
quad wants to skydive in PA....need advice!

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Hi, I am new to dropzone.com. I went for the first time, about 5 years ago and want to go again, with a friend of mine (she's sort of my boss...).

I work as a private duty nurse aide, for a quadriplegic woman and she has expressed a desire to skydive. We live in central Pennsylvania and I was wondering if anybody knows of any DZ's somewhere in PA, that can accommodate a quad?

I'm new to this and other than writing or calling numerous DZs, I don't know where to begin,...so I thought I'd ask around a bit and try to get advice.

Thanks and have a great day!!!;)

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The correct spelling is "quadriplegic" and do a Search... There's some good news that may be able to help! (Just make sure you type the exact spelling into the Search box)

Make sure it's a properly equipped centre that has done it before.

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thank you both for your quick replies. I actually ran the spellcheck on my comp and it didn't catch the incorrect spelling. Anyways, I also wrote emails to a few DZ's and either Don or Darlene got back to me already and said that they actually don't do that and suggested I contact Maytown. So, I just did that.

Where is Crosskeys?

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If you get to western Canada, Edmonton Skydive had a quadriplegic jumper who got pied a couple of years ago for his 100th jump. www.edmontonskydive.com and follow links for Dave McCullough or for Bernie Cyr. They might know someone in your area.
Es gibt nur zwei Dinge welche unendlich sind: das Universum und die menschliche Dummheit, wobei ich mir beim Ersten nicht ganz sicher bin..

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The correct spelling is "quadriplegic" and do a Search....

Or quadraplegic, depending where your from...


BTW Pedant is spelled P-E-D-A-N-T

Pronunciation: 'pe-dant
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle French, from Italian pedante
1 obsolete : a male schoolteacher
2 a : one who makes a show of knowledge b : one who is unimaginative or who unduly emphasizes minutiae in the presentation or use of knowledge c : a formalist or precisionist in teaching

Maybe she just wanted some advice not just a smartass "it is spelled" and "do a search".....but maybe that's just me:S

Journey not destination.....

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I jump at both Maytown and Chambersburg.

Cburg has a bigger staff and a king air (probably a bit easier exit for you than a cessna. I would definitely suggest calling there, talk with Kathie. www.skydivingcenter.net is the web page. manifest@skydivingcenter.net is the email addy. Phone is 1800-526-3497. Very friendly DZ and wonderful staff.

If you do jump, let me know, I'll introduce my husband and myself, so you'll already know a couple folks at the DZ. We're there every weekend since we both pack.


Do or do not, there is no try -Yoda

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wow...thank you all soooo much for your help! I have been corresponding with quite a few different dropzones and the most promising right now looks to be either crosskeys in NJ or skys the limit, also in NJ.

skys the limit said they've taken "people with disabilities" before, but failed to say if they have any experience with quads. I only wrote to crosskeys today (monday AM) and haven't heard back just yet (but it's only monday nite), but I know you guys said they've dealt with quads before....and I think it'd be better to go where they have the experience, just so our minds are a little more at ease.

But, thanks once again for the ideas and keep 'em coming, if you don't mind!!

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thanks once again, for everybody's help. I finally called crosskeys (after not hearing from them, all week) and they got back to me and said they can take us! I'm so excited...I suppose now it's just a matter of helping Nancy realize she wants to do this and calm her down. I hope she follows through with it, but only time will tell!!!

But, I just wanted to say thanks again to all you's for helping me out and your input! I couldn't have found crosskeys without ya's!!!

Have a great weekend!

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This post is addressed to 'skydog':


Maybe she just wanted some advice not just a smartass "it is spelled" and "do a search".....but maybe that's just me

You're confusing me with someone else more annoying ;)

I gave her a very helpful tip because I tested a search on the two spellings and saw a lot of GREAT heartwarming success stories with the minor modification of the spelling.

The least helpful "do a search" nitpick posts are the people who never test them out -- those are the smartasses. ;)

What I did was actually check www.merriamwebster.com thesarus, then I did a search on the original misspelled term, and then a search on the corrected spelled term, and found a lot of good news.

So, I argue my point that I was definitely being helpful rather than being a smartass, because I actually did my homework.

As proof that I did my homework, I present success stories:

I'm not one of the persons who blindly tells people to search - I just doublechecked, and that the happy stories only occured here with the correct spelling. So, my post was genuinely helpful, as you can see from the proof above...

I HATE the people who tells newbies to "PLEASE SEARCH" without TESTING it prior to see if it was simply a case of an unhelpful search engine.
I genuinely simply avoided being one of those annoying smartasses.

Next time, please make the distinction between a smartass and a helpful person. [nudge, nudge] ;)

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Come on Mark-give the Yanks a break. It's been over two hundred years since they quit speaking English.:P
Thanks for doing my job. I'm the one who usually tells people that if they can spell, they can find material with search engines.
Es gibt nur zwei Dinge welche unendlich sind: das Universum und die menschliche Dummheit, wobei ich mir beim Ersten nicht ganz sicher bin..

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