
Repeat Question About Spotting

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I know I "should" be able to find this in a search becasue I have asked, and was answered, before. However, search after search and one by one inspection of all my posts turns up nothing. It seems the old thread is no longer there:S

Anyway, I do fairly well at spotting and have on multiple ocasions spotted an outter load from 14k due to GPS problems and have never landed anyone off. This has always been under somewhat moderate wind conditions and I am interested in the math behind spotting for more severe conditions. I know how to average wind direction and velocity and how to look for dog legs (however I would not mind reading this again if someone has a good link) but once that is done, what formula to you apply to get the horizontal distance from landing to opening to exit. I am almost positive the answer I got before used a constant of 25 for under canopy and 3 for freefall drift, but I can not find the formula that uses these constants.

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