
Jumping while stressed

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When I am really stressed out all I can think about is jumping to make everything better. Some of the jumpers I tend to hang out with have said that it's dangerous to jump when you're really stressed. They think that in an emergency situation you may not be able to think clearly. Everytime I have ever jumped to "clear my head" I've come down in an amazing mood. Lord knows I've had alot of crap going on lately and the jumping is really helping me stay sane right now. Any thoughts on this?

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Well, I can only speak from personal experience but...the last thing that I am thinking of when I am in the plane, in freefall or at pulltime is the rest of the world. I have one thing on my mind and it is what I am doing at that moment in time. Nothing gets me in a better mood than jumping. I supposed if you were in a depressed state, it wouldnt be a very good idea to jump. I also suppose that if you are stressed than you may forget to do a proper gear check or turn your cypress on or something, but that is why we have other people do redundant gear checks, right?
"I'll jump anything!"

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Being stressed is such a relative term…. What is “trauma” for you may be a easy to handle for me. There are no guidelines or rules to go by. You know yourself better than anyone. If you are feeling so overwhelmed by what ever it is that is causing you stress, then you need to check yourself…….. Take a beak and get some perspective. Skydiving requires, no, it demands your full attention to every detail. If your mind is not clear and able to concentrate of what you are about to do, then I would suggest that is your signal to take a break.

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I agree Fruce...it depends on the level of stress you're having. Day-to-day work stress, life stress, etcetera is something I don't mind blowing outta my head with a little skydiving. However, when it was serious heavy-duty stress, like when my mom was in the hospital in critical condition, the last place I should ever be is in a plane getting ready to jump out. My mind would've just not been on it.
So I guess it just depends on what kind/how bad the stress is, in my opinion.

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I was referring to alot of work stress, irritating drivers, the things I deal with day to day. Nothing too serious I guess. It's just that when I show up to the dz in a bad mood I know all I need is a skydive to get me back in my happy place! Thanks for the responses. Pammi - being relatively new I don't know how the situation with your mom turned out. Everything OK?

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I've found that when I am stressed, posting nude pics of myself to this forum really helps.
I recommend that all you ladies try it whenever you feel stressed. If you are at all unsure about this, then feel free to mail the pics to me beforehand (skreamer69@hotmail.com) and I will happily screwtinize them for you.
Dr. Skreamer
FAI BPA A-license
[on knees praying]

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the last thing that I am thinking of when I am in the plane, in freefall or at pulltime is the rest of the world. I have one thing on my mind and it is what I am doing at that moment in time.

I'm with Skyslut on this one - skydiving clears the mind - that is one of the best things about it for me - I DON'T think about all the stress of the daily mundane routine when I'm at the DZ... its's a wonderful distraction.

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Pammi - being relatively new I don't know how the situation with your mom turned out. Everything OK?

Thanks for asking RC, yes...she's doing very well. It was very unexpected (a massive stroke causing both carotid arteries and the ascending aorta to tear badly) since she's always been in pretty good health. I think it gave her a new understanding of my skydiving seeing how things like that can happen regardless of how 'careful' you are! She has never liked my doing it, but will actually talk with me about it now :) I, of course, didn't jump during that month she was in the hospital recovering enough for surgery, and by that time it was Xmas then bad weather, so just now getting back into it about two months ago. It's great to be back!!

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It was very unexpected (a massive stroke causing both carotid arteries and the ascending aorta to tear badly)

Sorry to hear about your mom, Pammie. I know how hard that can be. My m-in-law had a stroke about 4 years ago, and has left-side paralysis along with some loss of her mental faculties. Also, right after it happened, my hubby's dad decided to check himself permanently out of the picture. So we've ended up taking care of her...in our home for the first year, and now we have her in a care facility near our home. It seems like things go along pretty smoothly for awhile, and then we'll hit this big deep valley where it seems like nothing goes right, and we end up emotionally drained and financially burdened. Some things happened with her this past Friday that sunk us right into one of those valleys.
So...we abandoned the problems for a day and went jumpin!! All day Saturday, I totally forgot about the situation and I didn't worry about how I was going to get everything worked out...I just had fun! I think jumping did more to help me with the problems we're facing than anything else could have. I started in fresh on Monday working through possible solutions for the problem. We'll get through it all ok, I think, but I'll probably need to go jumping every weekend! hehehe
Blue Skies

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to my knowlege only 3 guys have posted themselves nakie on this site. me, iflyme, and skyhalk........so i guess you haven't been stressed lately.....you should though...maybe we could get the ladies to finnaly post some that arn't over 15 years old.

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wingnut, I so totally did post a nudie pic - it just happened to be very cold that day which is why you don't remember seeing *it*, I even had my flaps showing...
Now clear something up for me, wingi

...maybe we could get the ladies to finnaly post some that arn't over 15 years old.

Do you mean the ladies or the pics mustn't be over 15 years old??? I'm getting a bit concerned about you, maybe that nut needs a bit of tightening... :o
[drop till you party!]

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So are you in...or are you OUT?

Of what, the closet? I am just so confused, somebody please make me some hot chocolate and give me a hug (no skyhawk, you CAN'T stick your finger up my bum)...
as for

and finally show us your cards

Do you want to play rummy with us or see our winkies??? You are making no sense you silly silly girl.
[drop till you party!]

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if you look back in the archives you'll find some pics the girls posted....they were nakie....but they were babie pics so they don't count. i was talking about pics over 15 years old not the age of the person in them.

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First of all I would like to say to wingnut that I did post naked pix on the web...so there's one for the team lol...and as far as the jump. I won't jump Perris naked...HOWEVER...I am totally game for Elsinore...except why don't we do it when alot of people will be there...I know they're having alot of upcoming events...
BITE ME.... :P

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