make lots of new male friends with my skydiving stories. Those whimps wouldn't even go on the roller coasters there, so they thought I was somethin'! The women on the other hand...they wern't as friendly. Could it have been the leather skirt and low cut sweater I wore one night? Or, was it me showing their husbands at dinner my (air brush) tattoo I got around my belly button?! Hmmm...quite a mystery!:D

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You don't have to sell lottery tickets. I'm a very friendly girl and would be happy to jump anyone. excuse me I meant jump with anyone. If you really want to jump with me just offer to buy me a few jump tickets, offer me a nice place to stay for the night, and I'll get to you just as soon as I can!!

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Ben, and Leonid's Let arrives at Langar next week!!!
:)Who cares if it stays on the ground, we can still use it right?;)
[drop till you party!]
PS Ben were you at Langar last week for Paul's 40th birthday party? Man, we all got a bit smashed and one of the Red Devil's tried to bite one of my fingers off (it still works though).

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Nah, wasn't there last weekend. Anything good happen? What's the gossip? When does the Let get here?
I was out on my motorbike with a bunch of others, tearing up the east coast, harassing all and sundry with our bikes. Man, Italian V-twins sound SOOO good.
Anyway, I'm getting away from the subject... Yup, RodeoChic there is loads of room in the Let for fun and frolicks! 20-22 Girls with room to spare! Hmm, that's an idea! How are we gonna talk the rest of the babes on here into coming and visiting?

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I live in Indiana, and my username comes from my love of Rodeo dives.

Rodeo dives kick ass.. I've done a few of 'em.. On one of 'em, I flew base and 3 people jumped on my back.. We started fallin so damn fast the camera flyer couldn't keep up on his head.. Pre-planned breakoff was 5k.. At 5k, I pulled my knees to my chest and threw my arms out to throw 'em all off.. Two went immediately, but I couldn't get rid of one of 'em until 3k.. We tumbled every which way from 5k to 3k.. She had some damn strong legs.. I dated her for a while after that dive.. :)Mike

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Hi...Skydive Hotlanta...Regency-Hyatt House...Revolving Domed Restaurant...Beautiful view of the largest city in the South...Elegant rooms...Candle-lit bubble baths...Roses...All the jumps you can do in two days...And transport in one of the fastest Pro-Street Rods in the state...
(Triple F)

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Hi...Skydive Hotlanta...Regency-Hyatt House...Revolving Domed Restaurant...Beautiful view of the largest city in he South...Elegant rooms...Candle-lit bubble baths...Roses...All the jumps you can do in two days...And transport in one of the fastest Pro-Street Rods in the state...

youll have to excuse our buddy FFF. hes a bit *excited* what with him getting his old handle back and all. hes usually more conservative and really shy. yeah right! hes a hot dog just lookin for the righ bun! lol. where the hell did that analogy come from? oh man, i really am a dork! lol

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