
Some newbie questions

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I'm a bit bigger chump than normal skydivers, I weigh 110kg ~ 240lbs what canopy would you recommend. I thing I'm falling rather quickly with my student 270. You think I should ever get an downgrade?

You guys think It would be not safe jumping with bike downhill helmet? Why not?

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What canopy? Not a small one. You're not going to want a small canopy. Pick one with soft opening characteristics and good flare authority. You're fall rate will never be slow so you don't want a canopy prone to hard openings. Pay attention to your packing. Particularly the line stows. You might even look into a speed bag from jump shack. Big reserve. A large PD or a large optimum. You're actually going to be over weight on most canopies. In theory it would be best to put you in a TSO-c23b container but containers are not really the fail point.

Get a loose jump suit. Might even want to think swoop cords. It's old school but it works. You'll have to learn to fly them.

A bike helmet actually has far better protection then any skydiving helmet. It needs to be clean and with good vision. Make sure it's not snag able from behind like under the back of your head.


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I came off of student status jumping a PD230 at a weight of 240 plus gear for years. This is an older canopy "F-111" type fabric, so I wouldn't see a modern ZP 230 being a problem.
Just my 2 cents

Not saying you should do what I did. Just showing an example that if your instructors and you think you are ready a 230 isn't totally unreasonable

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A bike helmet actually has far better protection then any skydiving helmet. It needs to be clean and with good vision. Make sure it's not snag able from behind like under the back of your head.

I fear the snagging is going to be the major issue, especially with the style of bike helmets I'm thinking about, no visor (separate goggles) and sunshield on the top. They look to me to be rather snag-happy.

As for canopy, there is nothing wrong with jumping a big canopy for a long while. I can recommend the Navigator. It's a student canopy available in student sizes, but it still handles like a sports canopy (but with plenty of margin for error). Also, talk with your instructors about this, they know your proficiency and flying better than a bunch of random people on the internet.

In my personal opinion, downsizing is overrated. There are two main goals a canopy should meet. It should bring you to the ground safely, and it should be fun (not scary) to fly. How much emphasis you put on each of those goals is a personal preference, but neither requires you to downsize like a maniac. There's often much more fun and learning to be gained from big canopies than you initially think.

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I can't comment on your canopy choice, that is something that you need to discuss with your instructors and the people who know how you fly. As others have said a bike helmet is actually more safe than a skydiving helmet. I would advise against using a XC style helmet because it is snag city. A BMX helmet would be ok because it is the same style as many skydiving helmets and is impact rated.

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I came off of student status jumping a PD230 at a weight of 240 plus gear for years. This is an older canopy "F-111" type fabric, so I wouldn't see a modern ZP 230 being a problem.
Just my 2 cents

Not saying you should do what I did. Just showing an example that if your instructors and you think you are ready a 230 isn't totally unreasonable

That would be a terrible recommendation. F111 canopies don't fly well above 1:0 wingload. Especially for a brand new jumper...

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As others have said a bike helmet is actually more safe than a skydiving helmet.

In terms of impact rating only.

It needs that caveat right after that sentence.

For the OP:

You need a helmet that is comfy, doesn't' obstruct your vision, and critically has no snag points associated with it.
Actual impact protection is a way down the list for skydiving unless you're doing HP landings IMO.
In general, the impacts you'll get in this sport are things like hitting your head on the door jam on exit, or getting a boot to the head in freefall. It's not the 'what if I hit the ground' protection that some beginners imagine.

For HP landings & speedflying I used a paragliding helmet. That has the impact protection AND jaw protection of a full face. Not only that, they're about a quarter the price of a skydiving one.
The drawback - the chin piece is longer than you'd find on a skydiving fullface. That has its own potentially serious drawbacks...

Like most things in skydiving, it's going to be a compromise. Just make sure you know what you're compromising on. If you don't have the experience to know it, ask folks who might. :)

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Actually I agree but as I said a more modern canopy a ZP 230 isn't out of the question when and if he gets to the point that he and his instructors think he has the skill to handle it. I started in the 80s when the PD 9 cell was the hot canopy I wouldn't recommend a full f-111 canopy these days, to many other and better options. imho

Also a 230 still puts him slightly under 1.2 wl so in answer to his question he is only stuck on a 270 if he is comfortable with that size and performance, nothing wrong with that either ,fly what you are comfortable with and can handle in all situations.

No need to downsize I haven't and don't really intend to I like nice cushy landings

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