
Newest Deaf AFF graduate!!

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Billy Lane is our newest Deaf Skydiver and AFF graduate!!! He completed the initial training program at Skydive The Farm yesterday, just in time before the weather rolled in.

Thanks to all The Farm's staff and instructors for letting me come and help. Really, Billy made our jobs easy, as he's a natural for the sport. He does have survival instincts! On the first jump two weeks ago, he got confused over the altitude and his flight plan that he ended up landing in the backyard of the house across the street from the DZ, right in the middle between the house, garage, high-voltage power lines, trees, and 4 dogs running amok in the fenced-in yard, and he did a perfect PLF landing, got up and dusted himself off. Wow... I don't think I could have done it my first time.

The last jump he made, level 7, after following instructions to follow a pre-determined left hand pattern in a certain location and land facing away from the hangar all day, the wind changed. He made the decision on his own to check the flag and land into the wind, facing the hangar. Had his softest and best standup landing! Now THAT's the way to end a great weekend!

Billy, when you turn 21, you OWE BEER, boy!!! :D:D:D

Great job and thanks for having me along for the ride as assisting coach and videographer.

"Mediocre people don't like high achievers, and high achievers don't like mediocre people." - SIX TIME National Champion coach Nick Saban

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Congrats to Billy. ;)


Thanks :ph34r: I'm happiest person to be skydiver! Billy V, and everyone. I will come back to Skydive the Farm to jump more in Mid-September! Hope to get License A sooner! ;)
Flyin' Dawg or SkyDog

"To understand is to forgive, even oneself."

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Wow, that was fast!

Maybe I'll be able to met up with you all during your next Deaf Record. It's been a long time since I've seen John and it would be a great excuse to get my interpreting skills back up to speed since I'm out of that career now.

Again, congrats to Billy Lane.
May your trails be crooked, winding, lonesome, dangerous, leading to the most amazing view. May your mountains rise into and above the clouds. - Edward Abbey

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It was great seeing you guys working!! It was wonderful meeting you Billy Vance and your student has so much to learn from you! Can't wait to see you guys back at the farm!!


Billy, when you turn 21, you OWE BEER, boy!!!

We look forward to the beer you owe!!

Congrats and enjoy the sky!!

Muff Brother # 3883, SCR # 14796 ICD # 1 - Pres.
Yeah, I noticed and I think it's funny!

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Why does he have to turn 21 Billy? If he has 30 bucks i will go and buy the beer. A case of heineken should be good

do you realize that when you critisize people you dont know over the internet, you become part of a growing society of twats? ARE YOU ONE OF THEM?

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Billy Lane is our newest Deaf Skydiver and AFF graduate!!! He completed the initial training program at Skydive The Farm yesterday, just in time before the weather rolled in.

Thanks to all The Farm's staff and instructors for letting me come and help. Really, Billy made our jobs easy, as he's a natural for the sport. He does have survival instincts! On the first jump two weeks ago, he got confused over the altitude and his flight plan that he ended up landing in the backyard of the house across the street from the DZ, right in the middle between the house, garage, high-voltage power lines, trees, and 4 dogs running amok in the fenced-in yard, and he did a perfect PLF landing, got up and dusted himself off. Wow... I don't think I could have done it my first time.

The last jump he made, level 7, after following instructions to follow a pre-determined left hand pattern in a certain location and land facing away from the hangar all day, the wind changed. He made the decision on his own to check the flag and land into the wind, facing the hangar. Had his softest and best standup landing! Now THAT's the way to end a great weekend!

Billy, when you turn 21, you OWE BEER, boy!!! :D:D:D

Great job and thanks for having me along for the ride as assisting coach and videographer.


Thanks for announce about this to everyone ;) You still up for Sept 16-17th? If can't, that's fine. Let me know. :ph34r:
Flyin' Dawg or SkyDog

"To understand is to forgive, even oneself."

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Hey lil' BRO! I can't tell you how PROUD I am of you! You gave me the BEST weekend in a LONG time, and I can't wait until September when you go BOOGIE!!

I'm starting to save up my $$$ so I can go through th levels and jump with ya! Hmmm....maybe I'll have to see about that when we go back to the Farm in Sept...we shall seeeee!!! Love you!


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Thanks for announce about this to everyone ;) You still up for Sept 16-17th? If can't, that's fine. Let me know. :ph34r:

Billy, I should be able to make it that weekend. I checked with my wife and we didn't have anything planned that weekend. It's perfect anyway because I'm out of town for the next two weekends, and I'd get to stay home and relax the weekend before the boogie.

However, it is probably going to be too hot to bring the baby for that weekend. My wife said if The Farm has another boogie in October, we would all go. :)
"Mediocre people don't like high achievers, and high achievers don't like mediocre people." - SIX TIME National Champion coach Nick Saban

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Thanks for announce about this to everyone ;) You still up for Sept 16-17th? If can't, that's fine. Let me know. :ph34r:

Billy, I should be able to make it that weekend. I checked with my wife and we didn't have anything planned that weekend. It's perfect anyway because I'm out of town for the next two weekends, and I'd get to stay home and relax the weekend before the boogie.

However, it is probably going to be too hot to bring the baby for that weekend. My wife said if The Farm has another boogie in October, we would all go. :)

Are you tell me, that weekend (Sept 16-17) is a boogie? If so, good! =) Seem like The Farm have boogie every month! :D:D:D Meet more new people! By the way, I finally got USPA member as student before License A yetersday.
Flyin' Dawg or SkyDog

"To understand is to forgive, even oneself."

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Are you tell me, that weekend (Sept 16-17) is a boogie? If so, good! =) Seem like The Farm have boogie every month! :D:D:D Meet more new people! By the way, I finally got USPA member as student before License A yetersday.

Yeah, they have a $139 all you can jump boogie that weekend. I would be glad to coach you through your transition jumps. B|

Hey, in the meantime, why don't you get with Andrew Christain and see if he can spend a day or weekend with you and teach you how to pack a main canopy? Of course, you can always have a packer pack it for you at the boogie for $5 per packjob, but it's nice to be able to do it yourself. We would want to be able to jump as much as we can. ;)
"Mediocre people don't like high achievers, and high achievers don't like mediocre people." - SIX TIME National Champion coach Nick Saban

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Yeah, they have a $139 all you can jump boogie that weekend. I would be glad to coach you through your transition jumps. B|

Hey, in the meantime, why don't you get with Andrew Christain and see if he can spend a day or weekend with you and teach you how to pack a main canopy? Of course, you can always have a packer pack it for you at the boogie for $5 per packjob, but it's nice to be able to do it yourself. We would want to be able to jump as much as we can. ;)

That's definitely sound good. I will make sure to contact him for learning packing main canopy... That's way I can packin' PD 230 at The Farm... I'm wonderin' does it include to pay rental gear at The Farm for boogie?
Flyin' Dawg or SkyDog

"To understand is to forgive, even oneself."

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That's definitely sound good. I will make sure to contact him for learning packing main canopy... That's way I can packin' PD 230 at The Farm... I'm wonderin' does it include to pay rental gear at The Farm for boogie?

I didn't see anything on their website about gear rental, but I'd think you would be paying something. However, don't bet on that particular rig being available the entire weekend if it's a student rig.

PM Hans and see what he says...
"Mediocre people don't like high achievers, and high achievers don't like mediocre people." - SIX TIME National Champion coach Nick Saban

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Grr. Andrew Christian haven't contact me back for teachin' packin before boogie. Anyway, I'm still come for Skydive the Farm boogie in mid-Sept! I hope to see Billy V. up there!

PS: Billy Vance, If Andrew Christian haven't respond back about teaching packin main canopy, could you teach me in some way at boogie before first load and jump? I could owe you anything for it! ;)
Flyin' Dawg or SkyDog

"To understand is to forgive, even oneself."

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I'll get in touch with Andrew and see if he'll help you. If he doesn't come through, you can try the newest DZ located somewhere just north of the Florida state line in extreme southeast Georgia. I forget the name of it, but Packing Cathy is the owner. She's a famous packer well known for going to boogies and the WFFC. There's a thread in the Events and Places forum, I think. Yep, here's the link: http://www.dropzone.com/cgi-bin/forum/gforum.cgi?post=2394753;sb=post_latest_reply;so=ASC;forum_view=forum_view_collapsed;;page=unread#unread

Of course, if all else fails, I'll help you. ;)
"Mediocre people don't like high achievers, and high achievers don't like mediocre people." - SIX TIME National Champion coach Nick Saban

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I'll get in touch with Andrew and see if he'll help you. If he doesn't come through, you can try the newest DZ located somewhere just north of the Florida state line in extreme southeast Georgia. I forget the name of it, but Packing Cathy is the owner.

Oh thanks for everything as attempt contact Andrew and Cathy. Yes I heard about new dropzone in St. Mary. It once closed before but it reopen now. Georgia need more dropzones! B| I would like to learn pack a main at anywhere or at the Farm, since it's $15 packjob which Hans said. Sheesh, I tho it's $5. [:/]
Flyin' Dawg or SkyDog

"To understand is to forgive, even oneself."

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I would like to learn pack a main at anywhere or at the Farm, since it's $15 packjob which Hans said. Sheesh, I tho it's $5. [:/]

It's $15, per jump, for gear rental. If you pack your own rental parachute, you get $5 back (for the packjob). Hope that clears it up a bit.


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What about the Chuting star frequent card. If you get so many reserve rides in 1 year do you get a free pack job? So is my reservy all nice and packed for this week-end

do you realize that when you critisize people you dont know over the internet, you become part of a growing society of twats? ARE YOU ONE OF THEM?

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What about the Chuting star frequent card. If you get so many reserve rides in 1 year do you get a free pack job? So is my reservy all nice and packed for this week-end

Right...funny how that reserve ride happened on the day before your reserve was going to be out of date. :P I know you probably rigged up that Nitro to have those 4 lines break on opening. You like testing out how the Nitro flies sans the middle A/B lines, eh?

But yes, your reserve has been inspected/repacked and is ready to jump. Thanks for untwisting the freebag bridle...you rock! Now I just need Beezy to come through with the new HMA lineset for your Nitro and you'll be set for the weekend...woohoo!


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